Redemption battle. pt.4

Well Hydregion wins. If I got 17 comments then about 9 of them were Hydregion. So here it is. A monstrous Hydregion. Also I think that I made Ash a little too OP so now he must face some tough opponents.

3rd Person's POV

Referee: Trainers send out your final Pokemon.

Tobias: Show them the reason you are my beast. Go my oldest companion HYDREGION

Tobias threw a Pokeball and revealed a Hydregion about 3 times larger then a regular one. It came out and gave a earth shattering roar. The whole stadium was shaking profusely. The referee was already blasted towards the wall. People were being pushed away from their seats. Ash and Tobias stood there tanking it like if it was nothing.

Ash: Well I would have loved to use my own Hydregion against it but I have already prepared a Pokemon f-

Ash was cut of by one of his Pokemon coming out of the watchdex. It was none other then Garchomp. It had heard the roar and was super pumped to battle.

Ash: Garchomp! Are you sure you wanna battle? You were injured during the last battle and he is stronger then that Garchomp. Are you sure.

Garchomp just smirked and let out a roar just a litter weaker as Hydregion. Ash and Tobias knew that Garchomp had not recovered from the last battle but they were going to enjoy this. Suddenly Ash's eye caught something shining on Hydregion's neck. Ash smirked. He knew this will probably be one of his most amazing battle.

Tobias: Hydregion he will be a very powerful opponent but nothing we can't win with our secret weapon.

Hydregion grunted and Smirked at Garchomp. He could sense the Power that the dragon was giving out was just his suppressed one. This excited but angered him. Excited because it will be a battle he has been craving but disappointed because by holding back it looked like Garchomp was looking down on Him. Garchomp was no exception from the excitement.

Tobias: Use Tri-Attack

All 3 heads of Hydregion started to power up different attacks and released it towards Garchomp. Garchomp looked at Ash who just nodded. Suddenly Garchomp disappeared and soon reappeared behind Hydregion with its fin glowing white. It was brick break. The attack made contact and made Hydregion fall to the ground with barely a scratch. Hydregion looked at Garchomp and waited for Tobias's command.

Tobias: Use Dragon Rush. Keep using it until you make contact.

Ash: Garchomp go underground. Use Dig.

Tobias: Instead of chasing him into the hole attack the ground.

Hydregion was covered in blue colored Dragon shape draconic energy and rushed at Garchomp who dug into the ground. Suddenly instead of chasing Garchomp, Hydregion made contact with the ground bursting it open and would have pushed any normal Pokemon out of the ground but this was Ash's Pokemon and this technique to counter dig was an old one whose counter was already made by Ash. Tobias and Hydregion looked around for Garchomp to come out in an injured condition but it didn't come up. Tobias thought that Garchomp had fainted in the ground and couldn't come up but his eyes landed on the smirk on Ash's face which drained all the color from Tobias's face.

Tobias: Where is Garchomp and why are you smirking?

Ash: Well it is an old technique to counter dig which can easily be countered by speed. To be honest, we have used dig so many times that it has created a big compartment underground. Garchomp being my Pokemon would right now be sipping on some good tea underground.

Tobias: When was the Compartment created?

Ash: Well when Infernape used dig he was creating it. When the attack that hit your Garchomp was not full powered it made contact with the ground making more space. Then right now when Garchomp used dig he was going wild. He completed the room. And now I think that Garchomp is well Rested its time. GARCHOMP DRAGON PULSE.

Suddenly from behind Tobias just slightly above his right shoulder came a big turquoise dragon shaped beam. It immediately made contact with Hydregion and threw him off balance pushing him into the ground and hurting him but still could take 10 more hits like that and have storage for more.

Tobias: What the..?

Ash: Well when I was speaking he came out from behind you as soon as I was about to finish speaking.

Tobias turned to look at Ash who was still smirking. He suddenly realized something which he didn't before. The ground was smoking and burning up. Hydregion stood up with many bruised and burns on his head and shoulder but also damage from the Dragon Pulse on his back. Tobias was now skeptical to why Garchomp's attack did this much damage. He knew it was a super effective hit but this was overly powerful. As if Garchomp wasn't hurt from the previous battle. He turned to look at Garchomp who looked completely fine. This made him even more suspicious. Garchomp flew infront of Ash and a growling Hydregion.

Tobias: How come all its bruises have been healed?

Ash: Simple. Rest.

Tobias was now Gritting his teeth for letting his guard down. He was blaming Ash's creativity to divert his mind from the battle and making him let his Guard down.

Tobias: Well that's cheating. You made me busy in talking to you while you powered up your Pokemon.

Ash: Oh don't be such a baby. Stop complaining and go all out before I knock him out.

Tobias: What do you mean?

Ash: I can sense a mega stone from a distance of a few hundred miles. Do you think that I wouldn't sense it from over here?

Tobias: You caught me. Let's go all out Hydregion. MEGA EVOLVE.

Hydregion was covered in a blinding light and started to grow in size. Its body started to change shape. Soon the glow disappeared to reveal....

Mega Hydregion. Ash smirked while Garchomp got in a battle position sensing the power. Tobias was smiling for once. And not a satisfied smile but a big goofy grin. Ash looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

Ash: Man if I used to grin like that in my matches then I was a big goofy idiot.

Suddenly he heard multiple voices from the crowd. He looked at the crowd to see that it was about 7 different girls with Diantha, Serena and Lillie beside them. The 7 girls were:

And they all yelled the same thing at the same time. All of the girls had a little blush as well as a goofy face which was rare for Cynthia who was known as one of the most composed Champion.

Harem girls: You still are a big goofy idiot. You didn't change much.

And true to their words Ash gave his same old signature goofy grin.

Ash: Guess Old habits die hard.

      Ash soon realized something. The number of girls was 9 in total. In the prophecy there were 10 girls mention. That means that these women were the ones in the Prophecy.

Ash *thoughts: Well I am just too lucky.

Tobias: Well looks like your Harem grew about 5 times in size.

Ash: Believe me. I am just as surprised as you are

Ash turned around towards the battlefield to see that Hydregion was nowhere to be seen. Ash started looking around. Then he looked at his Garchomp who was looking around with him. Ash could easily sense where he was but he decided not to. If he defeated Tobias without loosing even a Pokemon it would be an insult which he didn't want. Also Garchomp only liked using Mega Evolution when Ash would be in danger or if he wanted to show off which he did very often.

Tobias: Now Hydregion Dragon Rush.

Ash: Dragon Pulse. Stop it in its tracks as soon as it appears.

Soon Hydregion appeared behind Garchomp and was already covered in a Royal Blue Dragon shaped beam and was rushing at Garchomp who in the nick of time used Dragon pulse and slowed it down.

Tobias: Hydregion change of plans. Use Dragon Pulse as well.

Hydregion moved back a little and used Dragon Pulse from the middle head. Garchomp continued the Dragon Pulse as well and it soon turned into a Dragon Pulse battle.

Tobias: Now Hydregion use your Other heads to charge a Dragon Pulse each and Attack.

Garchomp couldn't move. If he tried to dodge then he would be hit with one and If he doesn't he will be hit by two. It was a futile attempt. If he tried anything then there would be the same out come. So he did what he could. He poured every ounce of power he had into the Attack. His Dragon Pulse moved through the center one hitting Hydregion who grunted while the other two had attacked Garchomp. There was a smoke cloud. The outcome was clear. Garchomp had fainted. Soon the smoke cleared to reveal a battered up Mega Hydregion and a fainted Garchomp.

Referee: Garchomp is unable to battle. Trainer Ash send out your next Pokemon.

Ash: Finally! One of my Pokemon fainted. Well Tobias, Hydregion is strong. It earned my respect. To show my respect I will use a Pokemon whose Mega evolution is created by me myself. Go Aeigislash.

Ash tapped the watchdex to reveal a shiny Aeigislash. Everyone's jaw was hitting the floor. Finding an Aeigislash was hard enough. You were considered lucky if you found one. But to find a shiny? Its just beyond impressive.

Tobias: You have a shiny Aeigislash and it can mega evolve. Dude is that a zoroark? A shiny aeigislash is just to good to be true.

Ash: To prove it isn't a Zoroark you can take the first move.

Tobias: Gladly. Hydregion Double Hit.

Hydregion rushed at Aeigislash and used double hit but Aeigaslash just stood there. The attack hit him but it wasn't faced by it. Hydregion retreated and waited for a command.

Tobias: Ash please Mega Evolve him. I wanna see it.

Ash: Let's Go Aeigislash. Show them the Power of the dead King that hides within you. Come on out and show them why you were feared in the battlefield when you were alive and even after you died people fear your sword and shield. Lets go MEGA EVOLVE.

Aeigislash started to glow and suddenly from the sword a shadow started to come out. A human shaped shadow. Soon it grabbed the sword and shield and took a position of a warrior. The glow suddenly dissipated to reveal Mega Aeigislash.

(The one in the back)


veryone was beyond shocked now. First a shiny Aeigislash. Now it can mega evolve. Just what is going on?

Tobias: So this is the ghost that possesses the sword. Wow!

Ash: I know. Impressive right?! Let's end this. What do you say.

Tobias: Sure!

Ash: Use Sacred Sword.

Tobias: Use Tri-Attack.

All 3 heads of Hydregion started to Power up a different move each and released it at Aeigislash who just brought its shield up and stopped the Attack. Then rushed at Hydregion at a speed which broke the sound barrier. Only a swoosh was heard and then Aeigislash appeared in front of Hydregion with a blue long and glowing sword in hand. It stated to slash Hydregion Mercilessly. Soon it stopped and vanished. It appeared in front of Ash who had a smirk and Tobias who was just staring in disbelief. Suddenly Hydregion fell to the ground reverting back to its original form and had swirls in his eyes.

Referee: Hydregion is unable to battle. All of Tobias's Pokemon have been defeated so that Means Ash wins and will progress to the next round.

Ash returned Aeigislash and walked up to Tobias who was appreciating Hydregion for its work. He was about to return him when Ash stopped him. Ash walked up to Hydregion and his hands glowed. Soon all of Hydregion's wounds were healed and he was good as new. Ash shook hands with Tobias and turned to Hydregion who was floating beside Tobias.

Ash: Hydregion! Focus on having fun rather then winning. Be calm, collected and unpredictable. That is the Key to power. Next time when we battle I might use one of my stronger ones.

Hydregion grunted while Tobias smiled and nodded. They both turned around and walked back into the tunnel. Both proud of what they achieved.

So finally Ash and Tobias' battle came to an end. Now next chapter will be focused on the things that happened between the girls during Ash and Tobias' battle. Which included things like:How they approached Serena and Lillie? What they talked about and shit like that. So stay tuned for a harem. Hope you guys are not getting bored by this. Love you all Take care❤❤✌✌
