
Ash's POV

       'Be ready traitors. Ash Ketchum is coming.' As soon as I thought that. I rushed to my beautiful girlfriends. I still have a hard time believing the fact that I have the ability to romantically love more then 1 women. Perks of being the Chosen one and the greatest Aura Guardian. I soon met them and said "Girls. Get ready. Time to show the world that the Ones they called weak are now the ones who they all fear. We are all invited by Scott to a Pokemon Master tournament. Get ready we leave in an hour." They were first shocked but soon asked "Why one hour? When does the Championship start? And How the heck does Scott know about our Location?"

        I sighed and replied "We leave in an hour cuz as far as I know Scott, the Tournament will be in about a week or two. And about Scott knowing our Location I think that Scott was searching for us and he did some research. He might know my father's name Red. Also after our disappearance in about a few months three people showed up on mount silver. One guy two girls. The guy had a Pikachu, one girl had a Delphox and the other one had an Alolan Ninetails. Also the guy had 30 Tauros and a weird Greninja. Every challenger to challenge us lost. I think he just put two and two together. He isn't that big  of an idiot." The girls nodded. They went to their rooms and started packing. Soon they came with their Pokewatches. An invention by yours truly.

       If you wanna know what Pokewatches are. They are watch versions of the Supreme Dex. I created two clones and made watches out of them. In the end they didn't blow up in my face unlike Clemont. I had already packed my stuff cuz I didn't need anything. Being an Aura Guardian means having Access to Aura Pouches. They are like rooms but in a Dimension full of Aura. I always keep all my Good in them. I kept all the Girls Luggage in there. We each took out a Pokeball. We threw it and first came out my Pidgeot. Then from Serena's Pokeball came out her female Noivern and In the End Lillie brought out her Braviary. We sat on each and started to fly towards Alola.

*Time skip 2 hours.*

      Two Hours later we reached Alola. Any other Pokemon would have taken a day and night but our Pokemon have trained to the brink of death. But still my Pidgeot could have brought me here in one hour but I had to keep an eye on the girls. We landed on Melemele Island's Forest. I put on my cloak and hood. We started walking to the Pokemon Center. Soon we reached and registered under our original names. But told them we will reveal our identity soon enough.

      As soon as we registered we heard a few voices which I hated. The girls had changed a lot in their looks. So, they didn't care if anyone recognized them. Meanwhile. I had become more muscular and the lightning bolt marks on my cheeks had vanished. But I still had the same eye color as well as skin tone. I could change my eye color but red glowing eyes would catch a lot of attention. I kept my hood down until I heard the sound of someone who seemed familiar. But he  was walking with the traitors. I soon recognized him as Calem. The guy I humiliated in the Kalos league. He walked up to Serena and Trip walked to Lillie. I was mad. The girls quickly grabbed my hands to calm me down cuz they knew. On Mt Silver whenever a challenger flirts with these two. Hate to brake it to ya. That challenger would always end up in Rayquaza's Lunch or Dinner. I calmed myself down. Calem came to Serena and said.

Calem: Hello beautiful. Wanna be happy? He asked in a seductive tone.

Serena: I already am. Move out of the way pervert. She replied.

Meanwhile with Trip.

Trip: He cutie pie. Let's enjoy the night inside my private hotel room.

Lillie: Fuck off. Already with someone. She replied holding my hand up.

Trip: He seems extremely weak. Not worthy of you beauty. Come on.

I had lost my cool I replied

Ash/Red: Well if you want these girls you have to go through me.

Calem: I am the Champion of Kalos while he is the winner of the Sinnoh league. You think you can handle both of us?

Ash: Want to battle or too scared to battle?


Ash: And if you loose you will apologize to these two girls and roam around in just your Boxers during the Opening Ceremony of the League. Deal?

Calem and Trip: Deal.

       I just smirked and Lillie and Serena started laughing cuz they knew the two of these will end up insulting themselves. We walked to the Battlefield and Brock said "I'll be the Referee." I just replied with "As you have any other choice." My beautiful girlfriends started laughing while holding their stomach. Brock soon announced "This will be an unofficial 1v2 battle between the winner of the Sinnoh league Trip and Kalos Champion Calem verses.... Hey buddy what is your name." I replied in a cold tone "Red of Mt Silver." As soon as I said that I could feel the fear these words strikes in the hearts of every single should present. Guess the people know of the infamous Red the trainer from Mt Silver. The trainer who defeated Lance the Champion of Kanto and Jhoto with only a Pikachu. Calem's and Trip's mouths were hitting the floor.

        I smirked and said "From the looks of it. It seems like you all know me." Calem was the first one to recover he soon said "Even if you are the one from Mt silver. We will defeat you. Let's do this Trip. Absol battle mode." He threw out a Pokeball to reveal an Absol. It was injured and had wounds all over its body. I was mad I soon said "Hey your Absol is badly injured. Don't you take care of it?" He just scoffed and said "So what? Pokemon are tools meant to be used for battle. They shouldn't be treated with love. There was a trainer who treated his Pokemon with love and what did it achieve him. He lost all the leagues he competed in except one which doesn't count." I knew he was talking about me. Soon I said "Lets battle." Trip threw his Pokeball to reveal his Serperior. I used my infamous catchphrase. "Gardevoir I choose you." Soon my shiny Gardevoir appeared and the Audience was even more shocked. I had a shiny and it had a Mega stone on its hands in the form of a bracelet.

Brock: Battle begin.......

That is it for today. I know terrible cliffhanger. But I will try my best to update as soon as possible. Thank you to all my readers. Love you all equally. Take care.❤❤✌✌
