
3rd Person's POV

We see a young man standing on top of Mt silver with a yellow cute but mighty rodent on his shoulder. To his left was a Blue bipedal frog like Pokemon who had his tongue wrapped around his neck like a scarf. To his right is a black and white Bipedal Dog like Pokemon. It has Spikes coming out of the back side of his paws and Chest. Behind him we see a whole Pokemon team and many legendaries. There are many many Pokemon there. The Boy was wearing a Blue jacket with a black undershirt and black jeans and black and red shoes. On his wrist were two watch like wrist bands. One was a Z ring the other was a mega stone holder. This boy was known as the Devil or Monster of Mt Silver. His name known to the world was Ash Ketchum. But now he goes by the name Red Satoshi.

Ash's Pov

         It has been 5 years. 5 years ago that dreadful day happened. The day Ash Ketchum died and Red Satoshi was born.

        Five years ago I was excited to be at the place I called home. I finally became the first champion of Alola. I am right now on route 1 going to pallet town. Suddenly I hear a sound of a pidgeot. I rush towards that direction and see a big majestic and elegant Pidgeot fighting a huge fearow. I realized who that pidgeot is. It was mine. I soon wanted this battle to end. I yelled "Pikachu thunderbolt and pidgeot use hurricane." Pidgeot looked at me and smiled. Pikachu jumped off of my shoulder and released a powerful thunderbolt followed by a hurricane from pidgeot. The fearow was knocked out by the two attacks. I took out a pokeball and threw it at fearow. It rolled 3 times then a ding was heard. I smiled and picked up the pokeball. Pidgeot came towards me and opened its wings and hugged me. I was happy and so was Pikachu. Pidgeot was one of my most loyal Pokemon and it still is. We separated and I asked "Now that the Fearow is gone. What are you gonna do?" I just looked at me and signalled at my pocket which held my pokeballs. I smiled and said "You want to join me again?" It nodded. I smiled and searched my bag and found an old pokeball.

        I pointed it at Pidgeot and it got sucked in. I smiled and started running back home. I reached home to hear some yelling. I looked through the window to see.
Standing on one side were:

On the other side were:

     All of them had an angry expression the group with may and my mom were yelling things like "He has to give up his dream. he only won a championship at a region which barely anyone knows." "He can't do it. he must focus on his family." and shit like this is waiting for me at my house after I finally won a championship. I looked at the group with Paul were shocked but soon Paul yelled "REALLY? YOU DUMBASSES THINK HE IS WEAK. NONE OF YOU WOULD BE IN THIS PLACE IF IT WEREN'T FOR ASH." I had had enough. I bursted through the door and looked at everyone. The group with May and 'Mom' looked at me with anger prominent in their eyes. I walked in Like nothing happened and acted that i was shocked to see all my traveling companions.

        I soon said "Long time no see guys. I don't mean in a wrong way but what are you all doing here.?" 'Mom' yelled "WE WANT YOU TO GIVE UP YOUR STUPID DREAM." I still kept my act of a shocked person and I was extremely furious. Pikachu had sparks coming out of his cheeks. I noticed that my surroundings looked like they were turning a little shade of silver and golden. I looked at everyone and heard Brock mutter "Aura". I knew I was supposed to be an Aura guardian and my Aura was above and beyond any human in history. I was shocked that I unlocked it. I looked At Serena and noticed her eyes were glowing. As if someone is using psychic on her. I knew she was under control. I walked up to Serena and held her face. She didn't move. I leaned in and kissed her. It was actually a way to transfer some of my Aura into her to snap her out of it. I started searching in her memories and found a blocked memory. I used Aura to unlock it and saw that Max used Gallade to hypnotize her.

          I pulled her towards the group who supported me. I looked at the traitors and said "Anything else you want to say?" Brock stepped forward and said "Ash you know you should spend time with you mother. She feels lonely here. Look she lives in such a small house while her son is on a world tour and is probably the richest kid on earth. Look she is so miserable." I looked at Delia and I have to say she would have won the Hoopa Acting award for the century. She was crying. But I didn't feel any pity towards her.

       I looked at the group and said "Anything else?" Iris said "You are such a kid. You should be more responsible." Max said "Ash seriously. If I had your Pokemon I would be the world champion. You can't even raise your Pokemon correctly." I replied "Says the person who isn't even a trainer." Then I turned to Iris. "Iris at least I am not afraid of any type of Pokemon unlike you who shits her pants if she spots an ice or fairy type."

          Then I looked at Delia. "Delia! I'm seriously shocked that you thought I wouldn't know about my biological parents death. Do you think I don't know How my father had to witness the love of his life being raped in front of him and he couldn't do a thing about it. How my mother would have felt when you and your precious Giovanni Raped her in front of her husband. After that you tortured my father until he died in front of her. You and Giovanni gave my mother to some Team Rocket grunts to be used as a sex toy. After that she was killed. You only took care of me because you knew I was the chosen one. You brought me up because you knew I was meant for greatness. Do you think I am that dumb to even see a huge tattoo of Arceus with some writing in an ancient language. You just wanted to use me. Also you used my own DNA with Mew's to create Mewtwo. Just so he could be your slave and you could conquer the world. Remember Delia, I will be back for my revenge. Even from you all traitors. Be ready." I said this and looked at my true friends. Everyone was beyond shocked at my true history. They didn't expect that behind that jolly, loving, happy and determined boy was an unforgiving past which he never spoke about. I said to the loyal ones that "Guys I am leaving. We will meet again."

        I stepped out of the house and ran to professor Oak's Lab. I was about to enter when I heard a voice.

???: Chosen One. You have unlocked you powers. Now take your Pokemon and then bring them to mount silver.
Me: Who are you?
Arceus: Chosen one its me Arceus.
Ash: Okay lord Arceus. I will be there.

       After that I ran into the Lab and saw Professor Oak. He saw my face and asked "What is wrong Ash?" I explained each and everything. He was shocked to hear the truth about my parents and furious would be an Understatement. He Quickly went to his computer and took out a device connected to it. He rushed to me and gave it to me. I asked what it is and he replied "It is my newest invention. It is called a Supreme Dex. You can carry unlimited Pokemon in it and it can be used for communication. It can also hold all your money for you." I smiled and hugged him. I ran to the backyard and called for Balbasaur. He came and shot a solar beam into the sky. Soon I saw all my Pokemon there. I told them the story and they were mad. I saw many of my Pokemon evolve into their 2nd or final evolution due to their hatred. They included
Squirtle (Officer Jenny sent him back cuz he missed Ash.)

       I called them all in my Pokedex except of Charizard. I sat on Charizard and went to my house to protect my friends. I landed to see all traitors attacking the ones loyal to me. I ordered Pikachu to use Counter shield tactic. I returned Charizard and as I was walking up to Serena and Lillie they suddenly yelled "LOOK BEHIND YOU." I looked only to see a charging Mega Steelix. He was about to use Iron tail when my Supreme dex started to glow and a Pokemon came out. It was no one other then Muk. It got hit by the super effective steel type move. I looked in Horror at my Pokemon. It died protecting me. My pal Died. I was horrified. I signalled my loyal friends to leave. Each and everyone took out a Pokeball and released a flying type. They went away. As Gladion went with Sawyer, Bonnie with Alain, Paul With Gary, Mallow with Lana, and Sophocles With Kiawe. Lillie and Serena didn't have any flying Pokemon I brought out Talonflame and Pidgeot. The two sat on these. I looked behind to see the traitors coming close. The Pokemon in front if us with the traitors were:
Max had Gallade
Brock had Mega Steelix
Misty had Mega Gyrados
Iris had Haxorus
May had Mega blazekin
Clemont had Luxray
Cilen had semisage
Trip had serperior
Delia had an Arcanine
Drew had Flygon
Miette had Slurpuff

          I quickly brought out Charizard and signalled everyone to leave and told Talonflame and Pidgeot to follow me. We started flying towards Mt Silver. We reached there in about 2 hours. It was freezing. But Talonflame and Charizard started using flamethrower and overheat. We used the flame to heat ourselves up. I started walking towards the top with the girls until I heard a sound.

*Ale Hoopa Ring.*

So this is it for today hope you like it. This is my first betrayal Story so please tell me what do you think about it. Also here you go UltimateGoomba this guy/girl has been a huge support to me. It is you all due to whom I get the dedication and strength to write. Thank you for reading. Love you all bye.
