
Ash's POV

Max: What's Up Weakling. Give me your Pokemon and we might leave you alive. Or else you will die today.

     I show a scared expression and look at Serena and Lillie. All three of us look at each other then burst out laughing. Serena and Lillie were holding their stomach's and I was rolling on the ground. Like seriously, he is trying to threaten me. He knows who I am. He knows I am the monster of Mt Silver.

Me: How about this Maxy? A battle between you and me. I will use 2 Pokemon and you can use all of yours. What do you say?

I knew I hit the spot because he was shaking with anger. Maxy is a nickname which he hates. My group was laughing at the nickname. He yelled a 'FINE'. I just chuckled. We walked to the stadium and took our positions. Lillie became the Referee. Max brought out a pokeball and I opened a tab in my watch. I smirked. I knew Max was gonna cry when he sees my Pokemon. Max threw out a Sceptile. I smirked evilly and yelled "Max don't go crying to your sister after you meet my Pokemon." He was mad. He was about to say something when I clicked the Watchdex. There was a blur light and as soon as it vanished there stood the wish Pokemon. I looked at Max's dumbfounded expression and felt happy. Man it feels good to see your enemy in pain. He quickly wiped his tears and started Yelling at me.

Jirachi: Ash what is this asshole doing here? You know I want to kill him.
Ash: No Jirachi. Be calm for now. We will get our chance but now we have a battle at hand.
Jirachi *Smiled evilly*: This will be sweet sweet revenge.
Max: Jirachi. Its me. Max. your friend remember.
Jirachi: Well. No I don't care Max. you are, were and will always be what you are. A tunnel sized fucked butthole.

        Me and my loyal friends couldn't handle the insult Jirachi gave Max. We were laughing like there is no tomorrow. I got a hold of myself and said.

Me: Well Max. If you have even a Tad bit of respect left. Which I am pretty sure you don't cuz Jirachi is on fire. Still even if you have you will try to give me a fight. I am bored bitch. Let's do this.
Max: If I win you give Jirachi to me.
Jirachi: Maxy Maxy Maxy. You don't realize it do you? You all lost the day you betrayed Ash.
Max: Jirachi why are you siding with this weakling loser.

       As soon as he said that the whole battlefield began to shake. I knew what was going on. My watch Dex was going wild. I kept my hand above it and started to send some of my Aura into the WatchDex to calm my Pokemon down. It worked and the battlefield became stable again. I sighed in relief. I looked around and saw the traitors along with Sophocles standing there. May quickly rushed to Max's side and threw out Blaziken. I smirked. I said.

Me: Let's make it a double battle. May now don't start crying after this. You May regret your decision. I choose you.

      I said this and out came the prince of the seas. Manaphy. He looked at me and jumped in my Arms yelling "Deda" over and over. I smiled and started rocking it side to side as if he is my own child. Which is kind of true. I am considered Manaphy's Father among all the legendaries and Mythicals. I looked at Manaphy and telepathically said "Manaphy. Today is the day we teach May a lesson." I looked at May and she was crying. I knew I hit the spot. Manaphy soon noticed May and acted like he didn't saw her. I knew May's heart shattered at that moment. I smiled. Manaphy jumped out of my Arms and yelled "Deda, where is Mama? Manaphy want hugs." May smiled. She thought she Manaphy was referring to her. I smiled and said "There they are Manaphy." Pointing at Serena and Lillie. May yelled "YOU SON OF A BITCH I AM HIS MAMA." I smiled and Manaphy said "Dada. What is this Hoe doing here?" I was surprised at his language. I never cussed in front of Manaphy. I asked

Me: Manaphy before that. Who taught you to cuss?
Manaphy: Uncle Giratina taught me that. Is it something wrong?
Me: Now Manaphy. Promise me you will not say these words from now on.
Manaphy: Okay. I promise on May's life that I won't say words like bitch.
May: Why my life?
Manaphy: Shut up bitch.

        I can't handle it now. As much as I hate the fact of Manaphy cussing but I just can't handle this. It is too damn hilarious. I composed myself and said.

Me: Now Manaphy. That's enough. Go get hugs from Mama and then we will play.
Manaphy: Yay. Hugs from mama and then battles.

     I smiled at his cuteness. He walked to Serena and Lillie. He hugged them and then came back to the battlefield. It took a fighting posture and was ready to battle. May and Max were in no condition to battle. They both brought out Mega stones and Mega evolved their Septile and Blaziken.

May's mega Blaziken

Max's Mega sceptile.



      I smirked and the battle began. Max yelled out Leaf Blade. May yelled out Blaze Kick. I called out Flash canon at power 10% And Water Pulse at power 10% as well. Manaphy and Jirachi's Attacks made contact before their Pokemon cane close Manaphy and Jirachi's attacks had already made contact. There was a smoke screen there and after that cleared an unconscious Sceptile and an unconscious Blaziken were found. I complimented Jirachi and Manaphy for their work and then returned them. I started to walk off leaving a stunned traitors group. I took the hands of Lillie and Serena and started walking away after saying bye to my real friends group which was equally stunned by the power. We got to our room and changed into our PJs. After that we snuggled up and slept. I have a match tomorrow.

So there you have it. Another chapter for today. I was bored and my schools are reopening so there will be slow updates but not too slow. Love you all✌✌❤❤
