Reality is Harsh

3rd person's POV

Diantha: Is that the professor from Alola ?The one you said was like a father figure to you?

Ash: Yup but guess what? He has a habit of calling people cousin but fun fact. He turned out to be our youngest Uncle.

P.Kukui: Well nephew. Man this is hard. Well done Ash. Looks like you finally found your sister. Nice to meet you again Diantha.

Diantha: So you are the Kukui from Alola. You used to be the person who wrote each and every battle tactic, trick, movements even Catchphrases.

P.Kukui: That's me cous- I mean Nie- what the.... I'll stick with Diantha.

Diantha: Yup that's what you called me in our childhood. Also you told be about a kid who had an Alolan native Torracat. The one you named Moves Kahuna. You told me he nailed a Z-Move on his first try. Right?

P.Kukui: Yeah. I still have no luck in finding him. Man he would love all these challenges.

Ash: What if you have already met him but didn't recognize him.

P.Kukui: Of course I would have recognized him. He would be about 5 years older then me.

Ash: Professor. He disappeared from that timeline because he was sent to that time by an accident from Celebi.

P.Kukui: How would you know?

Ash: Because I am that boy. That Torracat was my Incineroar.

P.Kukui: Why didn't you tell me that you traveled to the past?

Ash: You never Asked.

Lance: Okay hate to ruin the moment but can I have my battle.

Ash: Okay. Lillie you're up.

Lillie: Okay Ashy as you wish.

Ash went to the center of the field and Lillie went to the opposite side of Lance.

Ash: This is a battle between a man whose job has to be done by a teenager to keep peace in the world. He is no one other then the Champion of Kanto and Jhoto Lance. He is up against one of the Queens of Mt. Silver the ice lover Lillie.

Lance: Hey. Its not my fault you do my job better then me.

Ash: Yeah yeah. A fucking ten year old was going around the world stopping evil teams from executing their world domination plans while you and your Gay ass was doing Arceus knows what with your G-Men.

Lance blushed in embarrassment while the others chuckled. Him being a gay was a secret only the Champions knew.

Lance: Just get on with the battle.

Ash: Trainers sent out your Pokemon.

Lance sent out his ace. Dragonite.

While Lillie sent out her Abomasnow.

Abomasnow immediately activated its ability Snow Warning and released a hailstorm. It weakened Dragonite a little while Abomosnow was gaining power from it.

Ash: Let the battle begin.

Lance: Dragonite use Ice Punch.

Lillie: Counter with your Ice Punch.

Dragonite rushed at Abomosnow with a white glowing hand while Abomasnow stood its ground with his hand glowing white as well. As soon as Dragonite reached Abomasnow both of them made a move. Their fists collided and Both of the Pokemon were pushed back.

Lance: Fly up and use Flamethrower.

Lillie: Use Ice Beam.

Dragonite released a flaming wave while Abomasnow used what looked like white colored lightning but in reality it was an Ice Beam. Both the moves collided and created smoke.

Lance: Lillie you are good but if that is all you got then you will loose eventually.

Lillie: Oh we were serious. I was warming Abomasnow up. Lance if you are serious to go all out then play time's over.

Abomasnow removed a little fur from its wrists and showed a Mega Stone while Lillie brought out a glove. It was a fingerless white glove with a key stone in the middle.

Lillie: Abomasnow let's go. The flames we have burning inside our hearts. Let's make them one and unleash the beast. MEGA EVOLVE.

Abomasnow was engulfed into a blinding light and started to change its traits. When the glow vanished it showed a Mega Abomasnow.

Lance: Dragonite no holding back. Go full power Dragon Rush.

Dragonite was engulfed into a Royal Blue dragon like structure. He rushed at Abomasnow and was about to land a hit when Lillie yelled.

Lillie: Abomasnow Hammer Arm quick.

Abomasnow's front claws were immedietly overed in a green jade like structure. He immedietly punched Dragonite. Both of them were pushed back again. The collision between moves went on for some time. Now Both Pokemon were on their Last leg. Lillie decided to use her trump card combo.

Lillie: Use Attract.

Lance: WHAT?????

Abomasnow winked at Dragonite and Dragonite couldn't dodge. Dragonite's eyes were covered with hearts.

Lillie: Checkmate. Use Hammer Ice Punch.

Abomosnow's arm was first covered into his jade fist glow then into a white colored while keeping its shape and a tint of green. Abomasnow punched Dragonite and Dragonite was pushed into the wall. Dragonite's eyes were taken by the very familiar swirls.

Ash: The winner is Lillie.

Lance sighed while every person in the room was clapping for Lillie.

P.Kukui: Excellent Lillie. I am impressed by your and Serena's power. You guys must have trained hard to defeat a champion.

Ash: Yeah they worked hard.

Lillie/Serena: Not as hard as you. You used to pass out every once in a while.

Ash: True.

Everyone was congratulating and talking about tough training schedules but only one person noticed a certain Blonde haired Champion giving Ash a look which was crystal clear that she had a crush on Ash. Diantha smiled while looking at this and nudged Cynthia. And whispered.

Diantha *whisper*: You know he already has a harem. Why don't you join him. If you want I can also sugar coat him about you.

Cynthia: Wh-What do you me-mean?

Diantha: Its clear you have a crush on him and I don't blame you. If he wouldn't be my brother then I would also have a crush on him.

Cynthia: I don't have a crush on Ash.

Diantha: I didn't even mention Ash.

Cynthia: Shit. I do like him but I am almost 5 years older then him.

Diantha: Do you think Ash is judgmental about your age? For him Age is just a number.

Cynthia: Yeah but. Will he let me join?

Diantha: Sure. I can guarantee about that.

Cynthia: Can you ask him for me?

Diantha: Sure. But I have a feeling that his Harem is going to increase in size.

Cynthia: How so?

Diantha: I just know it.

As soon as Diantha said that they door of the private battlefield flew open. There stood 4 females whom Ash had met on his journey. They were.





As soon as they saw Ash they rushed towards him and tackled him into a hug.

Korrina: Ash where have you been?

Hilda: We were so worried.

Skyla: We missed you.

Erika: And How are you alive?

Ash: Okay that's a lot of questions. If you just let me go then I can explain.

The girls: Okay

They let Ash go. Ash started to catch his breath. He then looked at them and then took a deep breath. He started to tell them the part from his betrayal till his journey to Mt. Silver conveniently leaving the part about his meeting with Arceus and the evil teams. They were fuming with anger after hearing about the betrayal.

Korrina: How could Clemont do such a thing? I thought he was like a brother to you.

Hilda: I knew Iris wasn't too close to you but I never thought Cilan would do this.

Skyla/Erika: I agree.

Ash: Yeah. I knew they would show me their true colors eventually. Maybe my win in Alola was the last straw.

Lillie: Probably.

Ash: I also knew Sophocles would fall for their trick. Anyways. Not to be rude but Why are you all here?

Skyla: Of course to meet you.

Hearing this Serena and Lillie growled.

Ash: Oh and BTW meet my girlfriends Lillie and Serena. Serena traveled with me in Kalos. Korrina knows her and This is Lillie she was with me during my Alolan adventure.

Serena and Lillie were happy he told them that they were his girlfriends. The girls suddenly had a crazy idea but decided to act on it later.

Skyla: Wait. Girlfriends? You're not dense anymore? And you have a harem?

Ash: Pretty much.

Erika: Wow! never expected that from you.

Ash: Me neither.

They all shared a laugh and excused themselves from the champions, professors and Goodshow. Ash decided to have his match with Leon and Cynthia tomorrow. They all walked out and Diantha and Cynthia followed Ash and his soon to be harem. Cynthia got close to Diantha and whispered.

Cynthia: Remind me never to doubt your gur feelings.

Diantha: Sure.

They kept walking while asking Ash questions about his 5 year adventure. Ash told them about almost everything including the fact of Diantha being his long lost sister. They were all shocked to hear about Ash's past. Soon Ash and his girlfriends excused themselves. Now only Diantha, Cynthia, Korrina, Skyla, Hilda and Erika were left. There was silence between them. Diantha decided to break the silence.

Diantha: I am impressed. My younger brother is getting all the ladies.

Korrina: W-Wh- what do you me-mean Diantha?

Diantha: Simple. I know all of you have a crush on my younger brother.

All girls blushed but soon their faces turned murderous and there was lightning crackling between them.

Diantha: Okay break it up. Why don't you all share him with Lillie and Serena? I know they wouldn't mind.

Cynthia: But what if Ash doesn't agree?

Diantha: He will. As far as I know Ash he wouldn't mind if Serena and Lillie agree.

The all agreed and decided to talk to Ash about it later.

*Inside Ash's room*

They all change into their PJ's, cuddle and get ready to sleep. Soon they dirfted off to sleep.

*in their dream*

They saw themselves inside a huge space with pillars and bright golden light coming from the corners. Ash was familiar to this place. They soon hear a sound.

???: Welcome back children.

They turned around to see Arceus.

Not mine. I found it on the internet.

The girls are shocked but Ash is just like a casual man meeting an old friend.

Ash: Hey Arc. How has it been? And why did you call these two to the hall of Origins? Something serious?

Arceus: Good to see you again Ash. Also, yes. You see you are the only Aura guardian alive and it is not easy to pass down the generations of the Aura Guardian. So that is why all Aura guardians had a Harem. Also you know about the legends and a prophecy which said that an Arceus will appear blessed with the ability to destroy rather then create. Right?

Ash: Why do I have a bad feeling about this?

Arceus: Well Ash. Their are few things that you should know about yourself before all of this.

Ash: What should I know about myself?

Arceus: Who and what you are?

Ash: I know who I am. I am Ash Ketchum. I am an Aura guardian and also a chosen one.

???: Arceus cut the bullshit. Just tell him.

Everyone turned towards the direction of the voice and saw something which was impossible. There stood another Arceus just a little more grand, cool and older.

Arceus: You see Ash that is the real Arceus. I used to be a human you know. I was a chosen one of my time and was blessed by every single legendary. Like you. But the difference is I was turned into an Arceus whose powers are limited. I became a full Arceus and can be caught in the creations you call Pokeballs. But you are different.

Ash: Exactly because I am not an Arceus. I am a human who has a little bit of Aura from an Arceus.

G.C.O. Arceus: Ash you should know one thing. You are far stronger then any being to ever exist.(G.C.O means Grand Cool and Older.)

Ash: You forgot to put human before being.

G.C.O Arceus: Ash it was on purpose because you are stronger then any being. Even us.

Ash *sarcasm*: Yeah sure. And I can mate with Pokemon.

G.C.O. Arceus: Exactly.

Ash: Wait what.

The heard a lot of laughter's from the whole hall. They soon saw all the other legendaries come out from behind the pillars. They were all laughing at what just happened. Even Arceus and the girls who were frozen to their places were laughing.

G.C.O Arceus: Okay Ash. Close your eyes and every legendary even you young Arceus start powering up you signature attack and release it at Ash and his mates.

All Legendaries: wait. Wouldn't they die.

The girls were also shocked at what they were about to do. They were about to protest but before they could they heard a booming voice coming from no one other then Ash.


G.C.O Arceus: Good use that anger and focus all your Aura into your body. Don't let it leak out. I should stay in their and all legendaries direct you full power attacks at only Ash. No one will question it. Do it. He can take it.

Ash even though angered focused his Aura to stop from leaking out of his body. His Aura started to become dense. Like if his Aura was 1000 in his regular. Now that 1000 was equal to 1. His power was increasing greatly. Soon all legendaries had finished powering up their attacks. Some had tears in their eyes. They didn't wanna hut Ash but they had no choice. They released it at Ash even both the Arceus released 2 judgments but the attacks were in their ball shape not dispersing and hit Ash. Ash's body was already glowing a bright golden. After the attacks made contact it was impossible for even Arceus to hold those attacks without disintegrating but they all were shocked when they heard a scream from Ash. All legendaries were now crying but the scream was so loud that they were surprised Ash didn't disintegrate as soon as the attack hit. They attacks started to get absorbed somewhere and a sphere formed. The sphere was absorbing the attacks. Their was a very bright golden and dark glow. It was blinding. As soon as the light dissipated there was a sight to behold. There in place of Ash stood.........

Cliffhanger. I think you all know what will happen. I don't need to explain but stay tuned to find out the truth about Ash and his soon to be Harem. Love you all❤❤✌✌
