
For those who noticed I changed the cover of the story. Tell me if you like it or not.

Ash's POV

      I woke up at the same time as usual went for my training session, and as I expected the traitors were trying to take my Pokemon. I couldn't care less as all of my Pokemon are in my SupremeDex watch. I had brunch with the two beauties and my real friends. I told them what I did during the time I was missing. They were most shocked when they heard about How I single handedly ended all the evil teams with only one Pokemon by my side. One of the two beasts of my team. They are slightly more powerful then Giratina. And just so you know Giratina is my 2nd strongest Pokemon. The other two are at number one. They always tie with each other in power. Well these two are a surprise for another time. I have a more important task at hand right now. Me and the girls are looking for my real sister. I found that out when I was about to kill Giovanni. He said that I also had a sister who doesn't know about her reality. When I looked at some old files before destroying the Team Rocket HQ I found out who she was. But I will tell her the truth today.

     After breakfast we went to the Pokemon center to see who we are matched up against. I was matched against Max. Oh that boy will cry. Serena was matched up against Dawn and Lillie against May. Well this will be Fun. I was up in 20 minutes. I ran to the tunnel and was waiting for my call. When I sensed a familiar presence. I smirked.

Me: Well its no use of Hiding from an Aura Guardian......... Tobias.

     After I said that from the shadows came Tobias. The person who defeated me in the Sinnoh league.

Tobias: Senses are still as sharp as always Ketchum.
Ash: Well let me warn you Tobias. Your legendary team will be defeated here.
Tobias: Well I see you also have legendaries and Mythical.
Ash: Perks of being the Chosen One.

We both shared a laugh but were cut of by the intercom.

Intercom: Ash Ketchum please repot to the battlefield.
Ash: Well. See you on the field Tobias.
Tobias: Sure Ketchum.

     After that I started to walk out of the tunnel. I reached the battlefield and saw Max smirking. I knew something was wrong. I sensed his Aura and it was giving out a red color. I knew he wanted to harm me. Then I sensed his Pokeballs. His Pokemon are a lot more powerful then the last time. That is unnatural power. I knew he used drugs on them. I was pissed off. The referee stepped up.

Referee: This is a Match between Ash Ketchum of Mt Silver and Max Maple of Petalburg City. Both trainers can use 1 Pokemon each. Mega evolution and Z- Moves are allowed. Now trainers send out your first Pokemon.

Ash: Show them Power with elegance and beauty. Go Gardevoir.

I threw my Pokeball and out came Gardevoir. One of my most trusted Pokemon.

Max: T-That......I-is a s-s-shiny Gardevoir. It doesn't matter I will win. Go Mightyena.

I smirked. I knew from the looks of its eyes that the mightyena was drugged. I made a call because I didn't want to waste my Pokemon's energy. I had already won this fight.

Me: Referee. Please check the Mightyena for any signs of drugs.
Referee: Trainer Ash if the Mightyena is not drugged you will be disqualified for false accusation.
Me: Sure sir. But before you accuse me. Check it.
Me: Well Max if they aren't drugged then you should b confident. Why are you panicking? If they aren't drugged then I would be disqualified. It will be an easy win for you.
Ash: Sorry Max that is not Talking That's Begging.
Referee: Trainer Max if you say another word you will be Disqualified.
Max: You can't do that.
Referee: As a matter of fact I can. I am giving you a warning for questioning my authority.

     After that the Referee walked up to Max's Pokemon and looked at his body. He found few marks at Mightyena's Thigh, Abdominal section and also a change in its eye color. He looked pissed.

Referee: Max Maple you are disqualified for drugging your Pokemon.
Max: I demand you to check Ash's Pokemon as well. He can only defeat me if he drugged his Pokemon.
Me: Sure Ref. Here if you want you can check my other Pokemon as well.
Referee: No sir. That won't be necessary. Can I check you Gardevoir for the confirmation of the public?
Me: No need to ask. You sure can. Don't worry.
Referee: Okay.

     The Referee checks my Pokemon and stands up. He had a proud face. He soon yelled.

Referee: Max Maple. You shall not only be disqualified but punished for false accusation.
Me: Ref. Let the match end after that you sure can disqualify him. I have been waiting for more then 5 years for my revenge. I can't let the moment go to waste.
Referee: But your Pokemon can get severely injured.
Ash: Well Ref. Don't underestimate my Pokemon. They belong to the Monster of Mt Silver. I just want to warn you that if his Pokemon die it is not my fault.
Referee: As you wish Ash. If you loose you will be eliminated as well as Max.
Ash: Okay.

        I grinned evilly. This was a part of my mind games. I give my opponent an evil grin due to which they will make a mistake. That will be my opportunity. And as planned max started sweating.

Max: M-Mightyena use Iron Tail.

        Mightyena's tail glowed a metallic color and he rushed at Gardevoir. I waited for the right moment. As soon as Mightyena was about to hit Gardevoir I nodded. Gardevoir vanished resulting in Mightyena's tail hitting the ground causing a smoke cloud. Just what I wanted. I closed my eyes. And there was a loud painful growl that came from the smoke. Soon the dust cloud settled to reveal a perfectly fine Gardevoir and a barely standing Mightyena. Now time for NY favorite part. I used Aura and told Gardevoir.

Me: Gardevoir, use psychic OK the ground. Lift up some stone shards and start shooting them at my movements.
Gardevoir: Okay. Are you gonna dance?
Ash: That's called boxing.
Gardevoir: yeah yeah. The fancy fist dance.

     Gardevoir seriously hits my nerves when she is in a mood to tease me. Well anyways. As I commanded Gardevoir, she started lifting up some shards from the ground. The battlefield was shaking due to the psychic. I took a basic Boxing position. My right fist was in front of me as well as my right leg. My left fist was covering my chest and left leg was making a pure 60 degree angle. I smirked and everyone was looking at me confused. I started glowing. I was releasing my Aura. My human Aura not the silver and Golden one. I don't want to destroy the Alola region. Gardevoir smirked and also took a position like mine. We both started our punches. Mine were producing air gusts and each punch Gardevoir used was throwing a shard at the already injured Mightyena. We were working in such perfect synchronization that the whole stadium was looking at us in awe and shocked. We were following a specific beat. Soon we were out of shards and Mightyena was out. Well he out cold at the 3 hit but the referee was too dumbstruck to make a call.

Referee: Wow. What perfect synchronization. I mean Mightyena is unable to battle. Gardevoir wins which means Ash is the winner.

     I just walked back into the tunnel with Gardevoir by my side and as always Pikachu on my shoulder. I was welcomed by media and Paparazzi. I knew there was only one way to get out of here.

Me: Gardevoir Teleport.

     Gardevoir used Teleport and we were away from the media and Paparazzi. We were right now at the bleachers beside Lillie. In front of us was the match between Serena and Dawn. I decided to have some fun.


      She looked at me and smiled. Oh man I have killed for that smile. Like literally killed to make the two beauties smile. She nodded signalling she had it under control.

Serena's POV

       Right now I am matched up against Dawn the traitor. This was a one on one match.

Dawn: Mamoswine battle dance.

       I decided to use Ash's Catchphrase when he used a dark type Pokemon

Me: Show them the truth behind the illusion of light. Go Absol.

    I pressed my Supreme Dex to reveal My majestic gift I received from Ash. A shiny Absol with an absolite.

After Absol came out I heard a yell from the crowd. It was Ash

Ash: Hey that's my line.

     I decided to flirt with him.

Me: I am also yours Ashy.

As soon as I said that I saw Ash's face turn red. I looked at Lillie and be both giggled. Soon Dawn ruined the moment.

Dawn: Stop flirting with him. He is mine and you don't deserve him.
Me: You all lost the right to come near him when you betrayed him.

       These words earned a few gasps from the crowd. Dawn gritted her teeth.


       This earned her some disgusted looked from the crowd. I was pissed. I looked at Lillie and she was equally pissed. We both yelled in Unison.

Me/Lillie: You can live in your wonderland and fulfill your disgusting fantasies there. But no one and we mean No one messes with Our Ash.

      Everyone was shocked at the sudden outburst. Well being at Mt Silver had its perks. With Ash's Title of monster of Mt silver, we (Me and Lillie) earned the title of the princesses of Mt Silver.

Me: Let me show you why I am known as the princess of Mt Silver. Absol use Phsyco cut followed by Dark pulse. No holding back.

       Absol followed my command and before Dawn could say a word there was a big dust cloud on the battlefield. The dust cloud cleared to reveal a fuck*- I mean knocked out Mamoswine and a perfectly fine Absol. The Arena was silent. I looked at Ash and he seemed proud. I saw his eyes glistening. He had tears in his eyes and a proud smile. Lillie was also proud and was giving me a round of applause. The whole Arena started cheering. The referee made a call about my victory. I returned Absol to my Supreme Dex, said my thanks to it and looked at the bleachers and saw Ash wasn't there. I knew he would meet me at the other end of the tunnel. I smiled and started walking. On the other side as I expected I was tackled into a hug by Ash and Lillie. Lillie soon separated to give me a moment with Ash. He separated and all I saw on his face and in his eyes was happiness and pride. The two expressions which I have been wanting to see since the betrayal. I saw true happiness. He soon slammed his lips onto mine pulling me into a deep kiss. We kissed until we were out of breaths and we separated.

Me: Ash its Lillie's turn. Let's watch her insult May.
Ash: Right.

He then turned to Lillie and hugged her. He whispered a Best of luck into her ear and then pulled me into the hug as well. Now Ash was hugging the both of us. We melted into his arms and soon Ash said.

Ash: I don't care if we win or loose. I am just grateful that I have two if the most wonderful women in this world as my girlfriends. Thank you for being with me when I needed you the most. I love you and I owe you.

Me and Lillie looked at each other and had an evil look in our eyes.

Me /Lillie: Well we might take up on that offer. Be ready Ashy.

We heard a gulp from ash and we giggled. We soon separated from the hug and Ash said a final Good Luck to Lillie. Lillie nodded with her eyes filled with determination. Me and Ash walked to the bleachers while Lillie walked into the tunnel.

Lillie's POV

I have to win this. Not for myself but for Ash. I walked into the tunnel and now I am standing on the battlefield with May on the otherside. I decided to not do any trash talking neither did I give her a chance.

May: You know you sh-... 
Me: Shut the hell up and start the match.

      The Referee explained the rules and signalled to release out Pokemon. I called out my Dragonite.
While. May called out her Blaziken.



      I decided to end this Quick.

May: Blaziken use bla-.....
Me: Use Ice punch. Followed by dragon pulse if it is still standing use Dragon claw.

I cut her off with my moves. Dragonite appeared behind blaziken and Punched him into the ground. Blaziken didn't get a chance to react when he was hit by a Dragon pulse. After that there was smoke covering the battlefield. Dragonite covered herself in a blue Draconic wave and rushed into the Smoke. Soon there was a sound if an impact and the dust settled. It revealed a passed out Blaziken and a scratch less Dragonite. I patted Dragonite and the referee made a call that I won. I returned Dragonite into my Supreme dex and said my thanks to it and walked back into the tunnel. On the other side it was the same as Serena Ash Tackled me into a hug and gave me a kiss. We separated and Ash suggested that we eat out for today. Me and Serena Agreed. We went to a restaurant had Dinner. After that we decided to call it a night. We slept like a always did after we got together. Both me and Serena snuggled into Ash.

So that is it. I know after a long break a shit like chapter. Sorry for the time taken. I was busy with School si Sorry again. Love you all Take care.❤❤✌✌
