A New Ash

3rd Person's POV

      Here we see a girl with red hair and a good 5.8 height. Beside her is another beautiful dark skinned girl with Brown hair and was a little taller then the other one. These girls were Aria and Shauna.



They came here to meet the person the both of them fell in love with. They decided to share him. The person was no one other then our favorite Ash Ketchum. Both of them were now at the Pokemon center and saw a group which consisted of a few people they knew. The group consisted of Cynthia the Sinnoh Champion, Diantha the Kalos Champion, Korrina the Shalour city Gym leader, Elesa the world class model and a Gym Leader from Unova, Skyla also a Gym leader from Unova and in the end was Hilda. Except of Diantha every single girl had a blush.

Aria: Hey Diantha! What's going on? Why I everyone blushing?

Diantha: Well you see all girls here have a crush on my brother and we were talking about him right now.

Shauna: He must be a lucky guy if so many beautiful women fell for him.

Aria: But Diantha. You never told us you had a brother. Do we know him

Diantha *smirks*: Of course you do. Have you heard of the name Ash Ketchum.

Shauna/Aria *blush*: Yes. He is our crush.

Then they realized what was going on. Apparently all the females excluding Diantha had a crush on Ash. They were all blushing messes.

Diantha: So 2 new additions to the harem. I am impressed. My bother getting all the ladies while I am single over here.

Aria: Don't worry. We can find you a boyfriend.

Diantha: No need Ash will do it for me. He does owe me a favor for this humongous Harem and he also has to compensate for the 10 years he wasn't with me.

Aria: Yeah By the way. You never told us Ash was your bother.

Diantha: Actually I was hypnotized by team Rocket. They blocked my memories so I couldn't remember him. I just had a picture of my Mom and Dad with me and mom holding onto something. It was torn from the part just after my mom. I just knew I had a brother but I didn't knew if he was alive or was killed with Mom and dad.

Aria: Oh I am so sorry to hear that.

Diantha: No worries.

They all continued to talk but they didn't knew about something that their lives would change soon.

*In the Hall of Origin's*

The Hall of Origin's was shaking. There were two Arceus's all legendaries and Mythical with two human females. They were all crying while looking at a Sphere which was absorbing the Attacks from the Legendaries. The Sphere was glowing Black, Purple and some Golden as well. Soon the Sphere started to decrease in size and it cleared to reveal An Arceus. But it was different. Instead of the White color of Arceus I had a black color and its eyes shut tight. It slowly opened them to reveal that its eyes had a sinister deep red color.

The power it was Exerting was unbelievable. But the bigger shock was that both the Arceus's were on their front knees bowing to him. Soon all Legendaries and Mythical Pokemon bowed to the Arceus.

G.C.O Arceus: Well good to finally meet you in your Real form and full Power Ash. Or should I say............Brother.

These words were enough to shake up all the legendaries.

Ash: What Am I?

Arceus: You're the most Ancient prophecy yourself. The Real one from the duo of life. You are the destruction. Only Pure hearted can be forgiven. You are finally at your full power........Darkeus.

Darkeus/Ash: How?

Arceus: Like I said the Ancient Prophecy.

Ash: But what about these two. I can't leave them and I can't stay with them as well. They are too precious for me.

Arceus: Again your Answer is the same. The prophecy.

Ash: What do you me-. Oh yeah. The prophecy did mention me being part human and part Pokemon. Also about my many mates being human rather then Pokemon.

He then realized what he said. He felt the presence of the two women in front of him turn even darker then him.


G.C.O Arceus: My child lis-


G.C.O Arceus: Yes ma'am.

Ash: Girls it is a prophecy I can't do anything about it.

Ash started to glow again and was now back in his human form. He hugged the girls and they melted into the hug.

Lillie: Ash promise us.

Serena: Promise us that you will love us as much as you still do. Not less but more will do.

Ash: Of Course. The prophecy is Huge. The best part of the prophecy is that I will have two mates who will be the ones who will stand by my side when I need the most. And I don't think anyone in the future other then you two can say that they were with me on Mt.Silver suffering with me. Except my Pokemon.

The girls were in tears and the legendaries Mythical and Somehow all of Ash's Pokemon were there smiling at the heart warming scene between their trainer and his loved ones. They knew if someone deserved happiness it was Ash. He sacrificed his life multiple times to help Pokemon. He took in the Pokemon who were abandoned by their previous trainers and now they are his powerhouses. Ash was truly a man with a golden heart.

G.C.O Arceus: Ash you can go back and tomorrow you will meet the rest of your mates. Remember they will be selected by your sister. She will bring them to meet you.

Ash: Okay.

After that everyone was teleported back into Ash's room. Ash still had doubt's about the other girls so he decided to ask his girls.

Ash: Serena, Lillie. If you don't want these girls to be part of this I can always do that. I want you to be happy.

Serena and Lillie were shocked. He was disobeying a God's command for their happiness. Any man would kill for this and he was sacrificing that for his girls. They actually had no problem with this.

Serena: Ash we don't mind. We know that you will love us under any circumstances.

Lillie: Yeah. Actually I now kind of like the Idea of more sisters. I will be nice.

Serena: Yeah.

Ash: Thank you so much. And always remember that you two will keep a special place in my heart no matter what.

The three of them shared a hug and decided to call it a night. They decided to snuggle up and sleep. After a few goodnight kisses they went to sleep.

*Next Morning*

Ash had just returned from training and was sitting with the two girls having breakfast. Soon they were interrupted by their friends. They all sat down beside them and started making conversation. Ash was talking to Gladion about his mother.

Ash: Gladion where is Lusamine? I haven't seen her since I came here.

Gladion: Well she is at her lab. Again looking for Ultra beasts. When I explained about the betrayal. She said she agreed with the traitors. She then tried to make me betray you as well. I didn't do it so she disowned me and Lillie. I didn't tell Lillie because I didn't want to break her heart.

Ash: Oh well anyways. Who am I matched up against next?

???: You are matched up against me Ketchum.

Ash turned around and saw his strongest opponent. Tobias.

Ash: Well Tobias. How about we keep it 4 legendaries and 2 non-legendary.

Tobias: I wouldn't want it any other way but I have a Request.

Ash: Sure.

Tobias: Please don't use that monster you used against the two Champs. I knew he was holding back. And I mean holding a lot back. It was as if he wasn't even warmed up.

Ash: True he was just at 5%

Alain: Ash I have a Question. For how long do you have Charizard.

Ash: Charizard was actually one of my first ever fully evolved Pokemon. He was actually abandoned by his old trainer as a Charmander because he was 'weak' and he was a little smaller then most if his types. This goes for almost all of my Elite Pokemon. Sceptile was an outcast in his group. Infernape abandoned by a trainer who was an ass once but now is a very caring trainer. He was Paul's Chimchar. Greninja never listened to any trainer so he was left back at the lab again and again. It was like this for most of my Pokemon. Abandoned for being weak.

Alain: But if you had that beast why didn't you use it in any other league?

Ash: Well I always liked to give my other Pokemon a chance and it would have been unfair if I just used my legendary killing machines. Like Sceptile defeated a Darkrai. This guy on my shoulder, Pikachu has defeated Regice, Latios, Tapu Koko even Gladion's Silvally. Charizard with just little training defeated Articuno. Most if my aces can and have defeated Legendaries. So I didn't want it to be unfair for others.

Paul: I knew you always held back but I didn't knew this much. Pikachu defeated legendaries but he always had the powers of rookies when you went to a new region.

Ash: Well that was because Pikachu had to give most of his powers to Zekrom.

Everyone: WHAT?

Ash: Yeah. Zekrom is alive because of Pikachu.

Tobias: I am not sure about my victory now. If your non legendaries are at this level then what about you legendaries?

Ash: Well Pikachu comes in my top 6 list. Charizard and Greninja are the 2 monsters of my team. After that are 3 legendaries then Pikachu. Then the list goes on.

Tobias: Wow.

Ash: Well Tobias. Good luck. Let's have a battle to remember.

Tobias: Sure.

They fist bumped and everyone Except Ash and Tobias went to the bleachers. Ash went to his locker room and Tobias went to his. This is the moment for Ash's redemption.

That is it for this chapter. Now next chapter would be Ash vs Tobias. I hope you guys are not getting bored by reading this. Sorry if you are. Love you all take care.❤❤✌✌
