-y/n pov-

I rubbed my eyes as Ren stood in front of me. Today was Saturday, meaning training was going to begin once again. "You tired?" Ren asked as he came over and rubbed my head. I nod,

"Yeah. Its getting harder to sleep at night as the days go on" I state and he looks at me with a small frown,

"I know a lot is happening but dont let it bother you. If youre having problems sleeping you should tell someone so we can get you on meds or have midnight to use her quirk on you" Ren says and I nod,

"I know. I just dont want to be bother"

"You wouldnt be a bother Y/n" Ren claps his hands together, "Anyways for the next few days we are going to work on your stamina. I think youre getting tired not only because your body isnt use to all of this but also maybe because of some stress" He moves to the side and opens the large bag he brought with him. He pulls out two rolled up mats, "Lets do some yoga!" He smiles brightly. He lays out the mats and began to show me different poses that we will be holding for about a minute at a time. I did my best to follow his poses, "Lets talk about some stuff that has been stressing you out" He says as he holds the pose and I copy him.

"I guess everything?" I say and he laughs,

"Be specific little sis" I dont reach his eyes for a second as I was unsure how much I should tell him, "Im your older brother, you know that right?"

I scoffed, "Of course I do"

"Then you can trust me. Im here to support you and be here for you. Please remember that" He changes pose and I do the same.

"Im still pretty upset about loosing Kuroko" I admit and he nods while letting out a soft sigh,

"Thats understandable. Even so, I heard you guys know who is responsible. You have a chance of getting him back"

"But thats just it" I say and he looks over to me, "We know Fortune did it. She was so close to me and has been here for me since the beginning. I cant believe she would even do that to me. I cant believe this entire time she had been working with villains to keep tabs on me. Also we arent even sure if I can get him back."

"You wont if you dont believe you can get him back" He changes his pose again, "Listen, I know its difficult to take it in. This is what life is like and we cant really do anything about them" I sigh as I still couldnt believe she would do this, I really trusted her, "There is one thing we can do"

"And whats that?" I say with an eye roll,

"Instead of allowing it to tear you down by asking 'why would they do this?', you can use it to become stronger. Let your pain be your drive to become stronger to prevent this from happening ever again. 'maybe if I was stronger this wouldnt have happened', you get what I mean?" I nod as he was right. Allowing this information to tear me down does nothing. It solved nothing.

"Youre right" I say as I clench my fist, "Ill get stronger. Ill get Kuroko back" He smiles at me,

"Anything else been keeping you up at night?" He asked and I nod,

"I know your memories have been erased," I started and he nods, "Have you... ever had a dream that felt so real you think it may have been a flashback?" He shakes his head no,

"Ive done some researching on quirks that have the ability to erase memories. These quirks are overpowered but after looking into them, they arent permanent. There are multiple ways to regain some or all of your missing memories. From when I researched, the only way to regain all of your memories is by the user of the quirk returns, basically unlocking locked memories, to you or," He pauses for a second before continuing, "The qurik's user passes away"

"You mean..?"

He nods, "The ways you can get small parts of your memory back is time, your will, and strength. The power of locking your memories away decreases over time and is also weak to will power. Will power being how badly you want to know. There is also raw strength of a person who can break the quirk, which may be why you have flashbacks and I dont"

I tilted my head in confusion, "But im not as strong as you?"

He laughs, "Youre extremely strong y/n. You have more quirks than I have of fingers. Each quirk you gain the stronger you get. That isnt all, you also have the will power to know about your past. Its a lot stronger than mine" He changes position again while giving me an awkward smile, "Sorry, I kind of went off topic. Why were you asking?"

"I was asking because... I think there is more of us" He looks at me with confusion,

"What are you saying?"

I looked around us, "I havent really told anyone about this" I say and he removes himself from the position to stand up,

"Ill keep it between us" He says as he walks closer to me,

"Besides romeo, we have to other brothers" His eyes widened,

"Wait are you serious?"

I shrugged as I also stood up straight, "Im not sure to be honest.. But ive had some flashbacks, I guess, about two other people. Ive called one of them Onii-san in it and one of the flashbacks I had with them... you were there too" Just thinking of that one flashback/dream I wanted to hurl again.

"I was there?" He asked and I nod,

"Remember our last training session I ended up going to the medical ward, which led me to get really sick from nightmares?" He nods, "It felt so real that there is no way it was just a nightmare... but, you were there and so was dad. The two other kids were there as well so it was obvious we were all together at one point... I dont think we are all related, by blood at least."

"Do you remember anything about them?" He asked and I look away. Do I tell him they are currently villains and apart of the League of Villains. One being the leader and the other obviously having high authority within the League of Villains?

"uh," I paused and bit my lip, "No. I dont really remember much" I lie and he nods and puts his hand on my shoulder,

"Dont you think we should tell this to Aizawa or someone? This may be really useful information to find our father-"

"No!" I say quickly and he looks at me surprised, "Im not really sure if its true. We shouldnt send them on some kind of trail and find out in the end it was all just some Nightmares..." I tried covering but Ren gives me a frown,

"Okay. We wont but keep me updated about this" I nod.

In the end I couldnt find myself to look him in the eyes for the rest of the training.


Oh wow, I'm posting today's chapter a few hours earlier than usual. Look at me go lol.

Any-who, how are you guys? Like always, I'm hoping you guys are doing okay :) as for me, I'm not doing too hot. I woke up at 9am (which if you didn't know, is not normal for someone like me who gets up at 3pm) because I felt like I was going to vomit all over the place. I mean, I don't think I'm sick. I'm not running a fever but even now, I still feel like I want to vomit everywhere.

Anyways, hoping you all have a good rest of your day! <3 love all you guys so so so much uwu. I'll see you guys on the flip side! (?)

Next Chapter being posted on Monday, June 29th!! *Actually I may post a chapter tomorrow but I don't know yet. Depends if I have the motivation to make an end card or alive to even post in the first place*

I got tagged again, so here it goes. If you wanna do the tag, feel free haha.

1) Meaning Behind Username?
-There isn't really a meaning behind DuckGoesMeow. I simply just mashed some things that I liked together into a name, hoping I could come up with something catchy. I want a pet duck, my friends see's me as a crazy cat lady, and the joke that ducks don't meow, really appealed to me.
Bam- that's how DuckGoesMeow became a thing.

2) Favorite Book?
-My favorite book is After. I have bought and read the hard cover as well as read the Wattpad version, haha.

3) What's Your Icon And Background?
-My current icon is current Todoroki being HOT AS FUCK (tbh he always is) and my background is a picture I took of the clouds.

4) What Type Of Books Do You Write?
-My genre is romance. Despite the fact that Plunderer isn't exactly romance (I mean it's a BNHA x Reader but Plunderer was supposed to be a Action Fiction, Fantasy, and Superhero Fiction. I'm heavily invested into writing Plunderer so I don't write anything but Plunderer, meaning I can write my romance— meaning a little bit of romance has leaked on to this book.) BUTTT' I do have two other books on here that are both romance and I have an entire unpublished book with 40 different stories that are all romance :)
So. I write romance. Lol.

5) Recommend 3 Books.
-Here are some recommendations for Wattpad books :)

The Gang Leader's Angel {Completed}
By: chub_panda98

By: imaginator1D

Masks (Villains and Vigilantes B1) [TodoXReader]
By: AshRoseEvans

6) Secret About Your Wattpad?
No, I don't think I have any secrets about my Wattpad. Although, if it's asking if my Wattpad is a secret, my closer friends are aware of my Wattpad existing, but I refuse to give them my user so they can read my works. I'm not saying they can't, but if they really want to read it that badly they are going to have to find my account by themselves ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

7) Tag 10 People.
