Here is the match listing from first match to last (from last chapter)
Cementoss vs Kirishima and Sato
Ectoplasm vs Sui and Tokoyami
Power Loader vs Ojiro and Iida
Aizawa vs Todoroki and Momo
13 vs Aoyama and Uraraka
Gramps vs Mina and Kaminari
Uncle Mic vs Jiro and Koji
Snipe vs Shoji and I (y/n)
Midnight vs Sero and Mineta
Uncle Yagi vs Izuku and Katsuki

-y/n pov-

"Lets begin" Aizawa speaks, "The teams will take the practical exam in the order you were called. We have a stage prepared for you. Sato, Kirishima. Youre up first"

"Yes sir!" They say in sync,

"Those waiting their turn to fight can either watch the exams or try to strategize together as a team. It's your choice. Thats all" Aizawa speaks as they began to turn around and walk off, my feet moves as I wanted to ask why exactly I was put up against Snipe, but my feet stop.

"Y/n" Shoji walks over to me and I turn to him,

"Shoji," I say and I smile,

"I think this is the first time weve really ever spoken despite sitting next to each other in class" He speaks and I nod,

"I think so as well. Do you want to try and make up a plan of some sort while we watch in the Monitoring room? Our match isn't until the end so we have plenty of time to think of something" I say and he nods,

"Im fine with that" He speaks as we began to walk, "Also, I dont want to worry you, but I noticed Snipe wasnt given any of those compressed weights when the teacher's were putting them on"

I nod, "I noticed as well. Dont worry much about it" I say as I turn to look at him, "Snipes quirk is Homing, which allows him to control trajectory of any and all of the bullets he shoots. He is precise but compared to us combined, he is at an disadvantage. Its why he wasnt given compressed weights"

"I see,"

"Unfortunately, this is still going to be extremely tricky. We have him beat in both power individually and together we slightly overpower him in speed. Snipe's sensing skill is extremely sharp which is why he actually carries around smoke grenades. We should expect him using one or more in our battle to keep us from running. Now with his guns, I highly doubt he will shoot you in particular. I can avoid them so I know he will be shooting for the hit, meaning be careful standing behind me." I could see the look of confusion on Shoji's face but he doesnt push for answers, "Im assuming that we will get better scores if we captured Snipe, do you agree?"

"Yes, I would figure as much. Will we be attempting to capture him?"

I lift my hand to my chin, "It will be tricky if he uses smoke to get rid of our vision... I cant see in smoke-" My eyes widned, "But you can!" I say as I turn to him excitedly, "We are going for the captured, so here's the plan..."


"Well, Looks like I have my work cut out for me today" Grams says as Izuku, Shoji, and I stood in the monitoring room. The door opens and Uraraka walks in

"Oh, Deku, Y/n, Shoji" Uraraka says and I sweat drop as she walks in alone. I expected that Izuku would have troubles with his teammate but I didnt expect this from Aoyama. "Are you guys watching too? Hi"

"Yeah" Izuku nods, "Its not like we get many chances to watch students in combat with teachers, right?" Izuku slightly sweat drops, "And besides... I dont think Kacchan really wants to talk strategy with me"

"I can see that" Uraraka sighs slightly, "And, uh, my partner is a little preoccupied with himself." I rolled my eyes, I forgot Aoyama was... special. "That's why I thought I'd try and get inspiration from everyone else's battles."

"Smart" Izuku says as Uraraka looks over at me,

"What about you two? Arent going to stratigize?" She asked and I laugh slightly,

"We already have" I say and Uraraka was a little surprised,

"Y/n is extremely knowledgeable with Snipe's quirk and how we can work against it. She's already made a whole plan" Shoji says and I rubbed the back of my head,

"Cant expect anything less from you, y/n" Izuku says with a smile and I laugh.

"Oh wow," Uraraka says in envy.

"Team sato and Kirishima" A voice speaks as something came up on the screen, "Practical exam. ready? Go." We watch as Kirishima and Sato runs down a road towards Cemntoss who stood not far in front of the exit. They stop and jump back as cementoss makes a wall, stopping them in their tracks. We watched them activate their quirks before rushing forward at Cementoss,

"A direct frontal assault" I speak as I shake my head no, "They are going to fail with thinking like that" Cementoss began to produce large walls in their way. Kirishima and Sato began breaking through them but more began to produce.

"I agree" Izuku says next to me,

"huh?" Uraraka asked in question,

"Their quirks are amazing but their is a limit to how long they can use them" Izuku explains and I nod my head, agreeing with him. "They wont last forever because of that."

"Cementoss doesnt have that kind of limit, though. So the more time that passes by the more disadvantage they are at" I say and Uraraka looks at us with worry,

"Thats not good..." Uraraka says

"Its not a coincidence that they were both put up against Mr. Cementoss" Izuku says and I sigh, It is a pretty unfair match but I think thats why they gave us the option to flee. "Mr. Aizawa is putting students against teachers They'll have a hard time against. To pass, we'll have to recognize our weaknesses and overcome them"

"Exactly right" Grams says as she laid back in a chair, "So before it's time for your own final, you should think carefully about your compatibility with the teacher you're fighting"

We continued to watch as Kirishima and Sato struggle. They were becoming tired and no longer able to hold on to their forms. They began to get covered by concrete. Dust takes over as the a buzzer goes off. The dust clears and Kirishima and Sato where laying on the ground, completely knocked out. "Sato and Kirishima have been knocked out. Exam over."

"Its only the first match and Im already needed" Grams says as she got up and began walking out to leave the room. The next exam was going to be Tokoyami and Sui vs Ectoplasm. They were started in the middle of a stage,

"Team Asui and Tokoyami. Practical Exam. Ready? Go!" Suddenly after multiple copies are made of Ectoplasm who surrounded them in a circle. Ectoplasm goes to attack and Tokoyami makes dark shadow grab Sui before flinging her up in the air. She uses her tongue to grab Tokoyami as she grabbed on to the wall. She flings him in the air up above her before pulling herself up to him with her tongue.

"Nice!" Uraraka says,

"An escape only the two of them could pull off!" Izuku says in amazement

"That's good communication" Grams says as she walks back inside of the room, "They are talking to each other. It may not seem like much, but its important. I dont just mean having a sidekick or teammate that you know you match well with. Real heroes need to be able to communicate with anyone" Grams says as she climbs back in her chair,

"So, um" Izuku speaks, "We were talking about these finals and how each student is supposed to be facing their weaknesses."

"Thats right" Grams says nodding her head,

"Okay, so, what do Tokoyami and Asui have to work on? Im having trouble seeing how Mr. Ectoplasm's quirk is a bad match-up against theirs." Izuku says and Uraraka nods,

"Keep watching" Grams says and they turn their heads to the screen. Tokoyami and Asui was running to get out so they could flee to the exit. Suddenly clones surround Tokoyami and Tokoyami begins fighting off the clones. Asui and Tokoyami fights off the clones while trying to run to the exit. "Tokoyami is extremely skilled in long range due to his quirk, which is a strength. But, because of this, he lacks in close combat"

"Wow, I never thought about his powers like that" Uraraka says

"I get it" Izuku says as he watches the screen, "The clones can appear anywhere and at anytime."

"On the other hand," Grams began, "There is Asui. A stellar student with no clear weaknesses. She can provide support to her ally, as powerful as he may be. But she is important in another way, too. Her level-headedness and ability to provide emotional support are the key to them passing."

"Emotional support, huh?" Izuku says. Tokoyami and Asui continues to fight off the clones before they reached the exit, where another Ectoplasm clone stood. Suddenly a larger singular clone is made before them. The clone moves to chomp on the two, making a cloud of dust as the clone gets a mouth full of building. Shoji, Uraraka, and Izuku all gasp.

When the dust disappears, Tokoyami and Asui were trapped. Dark shadow than began to fly out and towards Ectoplasm as it began battling Ectoplasm. I watch as they call Dark shadow back and Asui hands something to Dark shadow. Dark shadow moves down and attacks Ectoplasm which Ectoplasm responds to kicking dark shadow.

My eyes widened when left behind was a yellow cuff that was cuffed to Ectoplasm's leg. "Woah! they leg cuffed him!" Uraraka says as she cheered

"Then they passed! They figured out how to do it! Dark shadow and frog together-- what a great team!" Izuku says in happiness.

"Team Asui and Tokoyami have passed the final!"

Next was Iida and Ojiro vs Power Loader. They pass the exam by fleeing. It was funny how Iida had slung Ojiro in the air after 'fusing', which shot Ojiro right into the door.

"Team Iida and Ojiro have passed the final!"


Hey guys! Sorry for getting today's chapter out super late but I got pretty busy haha- then- I kinda forgot about updating Plunderer... Anyways, hahaha, how are you guys doing?

For me, I start school on the 24th and the next 13 days im going to be working on an assignment I was supposed to finish last month- haha- oops. Lets hope I can read a whole book in 10 days and somehow write an essay after not being in school for 4 months owo.

Anyways, yeah- I dont really have the motivation right now to be writing. Like, all I want to do is lay down and sleep- but all well, i have to get stuff done. 

I hope you all have a good day/night! Remember that I love you <3 My private messages (dm's) are always open for wattpad and other social media platforms (which you can find at the bottom of my profile bio) if you need someone to rant to (:

Guess, imma go now! Bye bye!

also, the next chapters are pretty large- larger than what I normally make for a plunderer chapter- so updating may get a little wonky 
