"They became a problem in the first few generations after superpowers became widespread." Don't tell me... "there were those who sought out potential mates solely with the intention of creating powerful children. Many people were forced into relationships. They were simply viewed as old-fashion arranged marriages. But clearly, it was unethical. My father has not only a rich history of accomplishments, but plenty of money to throw at his problems. He bought my mother's relatives to get his hand on her quirk." Thats when I felt my heart get jabbed, he bought out his mother's family? The hero Endeavor..? "And now he is pushing me to overthrow All Might. It's so annoying. I refuse to be a tool for that scumbag." I shouldn't be listening to this... I tell myself as I back up but something touches my back; when I turned around I see Kuroko- he was preventing me from going anywhere. Usually my own self can go through him; but since our bond has gotten closer and really have been forming one, its at the point he's like a real human being. "In every memory of my mother, I only see her crying. I remember she called my left side unbearable, before she ported boiling water on my face."

"I don't want to listen anymore" I say in a whisper.

"You should listen to his backstory before you make accusations of people y/n. So learn" Kuroko demands and I stop trying to get around him.

"The reason why I picked a fight with you was to show my old man what I was capable of doing. Without having to rely on his damned fire quirk. You see, I'm going to show him that I reject his power, and I can take first place without using it." Todoroki speaks. I hear footsteps- they were quiet but with my hearing vibration quirk, I could make them out just faintly.

Kuroko disappears; signaling that someone was coming. "I thought I heard someone" I hear a familiar voice, "What the hell are you doing down here fire bitch" katsuki barks at me.

"I- I got loss..?" I try to cover up my ass but he gave me an angry glare.

"Don't like bitch. I heard you talking to someone; so who was it?" He growled as he moved and grab a hold of my shirt making me drop my map.

"Ple-ease let me down.." I begged and he throws me up against the wall- holding me there hanging.

"Eavesdropping again? You traitor." He barks and holds on to my shirt even tighter.

"Y/n? Kachan?" I hear izuku's voice. Katsuki didn't notice it but the way he was holding my shirt was cutting off my neck making me unable to breathe. "Kachan! Stop doing that!" Izuku yelled as he quickly noticed that I was being choked. "You're chokin-"

Black electricity started forming around me and electrocutes both of us. I let out a scream of pain as katsuki backs up from me as he also groans in pain. I hit the ground as my body twitches, "goddamn it."

"Y/n! Kachan!" Izuku yells as he runs over to us. He came down next to me first, "y/n! What just happened?!" But that was all I could hear before my head hit the ground; lights out.

[Dream / Maybe a Flash Back?]

"Y/n." A deep voice spoke; opening my eyes I see a man down on his knees with a small girl standing in front of him. I couldn't make out the guy but the girl looked just like me. "I found an interesting quirk today; I want you to have it."

"Another one daddy? I wanna see! I wanna know! Yay!" The little girl cheers, her h/c hair bouncing around as she jumped up and down in excitement. The man brought out his right hand, a small electrical ball in his hand.

"Its small now; meaning you won't be able to use it for awhile. It will grow, stronger and stronger. For when you finally obtain it, you will know your Destiny Y/n" he spoke as he moved it closer to the small child.

It took a few seconds but I realized that it looked exactly the same as a dream I had awhile back ago. Though, it being so long ago, it was a hazy dream that was hard to remember. "Will it hurt daddy? Like the wings..?" The small girl asked as she restrained herself from reaching out to touch the ball.

"It's small enough for you to handle. So it may hurt, but it will be nothing compared to that; it will be alright. Do you want Kurogiri to hold your hand?" The man asked.

Kurogiri!! The same villain from the USJ attack?! The small girl nods and a boy who had mist for a head walks behind her. Grabbing her hand and squeezes it tightly. "There is no reason to be afraid y/n. You will become t-e —cce—or o- y—r —-th-er" I couldn't make out what he said- it was all small fragments- like my brain didn't want to remember. The small girl nods and reaches out for the ball- everything around me goes white.

But soon I started to hear chanting. "Daddy..?" The small y/n voice called out. "Why must I forget?" My Head spins around as I try to look for anything but all I saw was white.

"You're my daughter y/n; you will not forget long. You will grow up to be powerful and strong, to the point the memory loss quirk will stop working and you'll start gaining your memories again. That's when you will know. That's when you will begin your mission."

"Will it make you feel better daddy?" The girl asked and then there was silence.

"Not until you come home."


My eyes opened slowly; was that a dream? Where am I? What happened? I look around the room, instantly realizing where I was. I was in the infirmary room, even though it was built like the one back at UA- there was spots that was a little bit different from there. This was the big Sports festival building.

I sit up and looked around. My eyes first hit the Medical beds around me; no Katsuki, Izuku, or Todoroki was in sight. My eyes moved again and I noticed that Grams was in the room. She was sitting at the desk putting something together.

"Grams?" I called out softly. She turns her head and gives me a look before coming over to me.

"How are you feeling?"

"How long was I out for?" I asked, avoiding her question.

"20 minutes. You have another 5 minutes before the 3rd part of the sports festival starts." She then lets out a sigh as she takes a seat down next to me. "Nezu wanted me to let you know that it is your choice if you want to continue participate; that's if you even woke up. Principal Nezu told me specifically to remind you of what kind of danger you might be putting yourself or others in. He said you came to him and told him you could control your quirk but from what I heard- you didn't only electrocute Bakugo, but you electrocuted yourself."

"I didn't even do it!" I say and she shakes her head.

"You did- you just didn't mean it. you didn't inform us you had that quirk, that's why we know you couldn't control your quirk."

"There was no way she could have known she held that kind of power" Kuroko says as the misty black figure sat down on the medical bed next to me. "It's been keeping itself hidden, when her life was being threatened it unmasked itself and attacked on instinct."

"Kuroko, are you alright?" I asked and the small shadow hand goes up in the air showing me he was okay.

"I got electrocuted as well but I'm just a shadow so it didn't hurt as bad; you also subconsciously protected me with your healing quirk instead of yourself." He comments and I sigh with relief.

"A quirk being able to mask itself..?" Grams questioned and Kuroko puts his hand down.

"Correct. It isn't an ordinary quirk; it's actually an electrical quirk fused with a soul. How it happened is unclear, but since it has made itself noticeable to you officially; she should be able to control it."

"Wait back up" I say as I raised my hands in the air, "a quirk fused with a soul?"

"Yes; What I'm trying to say is the quirk is a auto quirk that will work without the users command. If your life is in danger the quirk will do something, anything, to protect you." He says as she moved off the bed and stood next to me. "Now that you know of it's presence though it most likely won't be much of a problem. For some reason it seemed reluctant, restless, I couldn't get much from it. I'll investigate further though."

"So I cant participate can I?" I asked and he shrugs.

"I would have liked to see you win the sports festival, like you wanted. I know you care far too much for these other students of UA, i wouldn't do it if you doubt you can't control yourself- which unfortunately you are doubting yourself right now."

I let out a small sigh, "right, I forfeit." I look at Grams who has gotten up to look through a book. "Do I still get to watch?"

"Yes but right now I want you to rest up a bit before going out." She says and Kuroko puts his misty shadowed hand on my head and ruffled up my hair.

"I know you're upset; you'll be alright." I nod my head as I looked down and stared at my hands. I want everyone to be safe. That's all I want. Please, I don't want to hurt anyone anymore.

This end card was actually really cute ;-; the words messed it up though, rip.
