That night Izuku called me on my new phone.

"Hey!" I say as I throw myself on my bed, berry running over and jumping next to me.

"Hey y/n.." Izuku says as he seemed a little let down.

"You're calling me pretty early for a check-in with interns" I laugh and I hear him sigh, "that bad?"

"He only tested me once and then left to grab food. Once he came back with frozen dessert he passed out in his bed! I mean, he didn't give me some advice on One For All, but I had to figure it out by myself"

"Sounds rough" I say as my free hand moves to Berry, giving him a nice pat on the head. "What kind of advice did you have to figure out?"

"Because I was born quirkless, I never thought One for All as part of me" my eyebrow raised and he laughs, "I bet that doesn't make much sense though"

"Not really. I mean I think I have an idea. It's kind of more like a physical weapon to you. Like a sword."

"Yeah!" I giggle at his excitement, "so instead of summoning One For All I should have it always on! Like getting a robotic arm or getting a hook"

"Arg!" I giggled as he joined in. "I'm glad you're figuring out about One For All. I mean- that just means I'll have to catch up to you"

"Catch up to me?" Izuku asked as my free-hand goes to my hair and I began to twirl it around my finger. "You're more advanced in knowing how to control your quirk compared to me" I laughed at his comment.

"You think?"

-skip: next day-

"You're up early" Aizawa says as I walk into the kitchen. He stood at the counter pouring himself a cup of coffee. "Since everyone else is out on Internships there is no school"

"Shouldn't I be telling you that?" I asked and he groans.

"I have to go in, school or not. I have to review the reports being sent on our class," he sits down at the island that was in the middle of the kitchen, I took a seat across from him. "That reminds me, Nezu contacted me last night. Fortune is coming to see you"

"Really?!" I clapped excitedly.

"Yeah. She got a few days off and should be over at UA in a few hours. So, after you're done eating head over to UA"

"Alright~!" I say as I jump up and go to the fridge and gathered some eggs for a tasty breakfast.

In the middle of cooking Aizawa told me goodbye before leaving. I finished cooking my delicious breakfast and ate it. When I was finished I made sure everything was cleaned up before rushing to my bedroom and throwing on a random outfit.

It's strange really. Fortune was always a strange woman to me. I honestly the day I met her was pretty strange as well.

I was young and ran off lots of time when I felt overwhelmed or stressed out. It was when I was still new to this area, after I moved in with Aizawa. I ended up running off way to far and Fortune came across me.

That day it was raining. See, my wings have a pretty bad weakness. That weakness; water. Once my wings get wet I have the inability to fly properly, most times, I can't fly at all.

It began to pour while I flew across the sky and before I knew it I was falling in the sky. I'm not sure what happened but I remember flying over a large wooded area.

I ended up waking up in the hospital room with Fortune, Aizawa, and Gramps. Fortune had told them that she found me in the the middle of town laying on the ground as she was on her way to the hospital. Even though it was a lie I didn't really care about it that much.

After that we found out that fortune worked with the hospital to identify people's quirks if they refused to let them know or if someone didn't know. With my difficulties with my quirks and developing them they decided to hire her to check on me when I developed quirks.

Though, she never accepted the money when they tried paying her. She was always nice to me and gentle so I naturally grew close to her.

When I got on the campus I was surprised how quiet it was. I guess everyone was really gone for interning.

Stepping inside, I headed straight for Nezu's office. Once I got inside, Fortune was already there. "Y/n~!" She suddenly says as she seemed happy to see me.

"Hey Fortune"

>Change POV<
~No POV~

Note: this small bit will make since if you remember this for upcoming chapters :)

"So, how was it?" The deep voice asked.

"It seems as if we have hit our first obstacle" the feminine voice spoke up. She let out a sigh before continuing, "its clear that, that quirk, is not on our side. It will be difficult if someone stood by her side and supported the good"

"Then I guess we will just have to remove it before it causes too much problems" there was a pause, "bring her to me, I'll take care of the rest"

"As you wish"


Hi. I came on here to apologize to all of my readers for some of my endnotes. I really wasn't in a good place and everything in my life was constantly falling apart.

I took a lot of time off from everything and everyone. As of now I'm feeling a lot better and I want to thank you guys for all of the amazing comments- pushing me.

I only have 3 written chapters and even though I'm much better I probably won't be writing anymore chapters until I finish the 4th season of Bnha or if I decide to watch bnha again before the 4th season.

I just want to apologize and Thank everyone for being here for me. I love you all 😭💕
