"Today we are going to take a little breather" Cementoss says as he stands in front of the classroom. Everyone sits up straight as we were getting tired of writing reports and learning vocab. "Today we will be writing-" He gets cut off by everyone sighing and he laughs, "We will be writing about why exactly why you want to become a hero"

"Why we want to become a hero?" Mina says out loud,

"Everyone has a story on why they want to become a hero. For an example, some become heroes because of their idol" Cementoss began explaining, "In the end, these stories are yours. You may think that the reason on why you want to become a hero may be just a simple story, but, its not. In fact, your story, your drive, has a heavy influence on being a hero. Sometimes, things may happen and us heroes need something to bring us back down to reality. Something to tell us not to give up." He began to place down a clip board with paper on our desks, "Because of the USJ attack, I think it would be nice to remember why you choose to come to UA" When he was finished he turns around and walks back to the front of the class. "It has to be at least a page long and its due tomorrow in class. For some extra relaxation i've decided we will be taking this outside. Lets get started, shall we?"

We began to stand up, gathering whatever materials we will needed to write, before heading outside. "Man" Uraraka says with a sighs as we walked down the halls, "This is still writing in the end." she groans, I laugh at her and Izuku joins me,

"Its nice that we are going outside though" Izuku says with a smile as his laughing dies down,

"Yeah, I guess that is true" Uraraka sighs again, "Anyways, do you guys have stories of why you want to become a hero?"

Izuku nods several times while his smile has gotten bigger, "Of course I do!"

"Of course, I want to follow in the steps of my older brother" Iida nods with a smile as he looks over at me, "How about you y/n?" I couldnt help but look over at Izuku.

"Yeah," I look away with a small smile. Iida, Uraraka, Izuku, Todoroki whom Izuku invited, and I all sat down under a singular tree so we could begin to read. Even though the sun was shining brightly, the wind blew just enough to keep us from sweating. I close my eyes as I try to remember the day.


"mama.. papa" I say as I sat in the dark alleyway. My dark black wings curled around me in protection as I was scared. Why was I here? I knew my name, age, and quirk but if I thought about anything else my head would instantly start pounding, causing pain. "Someone" I cried as I was to scared to move. Did mama or papa not want me? How long will I sit here? How long have I been sitting here? My head shoots up as I hear small little footsteps.

"H-hello?" A voice says and my eyes look at a small boy with green hair and the biggest green eyes in the world. When I slowly removed my wings from myself, his eyes widened and he runs over to me. His hand clenched on to a small book as he bent down to me, "Hey, are you okay!?" his voice was full of panic which slightly scared me, "Sorry. Im not trying to scare you" He says softly as he looks at me worriedly.

"where is my mommy?" I asked the boy and he gave me a small sad smile,

"You got separated from your mom?" He asked me and I shake my head no,

"I dont know who she is" I say quietly. I was still trying to wrap my head around everything but my head was pounding too much to think.

"Okay" He nods as he stands up, "Im gonna get help so we can find your mom and dad" He says and I quickly stand up as he began to move away from me. I grab his hand,

"No please!" My eyes widened from the pain in my feet and I come crashing down. He stops and grabs me but I hiss as my knee's hit the ground with a thump. "Please.. Im so scared. Dont go" I say as he bent down to me again and helped me to properly sit down.

"Okay. I wont leave" He says as he helps me to go back to the wall. He sits down next to me when I find myself curling up, "My mom will come looking for me, so she will bring help, okay?" He says and I nod. "So why are you back here?" He asked and I shrug. I was glad my tears had stopped flowing down my face,

"I dont.. know." I say quietly and he looks at me in confusion,

"Well.." He looks off to the side and I see him jump, "Well do you like heroes?" He says holding up a book in my face. I back away slightly as his movements spooked me.

"h-heroes?" I asked and he nods with a bright smile.

"Heroes! They are these really cool people who fight off evil!" He beams. I wasnt sure what it was about him but as he opened the book and pointed at the several people with a large smile, I somehow couldnt help but smile as well. "This is All Might! He is my favorite hero!" The kid beamed.

"Oh wow!" I say as I had become completely engrossed in this hero stuff.

"I want to grow up to me a hero just like him!" He says as he smiled so brightly that almost anyone could have mistaken him for the sun. "How about you? Do you want to become a Hero?"

"Heroes seem so cool... so.." I paused as I thought about it, "Sure!"

"Izuku! Izuku honey!" We hear a woman yell and the green hair boy stands up. I quickly grab his hand,

"Mom!" He yells not moving another inch away from me.

"Izuku!?" I hear the woman yell again and suddenly some footsteps could be heard. A woman with green hair and a man with dark black hair rush into the alleyway. The woman runs to the small boy, hugging him tightly, "oh Izuku! You scared me!" She says as I could see she had been crying for awhile as her eyes were red.

"Is this your child as well?" The man with black hair says as he wore a white scarf around his neck. The woman backs away and shakes her head no. The man bends down to pick me up and I back away, moving myself closer to the small boy.

"Oh wow, pro hero eraser head!" The boy beamed as he looked at the man who has now backed off after noticing my restraint. The small boy turns to me and places his free hand on my head, "Dont worry! Hes a good guy! a hero!"

"a... hero?" I say as the man slightly sighs.

"Can you give me your name?" the pro hero asked me as he had bent down to the ground. I dont reply as my head was still pounding and my memories were still hazy. The pro hero looks over at the small boy,

"I dont know it as well. I found her here and she didnt want me to leave her. Also, be careful her legs are hurt" The small boy explains to the pro hero. The pro hero nods and the small boy looks back at me, "Its going to be okay now, okay?"

I nod as I look at the pro hero. I did my best to stand up but I quickly loose my footing. The pro hero was fast, catching me before I hit the ground. He stands up, holding me close to his body. "Careful" He says to me and I hold on to the pro hero tightly.

"Thank you so much for helping me look for my son" The woman with green hair says as she picks up the boy with green hair. The pro hero only nods,

"Hey" The small boy says as my eyes hit him, "lets meet again, okay?" He says to me and I was slightly shocked by his words, "Lets meet again and become pro heroes together! okay?" He says and I smile while I quickly nod.

"Okay! I pinky promise!" I say and the woman carried the boy away.


My eyes open as I still remember the day. It was almost as if it had only happened yesterday. My eyes scan around me, everyone seemed to be busy at work. Suddenly, my eyes connect with one singular pair of Heterochromia iridium eyes. The only person who seemed as if they werent working was Todokoki, who sat there and stared at me.

My cheeks slightly heat up from the sudden attention, "u-uh is there something wrong Todoroki?" He seemed to blink several times before his eyes widened and he looks away,

"um.." He seemed to be a lost of words. I couldnt help but slightly giggle at his reaction. He shakes his head slightly, "I already finished mine" He states clearly as he looks back at me. It was clear he was trying to change the subject, but seriously, him finished? already?

"No way!" uraraka says as I had forgotten for a second that there were other people around us. Todoroki only nods as I set down my clip board and crawl over to him. I sit myself down next to him and look down at his board. I sweat drop as he only had a few words written down.

"Todoroki... you have to write at least a page" I say as I was surprised by his neat handwriting. I nearly choke when I read what he had written. [ ] (a/n: comment a fill in for what Todoroki wrote. Honestly, I couldnt think of something good, haha.) "Todoroki..." I say trying to hold back my laugh,

"I dont know what else to say" Todoroki says and I couldnt help but laugh as Uraraka, Iida, and Izuku moves over to read it as well. Uraraka looses it as Izuku and Iida stare at the paper worryingly.

"Uh... Todoroki..." Izuku says with a worry tone. Todoroki looks at Uraraka before looking at me,

"Todokoki, youre so funny!" Uraraka laughs harder and I couldnt help joining in as her laugh was so contagious.

"I wasnt trying to be funny?" Todoroki looks awfully confused and I snort making Uraraka laugh even harder. Izuku and Iida begins laughing as well as Todoroki looks at all of us with a curious look. His eyes to seem to soften at that point and a small smile creeps up on his face.

Ah, yes, everything really was looking up.


Finally awake to post another chapter, haha. Enjoy!
