This is the scoring of each Individual in class 1-A from the written midterm exam.

-y/n pov-

"There's only one week left before your final exams begin," Aizawa speaks as he was hitting a stack of paper on his desk, straightening it into one neat pile. "Im sure you're all studying constantly, right?" I could feel half the class tense up with worry, "Dont forget to keep training. The written exam is only one element. There is also the practical portion to worry about." Aizawa takes the paper with him as he begins to move over to the door of the classroom, "Good luck" He steps outside of the door and shut it behind him.

As soon as the door shut half the class went in an uproar, "IVE BARELY EVEN TAKEN NOTES THIS SEMESTER!" Kaminari and Mina yell at the same time. Mina seemed so causal and laid back about it but there was a look of devastation that covered Kaminari's face. Mina begins to laugh as Kaminari completely snaps, grabbing his head in worry, "And with the sports festival and internship, I didnt have time to read the textbook!"

I watch as Tokoyami slightly sweat drops, "it's true that we havent had very much free time lately"

"We barely learned anything when we took our midterms, so they dont seem all that hard" Sato says as he was conversing with Koda, whom was nodding along, agreeing with Sato. "I still cant help but be a little worried about these. We've been through a lot and they probably wont pull any punches when it comes to testing us" Sato continued on.

Mineta began to sparkle as he seems to be highly proud of himself, "As someone ranked in the top ten, Im not that concerned." Mineta flushes about his grades.

Mina and Kaminari rushes over, "What!? You were 9th in the midterms?!" They say in anger and Mina points her finger at Mineta,

"Aw, man, and here I thought you were one of us!"

"Don't you know weirdo little creeps like you are only likable if they're kind of stupid!?" Kaminari speaks as he couldnt believe Mineta placed higher than him in the midterms, "Who's going to love you now!?"

Mineta has a smug look on his face as he speaks, "Everyone. Trust me."

"Mina, Kaminari! We've still got time to study! That way, we'll all get to go to the training camp together!" Izuku says trying to cheer up the two, "Right?"

"Yes!" Iida says as he tried to help on with Izuku, "As class rep, I have high hopes that we'll make U.A. proud!"

"Its pretty hard to fail if you just pay attention in class, isn't?" Todoroki adds and I slightly sweat drop,

Kaminari clenches his chest in pain, "Why you gotta cut me down like that...?"

"Hey" Momo speaks up, "Dont worry about it, you two, I can catch you up to speed on the important topics, If you want"

Kaminari and Mina shines in happiness, "Youre the best Momo!" they say in sync.

Suddenly gloom falls over Momo, "im afraid I wont be any help when it comes to the practical, though.."

Jiro walks over to Momo's desk, "I've been studying, but... Could you help me out, too?" Jiro holds up her compos notebook, "Im having some trouble understanding quadratic functions"

Momo looks up at Jiro, "Really?"

Sero claps his hands together in plead, "Tutor me, please! Classical Japanese is killing me!"

Ojiro walks over with a sympathetic face, "ah... Is there room for one more?" He lets out an awkward chuckle, "Im afraid im falling behind a little."

"Pretty please!" Jiro, Sero, and Ojiro say in sync as they hurdled around Momo's desk. Momo looks up at them with a small surprised face before gasping,

"This is wonderful! Yes, let's do it!" she stands up quickly throwing her arms in the air with excitement, and the three around her brightens up quickly,

"ALL RIGHT!" They say in sync again. Momo begins to ramble on how they could hold a study session at her 'residence' over this weekend. She also begins to go on about how she needs to prepare 'the great hall' and begins asking what everyone's favorite tea is so it can be 'in stock' this weekend.

Kirishima stood next to Katsuki's desk as he watched the group just like me, "Sounds like I should be studying with her," he says with a smile as he looks down at Katsuki,

Suddenly Katsuki glares, "YOU DONT THINK I DONT KNOW ENOUGH?!"Katsuki blows up in anger as I couldnt help but giggle at his reaction, "Maybe I should beat the lessons into your skull!" Katsuki turns his head at me in anger, "Stop with your shitty laughing fire bitch!" I sweat drop as I was glad I have been studying with Todoroki and Izuku.

"Im counting on it" Kirishima laughs.

"hah. Everyone's panicking right now, but it wont do them any good to cram this late in the game." Aoyama says as he seemed carefree,

"Shouldnt you be more concerned? You didnt do very well in the midterms." Shoji comments and Aoyama turns his head quickly as darkness loomed over his face,

"Are you talking about moi? I did just fine, thank you." Aoyama says and I sweat drop... yeah, 18th was extremely fine.


"Im kind of scared of the practical." Izuku speaks up as we were sitting at the lunch table. "I've been studying with y/n, so Im not worried about the written exam. I just- I dont have an idea of what the practical exam is going to be"

"Hard to believe they'd give us anything too crazy" Iida says as he begins to eat,

"Do you really think its going to be slightly simple?" Uraraka says as she looked like her head was about to explode.

"It sucks," Izuku says as he was chowing down, looking down at his food, "I just want to know what they'll have us doing" Izuku then looks at me, "Y/n do you perhaps know?"

Everyone but Ren and Izuku gave me an odd look, "Previous years the practical exam was up against robots," I comment as I was also chowing down, "I mean its a comprehensive test of everything we learned this year"

"So combat and rescue" Izuku says and I nod,

"But I bet you they will change it up this year because of the fact we've learned something else this year thats different from all the other years before us," I look up and Iuku's eyes widened,

"Villains" Izuku speaks and I nod,

"Wait how do you know all of that?" Uraraka asked and my skin jumps, Sui who started sitting with us not long ago watches me as I let out a fake laugh,

"Some of my classmates were talking about it so I filled y/n in," Ren covers for me quickly and I let out a small sigh of relief as Izuku gave me a 'im sorry' look. My eyes widened when I watch as someone walks over and hits Izuku in the back of the head with their elbow,

"Oh, sorry" a blonde hair boy speaks. I instantly recognized him from the sports festival, Monoma from class 1-B. If I remember he was one of the faces I didnt see at the swimming pool. "Your head is so big that its hard to miss" He says and I send a small glare,

"Izuku are you okay?" I say as Izuku grabs the back of his head,

"You're from class 1-B" Uraraka says,

"Well, well, well, If it isnt the quirkless girl from class 1-A!" Everyone's eyes widened, even my own, when he looks straight at me with a glare.

I recover quickly and give him a smile, "Neito Monoma from class 1-B. Quirk copy" I respond as I let out a small chuckle, "Its great to see you again after wiping the floor with you in the cavalry battle. Did you come back so I can do it again?" I threaten and I see a few of my friends tense,

"Y/n isnt quirkless" Uraraka speaks up and Monoma laughs,

"Oh really? " He says as he looks down at her and then looks at me with a smug look, "You think someone in your condition can attack me?" he asked as he looked at my crutches. "I heard you were kidnapped, quirkless. Like always, 1-A always has to be the center of attention. Almost like that time that you three," He looks at Iida, Izuku, and Todoroki, "Had ran into the hero killer. Just like sports festival, class 1-A isnt happy enough when they arent in the spotlight. Dont think the media covers you so much because youre good heroes. Its only been because you guys just keep getting in so much trouble." A dark aura hovers Monoma, "Someday, the rest of us might get caught up in your mess and then we'll all become unwilling victims as well. What kind of horrible villains will you bring upon us?"

"Hey," I stand up slamming my hands down on the table in anger, "I would shut up before I do it for you" I threatened again, why was he saying all of this? Iida, Izuku, and Todoroki got hurt! Iida's elder brother got hurt!

"You think someone with a quirk wouldnt have been able to get away or put in critical condition? Now youre challenging me?" I gripped the table, I already felt so pathetic because of everything. Suddenly Ren stands up and my eyes widened when a large red object runs crossed my vision. Ren stood up with a glare as he held a red object in his hand that nearly looked like a red icicle. I could smell blood radiating off of it and everyone had froze in fear,

"I dare you to open up your mouth again about my little sister" Ren says in a threatening tone, the end of the blood made icicle was sharp and it was held extremely close to Monoma's neck. "I will not allow anyone to stand before me and talk down on her" Ive never seen a quirk like that before. What kind of quirk did he have? "Apologize. Now"

I realized how quiet the lunchroom had gotten. All eyes were on us, "Apologize for what? Saying the truth?" Monoma says with a smirk and Ren's eyebrow twitches as I was unsure what to do. I should stop them- but for some reason I was slightly enjoying this.

"Thats enough," Aizawa walks in, his hair flying in the air. Suddenly the solid thing that Ren was holding turns into liquid and splats across the table. "Monoma, Y/n, Ren. Principal office. Now" Aizawa's face twists in anger which instantly makes a chill run down my spine. We were in for it now.

Casually using my chapter openings for Infinite Favors| [Katsuki x Reader] as Plunderer end cards 😅 don't mind me

Casually adding another end card for my Daughter Him_ik0 <3

(new A/n 7-27-20: So, Below is a lot of crap. There is another a/n that I had written where you can stop reading my jabbering. Anything before that is kind of important so, please read here to the next A/n <3)

wew, we reached 1 0 0 chappies. Youre crazy if you've stuck around this long, but, I like crazy so youre right at home uwu <3 Also, have I said how much I love you guys? Like- I donno what to tell you guys to explain how much I love you guys. Like, I want all of you guys to know that I love every single one of you. Not just the people who go in the comments to talk to me, I mean you groupies who liked keeping in chill and only read the story. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YA'S are super special to me, because you all individually impacted my life with your blessed souls.

I dedicate this chapter, the chapters before, and the chapters in the future to every single one of you guys. Like- I dont know what I would do without you guys. Also, all of you guys who comments in the beginning of the chappie telling me youre here- like- it makes me want to cry sometimes. Like you guys dont understand how much I appreicate all of you. When you guys tell me "Im here!" or say "Hello" OR EVEN JUST SAY SOMETHING, I feel so warm inside. I feel- not so alone.

Sorry im being so sappy, but you guys deserve to be reminded how special you guys are. Specially with all this crap that 2020 has been throwing at us at a daily basis. I'm so glad that despite all of this stupid crap- i have this little community- no family, that I can always come back to and smile to all of your guys little jokes and conversations.

I really want you guys to all know that im so happy youre alive. so happy youve been created. so happy that despite everything, YOU come back every single time. like- im so sorry- im being so emotional. i dont know (: you guys are just all so amazing and I kinda just cant even. I have so many emotions right now and I dont even know how to explain it.

-hah... Author's note-


this end part wasnt supposed to turn into what it ended out to be... so you can just kinda skip it. Keeping it because I just spent 2 hours writing it haha

this might be a sap story, but I want you guys to understand how much your existence effects mine. N' since I probably have talked about it so many times before, Ill keep it short and to the point. When I think back to the times I was happy, I dont see much. Maybe when I was locked away in my room with my dog and cat, minding my own business as they were the only things that brought me joy as a child. other than that, though, I dont see much of anything. I grew up with a broken family and the people who raised me was my aunt who my family rejected after she divorced my uncle. I grew up being abused physically and mentally. Thrashed around by guys who only saw me as a sex toy or stepped on by my family for the awful shit I did on a constant day to day basis. I grew to have anxiety problems, depression, and I would push my way off and out of the way from people because Im always so scared of letting someone close to my heart because I know, in the end, they are just going to rip it apart like the person before me. I was lucky, unlike some people, I had found something to live for. growing up so poorly and not wanting to see my younger brother to go through the same thing, I decided I would live for him. Push myself for him. Dedicate my life for him. I really am thankful for him and I love him so much- but thats kinda besides the point. Anyways, I've never really... fit in? Like I always feel so out of place where ever I go. Even at "home" I feel so out of place. Actually, neither of my parent's houses even feel like "home" to me. My mom does nothing but talk down on me. She never has anything good to say to me and always feels like im her punching bag when she's upset. At this point, I dont mind it as much because honestly, Id rather it be me than my brother. She can slut shame me or treat me like she never wanted me, as long as she can continue to treat my brother with more respect than she gives me. My father was driven to almost committing suicide because of my mother. So, I dont blame him, or anyone else, for not really caring about me when I was younger. Easily allowing me to do whatever I want, run amok, giving me away to other family members because he just couldnt take care of me. If anything- I feel like its my fault. I mean, after all, im the only reason why he has to continue to see my mother who had broken him. thankfully, hes a lot better now and im so glad he is. but, despite being better, i still cant help but feel like he doesnt care about me much. he just got a new wife who he had brought in all the way from china- and he lets her run the house. I dont hate her and I cant hate her. I know we were both raised very differently, making our views extremely different. but it hurts ya know? when he chooses a woman who fat shames him, works him to death, talks down on him, and so on, over his own daughter. But I cant blame him or her or anyone, its just how life is. Dont get me wrong- I love my parents and despite the past, they have definitely improved. unfortunately, im an adult now, meaning its a little too late to try and treat me like how they treated me from the start. as for my mom, i know I talk pretty poorly of her, but I do really love her and I dont hate her at all. I mean, our relationship now is way better than before. I mean- she used to shove those large plastic spoons down my throat when I would talk back to her. Now she just ignores me for the most part because im a lost cause uwu. All trash talking aside, I am thankful for her as she provides everything for me. Pays all my bills without any help from my father. As a single mother, I respect her. She keeps a roof over my head, for the most part lmao, and keeps food on the table for me. I will always appreciate her and everything she does despite our extremely toxic relationship. I have a better relationship with my father but he doesnt really does anything to support me. he will always provide a house and food for me, of course, but he spends everything on that new wife of his. n' before that, i was the one who supplied my needs with my own money whenever i needed something. but anyways, I just dont feel safe or at home with them. But honestly, I dont care that much. See, here is the facts that I have been so blinded to for until very recently. My home isnt with them but actually its here with all of you guys. And where I belong? I may feel out of place everywhere else, but here? this is where I belong.

god- I like how i said id keep it short and simple then went on a whole tangent- im so sorry. Ill stop bothering you guys now haha. BASICALLY IM JUST TRYING TO SAY I LOVE ALL OF YOU SO MUCH! jeezus- PLEASE HAVE A GOOD DAY- ILY ALL BYE
