"You can tell what quirks you have now?" Recovery girl asked as she put an ointment on Izuku's Head.

"It's called Analyze, Though it seems as if it only lets me know what quirks I have" I say as I ruffle up my h/c hair out of the braid that I had it in for training. "I've also seemed to develop several other quirks. One being cloud manipulation, I'm able to move clouds however I want and even bring them down to me to form fog. Language; I'm able to understand every language and be able to speak it back. Another is Fire breath; where obviously I'm able to breathe out fire. Lastly there is Fire Protection; I'm able to make someone immune to fire for awhile, though I'm not sure how long."

"With the way you are talking you sound to be a lot better." Grams says and I smile;

"My fever has gone down from that medication" I say with a smile, i feel so much better to know what my quirks are. I'll be able to control myself and no one will get hurt.

"Does that make you feel better?" A voice says behind me and I turn around, my shadow stood behind me.

"W-What is that!" Izuku says as he falls back and stares at the 3-D shadow.

"That language quirk you just developed now allows me to speak; isn't that what you have been wanting?" My shadow spoke to me as my eyes stares at it. "Why are you so surprised?"

"I-I just wasn't expecting it.." I mumble with a smile. "Now I feel awkward."

"Quite amazing if I do say for myself" Grams says and my shadow moves to my side.

"What exactly is that?" Izuku asked.

"It's my shadow. It's the only quirk currently I have absolutely no control over" I say with a sigh. "Now I'm for sure of it; it literally has a mind of its own. But hey, it's nice to know you can talk. Thank you for taking care of me" I say as I smile at my shadow. "Uh—" I wasn't sure what my shadow wanted to be called. I wonder if it has a gender-

"I have no name. In gender from the definition I'm a male." It speaks and my skin jumps. Can it read my thoughts?! I mean it would make sense, it's literally apart of me. "I can read your mind; so yes."

"Wow that's honestly so cool!" Izuku says as he started to mumble. I sweat drop as he continued on.

"How about Kuroko" I say with a smile.

"Do as you please" My shadow, Kuroko, says as he disappears. The door opens and we all turn our attention to the half and half boy who walks in the room. Several other classmates walk in, including Uraraka and Iida.

"Deku! You're alright! We was worried about you when you didn't come to class- oh y/n!" Uraraka says as she comes over to us with a smile. Grams let out a groan and moves away from us. "You're in here too? I was wondering why you wasn't in class."

"Hi Uraraka" I say with a smile.

"Y/n, it is great to see you again" Iida says as he comes over to me. My head moves to see the other who came, I knew they call came for Izuku and so it would be better off if I let them see him and make sure he was okay.

"I'll see you around Izuku" I say as I wave and walk out of the room.


"Why are you nervous?" Kuroko says behind me as I sat on my bed putting on my shoes.

"Spots festival today. I just- don't want to loose. I want to make aizawa proud." I finally finish getting on my shoes and looked at my shadow. "That also means you can't be popping out whenever you want unless it's absolutely necessary"

"I know. You don't need to tell me again." He says as he moves and places my bag next to me. "You will do just fine; there is no reason to worry. Good luck" He says before he disappears.

I head out of the apartment after I have Berry a pat on the head. Aizawa left early because he had to get ready for the sports festival, I actually low-key feel bad for him. He is going to be stuck with Uncle Mic.


"Aw man, I was totally hoping I could wear my costume" Ashido says as she pulls at her PE clothes.

"At least everyone will be in uniforms. That will keep things fair, right?" Ojiro says as he tries to cheer her up.

"I wonder what they have in store for us in the first round." Satou says as he sat down at a table and holding his hands together.

Tokoyami also sat down with him while Shouji stood behind him, "no matter what they have prepared, we must persevere." Tokoyami states

"Right." Shouji says as he nods his head. The door then opens and Iida comes in,

"Everyone, put your game faces on! We are entering the area soon!" Iida yells.

"I'm so nervous" Uraraka says to me and I smile at her.

"I think you'll do fine" I reassure her. I then look at Izuku, "you'll do great too" I tell him and he stood there breathing, trying to get his nervousness under control.

"Really? I think out of all of us you're going to be doing the best" izuku compliments me and I laugh.

"Midoriya" todoroki says and both Izuku and I look over at the half and half.

"Hey todoroki. What's up?" Izuku asked. Everyone's eyes was on them now, how nerve racking.

"From an object standpoint, I think it is fairly clear that I'm stronger than you." Todoroki says and I let out a small stifle laugh. Now but once he can control one for all I doubt that will be true.

"Uh- um, yeah." Izuku agreed with todoroki.

"However, you've got All Might in your corner, helping you out." Izuku gasps while my skin jumps at that statement. "I'm not here to pry about what is going on between you two. But know that I will beat you."

"What's with such an early declaration of war?" I asked todoroki and he looks at me.

"Yeah what's the big deal? Why are you pickin a fight all of a sudden?" Kirishima says as he gets up and comes up behind todoroki, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Right before we get started..."

"We are not here to be each other's friends" todoroki says coldly as he hit Kirishima off of him. Unfortunately he's right. I let out a sigh and remember that was what I said right before I came to this school, that felt like so long ago but really it wasn't. "Don't forget. This isn't a team effort" he says as he walks off.

"Wait a sec, todoroki. I don't know what's goin through your head or why you think you'd need to tell me that you'll beat me. And, yeah, of course you're better than me. In fact, you're one of the ones that I think have way more potential than anyone in the Hero course. That's why you got in so easily."

"Midoriya maybe you are being a little hard on yourself, and us." Kirishima says as he tried to get izuku to stop.

"No. He is right you guys. All the other courses— they are coming for us with everything they have for. We are all gonna have to fight to stand out. And I'll be aiming for the top too." Izuku says, a smile places on my lips.

"Fine." Todoroki says.
