Is this Real?


I saw Avneet was bleeding. I couldn't control so I went as far as I could. Wasn't that weird for them?

Then Siddharth bandaged Avneet's wound. I felt better and moved towards them.

Faizal: Why did u move away.

Jannat: I..... I am... scared of

I stammered. Oh! I shouldn't have stammered. I don't know what they are thinking.

Avneet: it was just a cut Jaan. There was no excess bleeding.

Jannat: But still...... be careful hereafter. I DON'T WANT TO SEE BLOOD ( she said the last part in a scary voice , gritting her teeth).

I moved from there towards the castle angrily. Oh no! I stopped and turned.

Jannat: come everyone I don't want to go alone.

Then all came with me towards the castle.
As soon as we came near the castle , the dog started barking at the castle and even at me. Oh no! .

Reem: Dusky ssshhhh!

It didn't stop barking process.

Reem: what happened to you?

Madan: dogs bark at supernatural powers Reem. I think this house is haunted.

Now I must take the step.

Jannat: Nothing like that. May be it's feared by seeing such a big castle. Give it to me.

Reem gave me. The dog denied to come but I forcefully grabbed it into my arms and done what I wanted to do. Yes! It became silent.

Reem: weird! I couldn't control my Dusky but you did it. ( shocking expression)

Jannat: actually I am a dog person. I know to control them. ( smiling).

Siddharth POV,

I am worried about Avneet. Doesn't she know to take care of herself?

On the other side , Jannat Was acting really weird. She is scared of blood but not scared of animals or this old castle. Isn't it weird.

After Jannat calmed dusky , we searched for the entrance of the castle. It is huge castle so it was soooooo difficult to find but we found after 10 mins. The entrance was seen above. To reach there we need to cross a huge staircase.


Reem: I think he has a special helicopter to reach his castle entrance.

Sid: This is horrible mannnnn( tired tone)

Madan: I don't think staying here is a good idea.

Faiz: I agree.

Jannat moved forward ignoring us. Rest of us saw each other for sometime and then went back of her as we had no other choice.

While we were climbing the staircase Faiz shouted.


He pointed towards a direction. We all looked towards the direction and were Hella surprised. No no shocked.......

The castle was.............

( ignore the castle design in this pic )

................surrounded by water.

It seemed no less than an island.

We all ran down without thinking about anything.

Avneet: This can't be real .( shocked)

Reem: but it is?

Madan: I think this must be an illusion.

Faiz: how come we all get the same illusion.
It's real?

Siddharth: we can't even check whether it's illusion risking our lives.

Jannat: I think we are trapped.


Guys how was It?

Are they really trapped?

Will they survive?

Why Jaan acted weird?

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Stay tuned for answers 😎

Give me any suggestions which you think  needed In this book 💜.
