Missing You

Siddharth's  POV,

Here we reached the castle. There were silence and darkness all over. We all hid our face so no one can identify us. Abhishek brother showed us many places in POWERS KILL. People there were silent and didn't have happiness. I wonder even there were no children playing.

Then brother told us many things. He said about the rules and regulations of POWERS KILL. He said about their punishment and strictness too. Really it's a very dangerous place to be in.

Siddharth: bro!

Abhishek: shhhhh!

Siddharth: I'm hungry bro.

Brother dragged me towards the car and gestured me to sit down. All my friends also came, we all sat in the car.

Abhishek: I said you right?  People here don't talk unnecessarily. If they find us , it will become a tragedy. They all know me.

Reem: Brother but we only said we are hungry. It is not unnecessary. Won't people here talk.

Abhi: people here are very dangerous. They talk but very limitedly.

Ohhh! I miss my Avu now. She never used to be silent. What will she do after coming here?
But why do I care? Do I love her? No no it's care. Friends care for each other.

Faiz: what's that bro?

He asked pointing towards an area which was fenced. It was looking somewhat weird.

Abhishek: It's graveyard I think. Now take this.

He gave us sandwiches and we ate.

Siddharth: ok bro let's go back. We should come here tomorrow.

Reem: but we didn't get inside the castle.

Abhi: it's not that safe to go inside the castle. I also wish to show you the other side of POWERS KILL but I can't. By the way we are getting late. Let's go.

All: ok

We were ridding back. I'm very excited,  I wanna meet Avneet. I was smiling the whole way.

Abhishek: Are you dreaming about Avneet?

Siddharth: no no never. I won't even think about her

On the other side...  

Avneet's POV,

I'm bored. Completely bored. I am missing him.

( Author: him?
Avu: no no them, THEM!

I am waiting for them from morning. I don't know why but I feel very lonely. As Brother is not there, sissy had to take care of everything. She was very busy. She came just once in this room and that too for serving us food.

I am here with Madan and Jannat. Madan is taking something continuously and Jannat is laughing like manics listening to him. I pretend to laugh sometime but to be honest I listened nothing. I didn't do this intentionally but all my thoughts are around him , I mean around them only.

Jannat: Hi Jai! Hi sissy!

Jannat said as Jai and Vaish came inside. They both said hi to Jaan at the same time.

Jai: hai Avu,  Are you okay?

Avneet: haan yes ( sad tone).

Vaishnavi: Nothing jai, someone is missing Mr.whatever

Avneet: I am not missing that Monkey.

Vaish sister cleared her throat and I understood what will be her next dialogue so I stared at her and she stopped.

At that time someone knocked the door and I ran to open the door. I opened it and the one I saw was..........



Siddharth yes! Siddharth

I jumped and hugged him tightly with a huge smile. He responded my hug. I was closing my eyes . Maybe him too . We didn't felt the presence of others until they fake coughed.We broke the hug quickly

Vaishnavi:I am not missing that Monkey
She said mimicking me

Abhishek:  no no never. I won't even think about her.

I and Sid looked at each other . then....

Sidneet: No... Nothing like that.

Avneet: I...... I was just worried about..... you all so...... when I saw him...... I became...... happy.   ( stammering)

Faiz: but you didn't hug us. ( smirking)

Reem: even Sid didn't hugged others. Why are you all teasing my Avu only?

Siddharth: As soon as she opened the door I was at the front so she hugged me and I hugged her back.

Avneet: Got the answer. Now let's eat.

I said it without giving anybody any chance to speak back.

Madan POV,

I feel frustrated seeing all these dramas. Sid and his closeness towards Avneet is getting on my nerves.

Someone again knocked the door and Vaish sister opened it . It was the king. Abhishek brother rushed to receive him inside.

Arjun: so tomorrow is a very special day for the whole POWERS RULE. You are gonna save many innocent lives. Abhishek told Madan didn't get his powers yet. If it is so you can't become the member of POWERS RULE. I think you have got your powers but didn't got any chance to reveal it. I think your friends will need you. So go with them and say others that you have got your powers.  When they ask you about that, say that I have ordered to keep it secret.

Madan: okay king

I bowed at him. He smiled and whispered something in Abhishek brother's ears and went out.

We all started eating. Everyone of us was silent till......

Vaishnavi: so guys! Are you people scared for tomorrow?

Sidneet: nah!

Abhishek: but you should be

Faiz: Why? Even there is Jai and Jaan with us.

Vaishnavi: Even they don't know how to handle situations.

Madan: Then why did the king select us for this mission?

Vaish: only god knows

Abhi: so, POWERS KILL is ruled by a Queen . She is very dangerous. She uses the powers of people in a dangerous way. She might even use you. In any situation you must not reveal that you are from POWERS RULE.

Reem: so how can we go inside the castle.

Vaish: Jai and Jaan will take care of that.

All: ok

Abhi: today you people will be staying here only. I will show you your rooms.


Faiz: so jaan did you take your dose today?

Jannat: NO but I will take it before I go to bed.

Faiz: Now go and take it. We will talk for sometime and then sleep.

Jaan: okkk

She went out and then.......

Faiz: guys listen!

All: Tell.

Faiz: Tomorrow I am gonna propose Jaan.

Sid: What?

Madan: Finally got guts?

Faiz: yes! Now listen the plan. The plan is.........................

All: ok done.



Double update as a present💖

Did you people enjoyed it?

As per the suggestion of vamwolf_0311 Faiz has planned to confess tomorrow💛

Will Faiz confess as per plan?

Will Jannat accept Faizal's confession?

Will they go to POWERS KILL ?

Staying tuned will give you answers.

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