A mess

Madan POV,

We ate our lunch and was having a normal day. Avneet and Sid was chit chatting something. Faiz was lying on the bed eyes closed. Reem and Jai were fighting without a reason.

I feel bored. Let me go out and explore the castle.

Madan: guys I will be back.

Avneet: Where are you going?

Madan: I am feeling bored so just going for a walk.

Reem: let me also come. He is torturing me ( she said pointing towards Jai )

Jai: yeah! Yeah! Just get out.

Reem: why should I get out? It's my room. If you want you get out. Madan! Take him.

They started arguing again and I am getting irritated. Sid and Avu are laughing seeing this scene. I saw Avu , she seemed happy. I'm a bit worried but it's not her fault. She never left me alone. She always does the duty of a good friend and I must also be loyal to her.

Avu: Madan! MADANNNN!

Madan: yeah!

Sid: where are you lost?

Madan: ugh! Just trying to get out of trouble caused by these two.

I said pointing towards Jai and Reem.

Reem/ Jai: Am I a trouble?

Madan: yes of course! Is there any doubt?

Reem: I am not coming with you.

Jai: Me too.

I gave a relieving sign and they both rolled their eyes. I came out of the room and was walking towards the garden when someone bumped on me and was about to fall. It was Priya. I caught her by waist , preventing her from falling. She suddenly caught up and hugged me. I think she was scared. Then she herself broke the hug and dragged me to the garden without saying anything. After reaching the garden I removed my hand from hers.

Madan: What happened? Why are you running like this?

Priya: SID.... SID AND AVU.

she shouted taking her breath. Fear was visible in her eyes.

Madan: Tell me what happened?

Priya: I felt like someone following me. I don't know who? I want to say something important to Sid and Avu.

Madan: okay say me what you want to say. I'll convey it to them.


She shouted. I think she is the verge of killing me. She even called me a mad. It's better to call Sid and Avu rather than arguing with her.

Madan: okay I will be back in few minutes.

I went to the room and......

Madan: Sid, Avu ! Join me. I don't know the way to the garden.

Sid: you can even go to some other places, right?

Madan: no I want to go to the garden.

Avneet: Arey Madan! I'm so tired. Let's go some other time.

Oh no! Now what will I do? How will I inform them about Priya?

I was lost in my thoughts and Reem noted it.

Reem: What happened Madan? Where are you lost?

Now I know what to do.

Madan: Nothing Reem I miss my grandmother. She loves gardens. Whenever I feel like going to the garden I believe that my grandmother is Waiting for me there. Her name is Priya.

Hearing the name of Priya , the two dumbos Sid and Avu looked at me with shock whereas Reem is confused.

Reem: I just asked where you were lost and you started a huge story.

Jai: Reem you are such an emotionless creature. He is missing his grandmother.

To be honest, Jai completed believed me. He became emotional. He came near to me and.....

Jai: come with me Madan. I'll show you the garden.

Sid and Avneet panicked.

Thank God these dumbos understood me.

Avneet: No! no! no! I am going with Madan.

Reem: but now only you said you are tired?

Sid: This is about his grandmother Reem! I am not gonna leave him.

Avneet: yeah! We understand him.

Jai: but I will lead him to the garden.


Reem: okay don't shout. Just get lost.( Irritated )

Then Me, Avu, and Sid left the room and went to the garden. There we saw Priya. She was sitting on the bench in the garden fiddling her fingers. Avneet went back of Priys and kept her hand in Priya's shoulder.

Priya jerked and turned. Meanwhile Avneet got worried seeing Priya's state. To be honest I also don't feel good seeing Priya like this but I didn't show up.

Scene change......

At the room.......

Faizal POV,

I had a severe headache so I was lying on the bed when I heard the bang on the door.

Reem: someone is knocking the door.

Jai: I can hear.

Reem: oh sorry! I don't know.

Jai: oh really! Then it's okay.

Reem: stop blabbering and open the door.

Jai: you can do it yourself.

Those two started their fight again. I cannot take it so I went and opened the door by myself. The one I saw in the entrance made my day. It was Jannat.

Faiz: Jannat

I whispered and welcomed her with a tight hug but she didn't hugged me back. I broke the hug. I didn't realize that I had tears in my eyes untill Jaan wiped my tears with her hands. I was totally lost in her when I heard a voice.

Voice: Lot of love may also turn poison.

Reem POV,

One side I was happy seeing the reunion of Jaan and Faiz but the other side of me is totally a mess.

She forgot everything but why is she here now? Is she here to spy on us? Faiz is overwhelmed by Jaan's entry but what if Jaan creates some problems to us? Even Sid , Avu and Madan doesn't know about Jaan's transformation. Shall I inform them?

I was lost in my thoughts when Jai took my hands into his and squeezed it. He gave me an assuring smile and I smiled back.

Voice: Lot of love may also turn poison.

As soon as I heard this I turned to see the queen Mouni at the entrance of the room.


Finally it's out now🥳🥳🥳


It wasn't a fast update but yeah great things take time

Why did Priya wanted to meet Sid and Avneet?

Why queen Mouni is in our leads room?

What about Jaan?

Stay tuned for the upcoming turns.

Many votes and comments will encourage me to update fast .❤️❤️❤️
