Normal day

Madan POV,

We 3 went back to the room and only Faiz was sleeping. Also Reem, Jaan and Jai were missing. There came sound from one of the bathroom.

Sid: Hey only Faiz is sleeping.

Avneet: I can also see.

Sid: oh! I thought you can't.

Avneet: Is your rubbish over?

Sid: do you think it's over?

Madan: I am tired of stopping your fight everytime. Just stop it and think where are others.

Avneet: Sound is coming from that bathroom.

Sid: I can also hear.

Avneet: oh! I thought you can't

Madan: SHUT UP. Shut... Up....

Now the bathroom door opened and Jaan came out.

Jaan: Well! You came? Where is Reem and Jai?

Sid: How do we know?

Jaan: When I woke up you 5 were missing .I thought you all were together.

Faiz: Areyyyy! Be quiet

He said in a sleepy tone covering himself by the duvet. Jaan went to him and removed the duvet.

Jaan: stop being a sleepy head. Look even Sid and Avu woke up but you are still sleeping.

Avu: Wait! Are you waking him up or insulting us.

Jaan: Two in one dear.

Jaan said and Avu Pouted. Jaan again turned to Faiz...

Jaan: Faiz get up. Look Jai and Reem are missing.

Faiz: They are not kids Jaan. They will come back. Now let me sleep 😴

He said covering himself again with duvet. At that time Reem and Jai came inside the room.


In the room at morning 5.......

Jai POV,

My morning started with a thud. I fell down from the bed and I woke up. I also woke up disturbed by the sound.
She saw me lying on the floor and started laughing like manics.

Reem: The big werewolf don't know to sleep in the bed. ( Teasing and laughing)

Jai: if your laughing is over, can you come and help me get up. ( Serious )

Reem came near me and gave me a hand. I got her hand and got up.

Jai: Where is Avu, Sid and Madan?

Reem turned and examined the room.

Reem: I don't know. They went out or what?

Jai: it's only 5 Reem. I don't think our dumbos can wake this fast.

Reem: but no one is here , right? Come let's go and look for them.

I agreed and we both went out. We searched  but couldn't find them and we were tired.

Reem: ohhhhh I am tiredddddd

She said and sat on the floor. I pulled her hand asking her to get up but she pushed my hand away so I lifted her in bridal style and walked towards the room. I was feeling happy lifting her but doesn't know why. We came a long distance searching so now I don't know the way back. I stopped in the middle.

Reem: Arey! Why did you stop? Go Go Go fast.

I glared at her and she chuckled. She was looking so cute.

Reem: please go . I'm tired.

Jai: wow! I am the one who carried you all way and you are the one who is tired ( sarcasm ).

Reem: who told you to carry me?

She asked and I dropped her down without saying anything and she fell on the floor.

Reem: ahhhhhh

She winced in pain and I laughed. Now she turned into an angry bird. She got up and started hitting my stomach with her hands.

Jai: Stop it. It's paining. Are you crazy?


She was shouting like something so I placed a palm on her mouth and closed it.

Jai: Enough! You talked a lot now search the route with me.

Reem: why should I?

Jai: ok then stay here only. No rest no breakfast.

Reem: Nooooo

Jai: yup, No nothing

Reem: I want

Jai: Then search.

Reem: Fine.

We both went walking but we could not find the way. Unfortunately we left the mobile phones in the room itself so we could not contact anyone so we decided to ask the route to someone.

Reem/ Jai: let's ask someone.

We both said together and chuckled.

Reem: look there is a man.

She said and went towards that man. His back was facing us so we couldn't see his face. Reem patted his shoulder and he turned.

Reem: Hi. I am Reem . I'm new here so I lost my way to room. Can you please help me?

She said taking her breath.

Man: ok fine relax. I can help you. I will show you the Queen's room and from there you can go to your room.

Reem: oh thank you. By the way your name?

Man: I am Riyaz. Im also quite new here but maybe not new compared to you. I know the whole castle's route.

(Introducing Riyaz Ali as Riyaz)

Reem: Riyaz! Meet Jai , my friend. I also have more 5 friends.

Riyaz: oh hi Jai.

Jai: Hello.

Riyaz: but I don't have any friends.

Jai: don't worry we will be your friends.

Riyaz: Really!

He said and hugged me. I also hugged him. Then he showed us the Queen's room .

Reem: Finally we are here. Thank you Riyaz. Only because of you I am gonna get my breakfast. This idiot Jai made me starve.

Riyaz chuckled and I rolled my eyes.

Jai: You also come Riyaz. I will introduce my friends.

Riyaz: No Jai not today. Anushka will be searching me. I'm under her custody. She is very strict.

Reem: Even we are under her custody. Come let's tell her that we became friends.

Riyaz: No that won't work. She hates friends.

We agreed to him and made our way back to the room leaving him.

In the room....

Reem: Sid, Avu, Jai you came? We were in search of you only.

Avu: why are you late then?

Jai: we went very far so we lost the way and then a kind hearted person helped us here.

Reem: leave that let's eat.

Jaan: but Faiz didn't wake up yet.

Finally we all woke him up together. After getting ready we ate our breakfast. Of course without Anushka because we crossed 3 days here and we can manage alone. Then the rest of the day went in a normal way. I and Reem were chatting most of the time and I enjoyed it.


* Clearing my throat*
Here comes your new chapter.

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Will Riyaz become their friend?

Will Anushka find the truth about Priya and Riyaz friendship with our leads group?

Is Jai and Reem getting closer?

Stay tuned for updates

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