Vaishnavi POV,

Avneet said She was hungry hugging me. She was in such a danger but she didn't even care much. If there would be someone else, that person would become sad , angry and scared.

Vaishnavi: ok, so my princess is hungry. I will get something for all of you.

I took leave from them, went to the Royal kitchen and brought some fruits for them.

Avneet: sissy your too boring.

Reem: you are only giving us fruits.

Jannat: wait till night Reem then you will get a royal meal.

Reem: why till night, Jaan?

Abhinavi: when did you both became friends? (Shocked)

Faizal: I don't know exactly but I think something special happened yesterday night.

Siddharth : And we got a good news today .

Vaishnavi: but this is not the end Sid. I am gonna give you one more good news.


Siddharth: We need treat

Madan: Its time to party.

Reem: I wonder what would be his/her powers.

Jannat: I wish he/ she isn't a vampire.

Jaijeet: don't worry Jannat if she is a vampire won't you guide her.


Abhishek: why are you all this impatient?

Reem: we are energetic.

Jannat: if you didn't match our speed.....

Avneet: we can make a new world with our thoughts.

Before I could say something Avneet started her crazy talks which made me blush. Finally I managed to shut all their mouths and started to eat.

While eating.........

Abhishek: ok now tell them your point or else they will make you grandma.

Everyone laughed and I started speaking.

Vaishnavi: so your good news is..... Sid, Avu, Reem and Madan got their powers.

Avu: Reem, Madan and Sid also got powers?

Abhishek: Yup! My dear Elsa.

Avu: Elsa?

Abhishek: do you remember? you asked me on our first meet whether Spiderman, superman, Elsa,  Barbie exist here.

Avneet: yes.

Abhishek: so according to that you are our Elsa.

Reem: you are saying this because today she was frozen. Am I right? ( confused)

Vaishnavi: no! but really she is Elsa. She can create ice, snow and many other magics.

Avneet: REALLY!

Abhishek: Yup! You can do it .

Vaishnavi:  when Sid carried Avneet, her ice melted. This is because he has the power of fire.

Abhishek: yeah like ghost rider.

Avneet: Arey Mr.whatever you are normally looking like ghost only. How will it be if you become a ghost rider? ( she said laughing and hitting sid's arm playfully)

Siddharth: He he very funny. And before you think I am looking like a ghost, go and look yourself in the mirror. You look like a vampire!


Faizal: No, not like that he is just joking.

Siddharth: I am not joking Faiz.

Faiz gave him a death glare and he surrendered.

Siddharth: ok! Sorry ( he said pouting)

Everyone Chuckled.

Abhishek: so Sid can control the temperature. He can create fire but he won't change to a skeleton like ghost rider and all.

Sid showed his tongue to Avu and Avu beat his arm playfully.

Vaishnavi: Faizal has the ability to fly and Reem has the ability to talk to animals.

Siddharth: but how did they realise their powers

Avneet: And when did it happen?


Faizal POV,

When Siddharth ran out of that cottage. We all tried to follow him but no one went back of him because of me. I don't know why but I was not able to keep my legs on the floor. I felt myself light. I wasn't swimming but I was able to move.


I shouted in fear

Jai: Faiz come down.

Madan: what do you mean by come down? He is not in his control.

Reem asked Jaan

Reem: Aye! Are you pranking Faiz?

Jaan: Reeeem! I am not pranking. He is flying.

Faizal: wow I....love to... fly bu...but not now. I am SCARED.

Jai: I think you got your powers. Try to control yourself and come down.

I closed my eyes and screamed.


But there was not reaction on me.

Jaan: I think he is scared. He cannot control himself in this situation.

Then Jai signalled Jannat winking his eyes towards her.

How can he wink at her?😡😡😡

Then he changed his structure to a warewolf. It was quite big. Jannat climbed above him and pulled me down.

Wow it's working. I'm down.

Faiz: jaan! You save my jaan!

I shouted hugging her. Then Reem said to Jai..........

Reem: yeah ! You too did but his eyes sees only jaan.( teasingly)

Madan: Why are you taking unnecessarily? No one asked you nothing ( confused)

Reem: Are you deaf? Now only Jai said " I too helped him but he is Thanking jaan only."

Jannat: how can he say? He can't speak when he is in werewolf form.

Now Jai turned into human.

Jai: but I thought that only ( shocked)

Madan: WHAT?  That means she also got her powers?

Jai: Reading minds?

Reem: but why can't I read minds now.

Jai: wait, I will think something now and you check your power.

After some time Jai asked Reem .........

Jai: what did you hear?

Reem: Nothing.( She said with a pout)

Faiz: Jai! Change into warewolf and then think.

I said and Jai did as I said. After sometime he again changed to human form and asked her what she listened.

Reem: I love sandwiches


Jaan: so she can read Animal's mind.

Faiz: so you can talk to ANIMALS... AND THAT'S YOUR POWER.

Flashback ends.

Siddharth: That's great! We got our powers.

Madan: but ......


Out now yours new chappy

Are you excited to the next one?

But before that......

How was this chap?

Did you like the powers of our superheroes?

Did our leads became the members of POWERS RULE?

Will they come to know about POWERS KILL?

What was Madan gonna say?

Stay tuned my dear readers.... I will be back😎

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