Capitolo Quindici

Camilla's POV

We had been at Adriano's parents place for two weeks now, and were packing our bags getting ready to go home. Arabella immediately hit it off with her grandparents and she loved them. I was in the bedroom backing both mine and Bella's bags. Adriano's bag was on the bed neatly packed. Apollo was laying on the bed, one paw crossed over the other as he watched me. I zipped up Bella's small suitcase and  pushed it to the side. I quickly threw the rest of my clothes into my duffle bag and quickly zipped it up and placed it next to Bella's. I then got off of my knee's and sat next to Apollo. He nuzzled his head into my side and I scratched behind his ears.

"I love you Apollo, y'know that." I cooed at him. He barked quietly and I laughed.

"Are you talking Apollo again?" Adriano asked as he entered the room. I nodded keeping my eyes glued on Apollo. "He's never gonna respond to you y'know. He's not going to just start speaking one day and say yes I love you too human now throw that tennis ball and give me my food" I laughed at the image Adriano had put in my head. He sat on the bed with me and I placed my head on his shoulder.

"Could you go get Bella, we are all ready to go here." I commented and he nodded asking,

"Do you want me to take the bags as well?"

"Just yours and Bella's I'll be fine with my own." He nodded and took the two bags before heading downstairs. I grabbed my bag and told Apollo to follow me as we made our way downstairs. Adriano, Bella and his parents were waiting at the door as we arrived. I hugged Diego and Charlotte and wished them well before we left. The journey home was a relaxed one, it was surprisingly quiet for seven pm on a Saturday. Anyway Bella chatted for a bit before using Apollo as a pillow to sleep on, then me and Adriano just talked like 'normal' human beings. There was nothing sexual or anything, it was surprisingly 'normal'. 

But as the saying goes all good things must come to an end.

Once we had arrived home, I had went to put Bella to bed when I saw a dead body lying on the floor. It looked as if it had been there for a good week, if not longer. I rushed Bella out of the room and downstairs with me. Adriano was sat on the sofa, feet kicked up on the coffee table, channel surfing.

"Adriano." I called, a tinge of fear in my voice. He looked up at me with a sleeping Bella in my arms. I placed her on the sofa and motioned for him come with me. I kept Bella in sight as I hugged Adriano tightly.

"What happened miele?" He questioned. "You're shaking."

"There is a fucking dead body in Bella's room." His grip on my slackened as the shock set in. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and angrily dialled a number.

"You told me you cleaned all this shit up." He spat.

"Well you didn't do your fucking job correctly then." He continued.

"Could you then please enlighten me on why there was a fucking dead body in my daughters bedroom." He finished.

"Come back and clean this shit up NOW!" He commanded before hanging up. He pulled me back into his arms. "Calm down miele, we're safe."

"Is that why we stayed at your parents for so long?" I asked shyly, my voice coming out as a meek whisper. He nodded and I made my way out of his arms and sat on the sofa. I positioned myself next to Bella and placed her head on my lap and played with her long soft hair as she slept. Adriano sat next to me and rubbed my back softly. "We can't live like this Adriano. You, me, our kids with a constant target on our backs. I . . . I don't know if I can do it or not. I don't even feel safe in our home." I whispered.

"I cant just leave Cam, I was born into this. There is no way out of this for me." I nodded. "You seemed okay with this before but now . . . you seem so unsure."

"Everything its too much. The deaths, the pain. I never really felt it before but now its all too real. I love you, I really do but I can't anymore. I am not going to risk my children's lives." Adriano looked down at me tears forming in his eyes.

"What does that mean?"

"Tomorrow. I will take Bella and we will stay somewhere else until you get this entire situation with Matteo's killer and your shooter sorted out."

"Miele, you can't, you are safer here with me here to protect you." I shook my head no.

"It doesn't feel like it. Please let us do this." He shook his head no, I gripped his hand tightly as a trail of tears fell down his cheeks.

"Please Camilla, just stay." He pressed his hand to my stomach. "I missed so much with Bella, I don't want to miss a single second with this little one." Tears effortlessly rained from my eyes.

"Lets just go to bed okay, its late and Bella is tired." He nodded wiping a couple of tears off of his face. I picked up Bella and lead her up to her room. The body had now been removed and all traces of death were non existent. I placed her in the bed and she cuddled the teddy in her arms. I made my way to mine and Adriano's room and changed into my pyjama's. He was already in the bed half asleep. I sat there, and waited for him to fall asleep. Once I heard the soft snores leaving him, I slipped out of his grasp, and quickly grabbed both mine and Bella's bags and woke up Bella. I got her down to the garage and took one of his cars and drove in the direction of Amalfi.

Goodbye Adriano!

