Capitolo Ventuno

Adriano's POV

Rose and Noah had left about an hour after seeing Rose, because they had their own shit to deal with. I mean from what I heard, priceless items in their home had been destroyed. Thankfully they only had a couple of men that were injured but no-one was killed. The doctor came back and said that there were some police officers waiting to speak to me about the attack. I grabbed Bella's hand tightly and we reluctantly walked through to a separate room to interview me. I opened the door. Two men sat there in their black and red uniforms. One with greying hair and in his late forties, early fifty's, whereas the other was younger. Dark brown hair and in his mid twenty's. The younger officer was very lean contrasting to the older officer who was slightly overweight. I sat down on a chair opposite them. I put Bella on the chair next to me but she insisted on getting closer to me and decided to sit on my lap.  The older officer sent a glare my way and I indignantly responded

"What do you expect me to do officer, my daughter wants to sit on my lap. I am not going to make her move, she has been through enough today." He yet again sent an angered glare my way. Bella snuggled into me and I hugged her tightly.

"Anyway." The younger officer interrupted, "Mr Lombardy, can you explain what happened today and how your girlfriend was caught in the crossfire?" 

"Well, we were having breakfast with my cousin and his wife and children, an alarm went off and I didn't register what was happening. Then I saw Cam on the floor protecting Bella. I got Bella and Cam out of there and then I was here. I didn't stay very long." The older officer scoffed at my statement. The younger one noting down everything that I said.

"And who is your cousin and his wife?" The older officer cockily asked. Most of the cops here were dying to get some dirt on Noah and Rose to take them down. Noah always had people on his payroll to take care of these people, I mean normally we would just do it ourselves, but with Bella in the room I had to keep my temper and not do anything irrational.

"I think you know Officer." I commented. Bella remained silent as they asked me questions.

"Gentlemen." The younger officer interrupted.

"I have done nothing wrong, nor has my daughter or girlfriend. Camilla was caught in the crossfire, whatever information you are trying to dig up on my cousin and his family you are not going to get from me. I have given my statement." I put my hands over Bella's ears making sure she didn't hear what I was about to say. "Now fuck off." The older officer scoffed as he stood up and then smirked. The younger officer however reached out for my hand and I reluctantly shook it.

"Thank you for your statement Mr Lombardy. No further inquiry will be required." I nodded and both men left the room. Bella turned around and wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me.

"I'm tired daddy." She remarked and I picked her up as we walked out of the room. Noah had given me the location of his parents home as his home was currently a target and unmanned. Noah texted me earlier saying that he'd one of his men take my car away and brought a new one, stating that the keys were under the front left wheel. I got out to the car park and saw the Pagani Zonda Clingue Roadster, one of the most expensive cars on the market. I grabbed the keys and put Bella in the passenger side seat and putting her seatbelt on. I got in the drivers side and saw that Bella was already fast asleep. I quickly drove to Noah's parents house. I parked in the garage and picked up Bella who was still fast asleep and walked inside the house. I was greeted by a gushing Elena. She almost immediately took Bella out of my arms. She whispered complements about Bella at seemingly hundreds of miles per hour. She walked with me up to a spare room and put Bella in the bed. She stirred slightly and wrapped herself into the covers. We exited the room and Elena pulled me into a tight hug.

"How are you Adriano? Oh how is your father? How is your mother?" She gushed. I chuckled softly.

"I'm getting by. Padre is fine and Madre is also fine. How are you?"{Dad.Mom} I asked and she smiled broadly.

"I'm better than okay, we have another addition to the famiglia. Oh and that dog, he's so goofy had Gio in a right state I honestly love him. Apollo is the name isn't it?" {Family} I nodded.

"Do you know where Apollo is Bella will feel much safer if she is with him." She nodded and lead me into the kitchen. Apollo was sitting in the corner on a plush dog bed. He ran up towards me and jumped up licking my face. "Do you want to see Bella?" I asked Apollo and he barked loudly. Me and Elena walked up to Bella's room and she smiled at me before departing. I took off my shoes and lay down on the bed next to Bella. She snuggled into me and I slowly shut my eyes letting myself sleep. 

The next morning I was woken up by my phone ringing. I yawned, sat up and answered it.

"Hello is this Mr Lombardy?" 

"Yes. What happened?" My tone was rushed and full of worry and concern.

"Miss Romano is awake, she is asking for you and her daughter." I wanted to fist bump the air but with Bella asleep next to me decided not to.

"Thank you, tell her we will be there in an hour tops." 

"Ok, goodbye."


I hung up and quickly woke Bella and told her the good news. She was hyper to say the least. Since all of our clothes were still at Noah's we were left in our clothes from yesterday which was not ideal in any way, shape or form but I had to do. I took off my blazer which had Cams crimson blood on it and left it at Elena and Gio's. I drove to the hospital at record speed, and me and Bella practically sprinted through the hospital doors. Cam was sat up on the bed and the minute Bella entered the room and a smile spread across Cam's face.

"Mamma!" Bella cried jumping onto her mothers bed and cuddling her. I smiled and sat down on the chair next to Cam.

"Hey bambino, I'm fine okay. Was your daddy good whilst I was asleep?" She nodded her head and I breathed out a sigh of relief.

"Hey bunny. Could you tell the doctors to let me leave and then we can go home, I don't like Sicily that much anymore." I nodded and pressed a soft kiss to her lips. I talked to the doctors who thankfully said she could go, in a wheelchair. Cam's gonna have a fit. The doctors had already disconnected everything anticipating her release and I pushed the wheelchair through to the room.  I entered with it and heard a very displeased Cam growl.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me."

