Capitolo Tredici

Camilla's POV

Breathe Camilla. Goddammit breathe.

Who in their right mind would go after a six year old? Who?  Adriano rubbed my back softly as I had my meld down. I let out a shaky breath and stood up. Adriano did the same and wrapped an arm around my waist. I leant into him as we anxiously made our way through the house. Once we were at the gates, a large black SUV sped through the gates coming to an abrupt halt just metres away from the door. A tall, muscular guard got out from the passenger side, opened the rear passenger side door and unbuckled a shaking Bella. She was as white as a ghost. Dry tears stained her cheeks and her eyes were a blood red. I immediately ran up to the car and took her from the arms of the guard. I pulled her in towards me hoping to offer her some comfort. She grasped onto the fabric of my dress as more tears flooded down her face. It was heart breaking, no parent should ever have to see their child this scared and traumatised. I rushed her in the house, Adriano hobbling behind me.

"Mamma, I feel sick." Bella announced after I had sat her down on the sofa. I ran through to the kitchen and grabbed a large Pyrex bowl. Once I had made it back to Bella, Adriano was sitting on the sofa cuddling her. Tears cascaded down her red cheeks as she sobbed loudly. I sat down next to her and kept the bowl on my lap. Bella turned to face me and moved away from her father and vomited into the bowl. I grabbed her long hair and held it as she was sick. Adriano rubbed her back softly.

"Its okay gattino get it out." He cooed. Once she had stopped being sick I moved the bowl away and a maid scurried in and took it away. I sent him a thankful glance before turning all my attention back on Bella. Tears coated Arabella's long dark lashes as she looked up at me saying

"Mamma he wouldn't wake up. I yelled for him but he wouldn't wake up." Fear was laced in her voice. "They said that they were coming for me. What does that mean Mamma?"  A tear trickled down my cheek as I pulled her in for a tight hug.

"No-one is ever going to get you okay. I am never going to let that happen bambino." She hugged me back tightly. 

"Mamma, can I sleep with you and dad tonight." I looked over at Adriano who nodded, not like I was going to say no to her anyway but wanted to make sure that he was okay with it. After about an hour of calming Bella we decided that it was best of she got some rest. She had been through hell today. I carried Bella into the bedroom and placed her down on the bed. She snuggled into the luscious pillows and I lifted the covers over her petite body. Her eyes fluttered shut just moments after she had the quilt over her. I crept out of the room with Adriano, wandering into a spare room on the floor. We both sat down on the bed hand in hand. Our eyes never left each others. 

"We need to talk about this." I commented breathing heavily. Adriano's eyes turned glassy, tears that formed ran down his cheeks freely as he hugged me tightly. "I'm so sorry Adriano. Matteo was like a brother to me too." Tears spilled from my cheeks. "He's dead because of me. If I hadn't have made such a fuss about my brother, I would have been able to pick up Bella and Tao would still be alive." I took a deep breath, allowing myself to calm down before I continued. "Its my fault, if you don't want to be around me . . . that's okay and I respect that." I sighed. "Oh God I hate myself, Bella's going to have nightmares and probably be scarred for life, and its all my fault. I'm such a bad mother and friend."

Adriano pulled away grabbed my shoulders forcing me to face him. His eyes still brimmed with tears. "I DON'T blame you miele. I blame the sick son of a bitch who did this. Also you are NOT a bad mother, both you and I had no idea that this was coming. Yes it fucking hurts and I want my baby brother back more than anything but . . . you and Bella and this little one mean the world to me. Losing any of yous would kill me." I caressed his hand softly. "Can we just stay will Bella now, I have no doubt that she will have nightmares?" He asked and I nodded my head.

I helped Adriano as we walked through to the bedroom. We climbed in at either side of the bed, Bella in the middle of us. She must've noticed the shift in weight in the bed and moved closer to her father. He gave me a sad smile and I slowly closed my eyes and fell into a nightmare ridden sleep. 

