Capitolo Ventitré

Fun Fact: Its currently midnight and I should be sleeping but here I am writing another chapter because an idea popped into my head as I was trying to sleep, thank you over active brain. Its actually funny can any other writers relate to this, when you need to think about things for school and like things that actually are important and you can't think of it and when it comes to the time that you are supposed to be sleeping and shutting your brain off, hundreds of good idea's suddenly come flooding to your head so that you have to do something with them. Anyway, here I am at now two am editing. So long and goodnight. xD. 

Camilla's POV

The second that we got home, I pressed a kiss to Bella's forehead and headed up to bed. It hurt like hell but I had to get out of that fucking wheelchair. I changed into some pyjama's and took a book from the small bookcase and curled up in bed. I wanted to forget, I wanted so desperately to forget but I never could. A couple of tears streamed down my face as I attempted to read. My thoughts were consumed by that night. I shook my head and attempted to rid my brain of the thoughts but with no avail. Dropping the book, I just lay there and sobbed. I brought my knee's up to my stomach and held them as I sobbed. "Why? Why can't I just forget it all." I cried out. Get a fucking grip Cam, my subconscious argued. I just wanted to forget was that too much to ask for. It was three bloody years ago.  My sobs slowly grew quieter but the volume of tears increased. I had got good at hiding my emotions, since with it just being me and Bella. I  would never cry in front of her, I would always put on this mask of fake happiness like any parent would. I felt a warm hand at my back and quietly croaked out. "Bunny?" Tears continued to stream down my face. He pulled me in towards him.

"What happened Miele?" He asked, his voice was so soft. Gone was the dominant Capo di Capi  and in his place was my bunny.

"Just flashbacks, its nothing." I commented. I heard him sigh.

"Cam, its not nothing, you don't juts cry over nothing. Tell me about the flashback please. I want to help." I sniffled and then said.

"It was about when Vito attacked me, seeing the look on Bella's face when I was in hospital was the exact one that she had on her face when she saw me after Vito attacked me. It brought it back." He rubbed my back softly as I sobbed. Once I had stopped crying about half an hour later Adriano spoke up.

"I think you should go see a therapist Cam, I really think that it will help you." I nodded in agreement,

"I know. We never had much money so I couldn't afford one." Adriano hummed in agreement.  "I love you." I quietly murmured.

"I love you too." Adriano pressed a kiss to the back of my head. An hour had passed, me and Adriano sat in a comfortable silence cuddling each other, with the occasional kiss here and there. Adriano's phone rang and he apologised, got up and answered it. After about ten minutes he returned. He pressed a kiss to my forehead and said quietly. "I've got to go down to the warehouse and oversee a couple of shipments. Don't wait up for me okay." I nodded and sat up. I pressed a gentle kiss to his plump lips and he then went to go get a shower and changed. As he was about to leave he came up to me and kissed me fervently. I ran my hands through his damp hair. We pulled away for air, pressing our foreheads together. Staring intently into each others eyes. He brought our lips together for one last gentle lingering kiss. 

The door shut quietly and I picked my book up off of the floor and looked at the cover. Shit! I, being the moron I am picked up 50 Shades of . . . yep you guessed it. 50 Shades Of motherfucking Grey. I never planned on reading any erotica's but I couldn't be arsed to get another book. 50 Shades it is. I read the first five chapter, so far so good. It had began to get a bit steamy. I turned the next page, fully immersed in Christian and Anastasia's story. There was a knock at the door and I put the book down on the bed, folding the page to keep my place. I put the covers over it. The door swung open and Bella stood there. Bella had a huge smile on her face as she announced.

"Aunty Faye said for you to get your butt downstairs now." She giggled at the end and ran downstairs.

"BE CAREFUL!"  I yelled, hoping that she wouldn't run down the stairs. I stood up and saw a shiny new pair of crutches by the door. I hobbled over to the door muttering out curses in both English and Italian. I grabbed the crutches and hopped along the corridors. Faye was waiting at the bottom of the stairs, she gasped at my state and then yelled up at me.

"Wait, I'll help." She ran up the stairs and helped me keep my balance as I hopped down the stairs. The death trap on wheels, sorry wheelchair was in the corner of the room and Faye made a b-line towards it.

"No! Faye, stop there. I am not using that damned contraption. No!" She laughed and pushed the wheelchair towards me. I used the crutches to move away but I only moved at a snails pace. I moved as fast as I could but Faye pushed me back onto the chair which went reeling backwards the second I was sat in in. I squawked out in shock and Faye ran after me. I gripped the bars on the wheels tightly and it came to an abrupt stop.  She walked behind me and took the handles and began to push me. "That is what I mean, that is one of the many reasons why I do not like these goddamned things." Faye laughed at my complaints. She pushed me through to the kitchen where a massive buffet was splayed out on the table. Charlotte and Diego were sat on either side of Bella, Charlotte gawked at my state and I shrugged it off.

"What happened dear?" She asked, her face a mask of worry.

"No biggie, just got shot a couple of times, but the baby and I are fine." Diego shrugged it off like it was nothing and it was to him, he's probably been shot at hundreds of times and survived. Charlotte however, not the case. She was fussing over me and I tried to tell her that I was okay but her comeback was 'they all say that'. Don't get me wrong, I love her more than my own mother but still it gets old. 

The day was filled with eating, talking and Bella being spoiled by her grandparents. It flew by, Faye went back with her parents and said that she would be back in a weeks time, but she wanted a break from her regular surroundings and to get away for a bit which I completely agreed with. I hugged them all, or should I say they hugged me because Charlotte refused to let me get out of this death trap. I-REALLY-HATE-FUCKING-WHEELCHAIRS. Once they had left I discarded of the wheelchair and limped up the stairs and hobbled along to the bedroom, muttering curses under my breath as I went. I finally made it to the bedroom. I collapsed on the bed and picked up my book. I continued to read for a good two hours before a knock on the door made me jump.

"Come in." I called and Bella came flouncing into the room in her pyjama's. I quickly placed the book under the bed, hoping that Bella would not find it. It would be awkward if she did, can you imagine. 'Mamma what does a blowjob mean? Mamma why is he doing that to her?' I mean she is only six so her reading skills are somewhat limited but if she doesn't know a word means she will always ask.

"Can I sleep with you mamma?" She asked doing the puppy dog eyes. I sighed at my own defeat.

"Yeah you can, do you want to go get Apollo and bring him up here too?" I asked and she nodded before running off shouting for Apollo. This gave me time, I picked up the book and put it back on the shelf where it belonged and then lay back down on the bed. Moments later Apollo came running into the room and jumped onto the bed, lying where Adriano normally would, then Bella came in behind him. She shut the door behind her and lay in-between me and Apollo. I clapped my hands twice turning the lights off and tucked myself under the covers.

"Goodnight Bella."

"Goodnight mamma."

