Capitolo Sette

Camilla's POV

As soon as we were out of the traffic, it took no time to get to the school. Adriano and I had made small talk after our session cough cough.  Adriano parked a couple of metres away from the school in a parking lot.  I grabbed Arabella's hand after denying the one her father offered her and walked forward. The wind was quite strong and I was struggling to keep my balance with just one arm and already sore legs from falling down the stairs. Adriano must have noticed as he made his way over to me and slipped an arm around my waist. I smiled up at him and whispered a quiet thank you. We were soon at the school reception and me and Bella approached the desk.

"Miss Romano and Arabella?" The woman in her mid 40's asked a broad smile on her face. I nodded. She looked behind us where Adriano was standing. His suit clung to his body in all of the right places. His brown hair slung back neatly. Tattoo's that ran from his arm to his neck clearly visible with his grey blazer that was slung over his left shoulder. She licked her lips and said quietly.

"Can I help you sir?" He shook his head no and approached me and Bella.

"I'm Bella's father." Her eyes opened in realisation and she then quietly said.

"If you wait here for a minute, I will get a member of staff to show you around and if Arabella wants she can sit in on the class that she will be in." I crouched down to Bella's level as soon as the woman had left.

"Do you want to do that Bella or do you want to stay with me and your dad?" She pondered the thought for a moment and then asked.

"Mamma do you trust dad?" She was a smart child, but to be honest I don't know. So I lied.

"Yes bambino I do, what does that have to do with anything?" She smiled and said.

"I will go to the class." I nodded and kissed her head, was my own daughter looking out for me. That was my job. A tall, lean man walked through the door and we shook hands.

"You must be Miss Romano yes?" I nodded. "I am Mr Dabala and I will be Bella's teacher." He looked down at Bella. "And you must be Arabella yes." She nodded and he began to lead us through to the classroom. Bella was sat at a table with 4 other children two girls and two boys.

 Once we had left, he began to show me and Adriano around the school. Adriano had snaked an arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him when Mr Dabala had become a bit flirtatious making both me and him feel uncomfortable, and a school is not exactly the place where you can pull out a gun and threaten someone. The school was perfect, they focused on creativity over academia but still made it important. I already knew Bella would love it, she loved to draw and sing. Whenever she would have spare time she would be drawing or making up her own songs and singing them. After about an hour of touring and meeting a couple of members of staff during the kids break. Bella ran over to hug me once she was out of the classroom, I guess her leg wasn't hurting her as much anymore. She wasn't running as fast as she normally does but she was still running.

"What did you think Bambino? Do you want to go to school here?" She nodded her head rapidly and began to tell us about her new friends. One was a boy called Marcos which didn't go down to well with Adriano, but I reminded him that they were 6 and nothing was going to happen. I was handed some paperwork and wrote in all the relevant details and signed where I needed to, Adriano also put his personal cell's number on the sheet along with his and my personal email address. Bella was able to start tomorrow which made her extremely giddy. We were driving home when Adriano quietly whispered to me.

"We're being followed Miele, give Arabella something to distract her okay." I nodded and gave Bella my phone and headphones, turning the volume fully up on the film so she was completely unaware of what was going on. He turned on his Bluetooth and his men were coming soon, lets hope its soon enough. My head was spinning with fear and worry. Adriano pulled off onto the motorway and sped through the traffic. I sent him a pleading glance to be careful with Bella being in the car. An alert went off and a message came up saying that his men had us covered, I looked out of the windows and black 4by4's surrounded us. I sighed a sigh of relief, Adriano grasped my hand tightly as a gesture to assure me that we were safe. I took some deep breaths in an attempt to calm my racing heartbeat. Adriano quickly drove us home, without speeding thankfully, I wasn't about to be on the news as a car crash victim. It was almost 5pm. I sighed and began to make my way into the kitchen.

"Where are you going Miele?" Adriano asked rather loudly.

"Where do you think, to the kitchen to make dinner." He laughed at approached me and eyeing me.

"Annie makes the dinner today, she has Mondays and Fridays off."

"Oh." I sighed a weak smile playing on my lips.

"Did you want to make the dinner, I know you enjoy cooking." He pulled me into a hug, I leaned into his frame and quietly murmured.

"I'm exhausted, I'm glad you have Annie." He pulled his arms around me, pulling us impossibly closer together. I rested my head on his shoulder and let my eyes slowly close. This felt safe, this is my home. He and Arabella are my peace.

"Although, your cooking is better." Adriano commented and I felt a small blush creep up my cheeks as I laughed softly. Apollo wandered in the room and began to quietly growl at Adriano. 

"Come here Apollo." I commanded and he came over to my leg. I got down to his level and scratched his head affectionately. "Adriano here ORA!" {Now} I commanded. He wandered towards me and Apollo. He stood like a statue in front of the growling Apollo.

"Apollo stop." I commanded and he shut up, I could tell that he was just trying to protect me. I speed walked to the kitchen and brought out a bag of Apollo's treats, only to find Adriano running from Apollo who was snarling and chasing him.

"SMETTILA ORA!"{Stop it now} I ordered and the pair looked at me. Apollo hung his head low in shame as Adriano chuckled softly.

"They are right when they say that the queen holds all the power." I sniggered at his statement.

"If you want Bella to like you, you need to get Apollo to like you. He isn't that scary at all." Adriano looked at me like I had grown a third head. I handed him a couple of treats and then called Apollo to go to him. "Let Apollo eat them from your hand, like when he was a puppy." Adriano held his hand out for Apollo to eat the treats. Knowing Apollo, he took the treats happily and then sat next to Adriano. Adriano scratched his head and Apollo licked his hand. I stepped out of the room and got Bella. I told Matteo and Faye what I was doing whilst I was waiting for Bella to come out of the bathroom, from washing her hands.

"I can't wait to see this." Matteo breathed in between fits of laughter, he never thought that it would work, the time I was away would tell the tale though. Bella had finished and all 4 of us headed downstairs. I walked ahead of everyone in case I had to break anything up. To mine and everyone else's surprise Adriano was sat next to Apollo who lovingly licked his face as he chuckled. That beautiful laugh made me melt inside. Bella tugged on my shirt.

"Apollo likes dad." She breathed to me, I smiled and nodded. I looked back at Matteo and Faye who were gobsmacked. I chuckled softly and continued along to them. Apollo ran towards Bella knocking her over, licking her face affectionately. She stood up and laughed, he nudged her forward towards Adriano, who had a hopeful look on his face. Adriano held his hand out for her and after a nod from me, the twins and Apollo barking she took it. The last time I saw Adriano this happy was the night he proposed. A tear came to my eye as he embraced her in a tight hug, whispering something in her ear. A single tear rolled down his cheek.

"Ti amo Bella." {I love you} Adriano cooed at her, she pulled away from the hug and just looked at him, a knowing grin appeared on his face. "Right lets go to dinner." Adriano announced and we all walked through to the dining room. Adriano approached me and kissed my cheek, "Thank you Miele." He stated his voice filled with happiness. I smiled and we sat down in our assigned seats to have dinner.

I had just given Bella her antibiotics and was on my way back to Adriano's room. He was coming out of the bathroom a towel slung around his hips. Damp hair ruffled and messy. Droplets of water falling down his toned abdomen. The black ink that stained his arm and neck more prominent now, the intricate patterns and designs on top of the muscle. Damn, just damn. I bit my lip as I looked over at him. He stalked over to me and let his towel hang lower on his hips. He pressed his lips against mine in a fervent kiss. I ran my hand through his hair. Adriano motioned for me to jump and I did so. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he carried me over to the bed not once breaking our kiss. Once I was on the bed, he crawled over me and slowly removed my clothes kissing every inch of skin that he exposed. I moaned loudly as he sucked on the skin softly. The rest of that night was filled with pent up frustration, lust and passion. I have never been more thankful for soundproof walls.

The next morning I was woken up by a loud banging on the door. I yawned and stretched myself out before unravelling myself from the sheets that me and Adriano had quickly thrown back over us after our night of passion. I was thankful of our decision to put our pyjama's back on before going to sleep. I wandered over to the door at a leisurely pace, noticing a still sleeping Adriano. I opened the door to find a sleep deprived looking Matteo. I went outside and shut the door behind me.

"I hear you and Adriano had a good time last night." My jaw hung open. 

"Adriano . . . he said the walls were soundproof." Embarrassment was rife in my tone.

"He lied, the bastard. I heard everything and didn't get a minute of sleep. I was here so that I could strangle that bastard." I chuckled softly.

"Oh god Bella." I mentally cursed myself out. I heard loud chuckle come from Matteo.

"Her room is soundproof, but Adriano's and others on this floor aren't for security reasons." I nodded and let myself breathe a sigh of relief.

"I am very sorry Tao, I will promise to tell Adriano off for you and we'll be quieter next time." He began to walk off and flipped me off. "Love you too Fratello." Now I have to pick a bone with Adriano.

Adriano was sat up on the bed, and watched me like a lion watching its dinner. His eyes were hungry and held a lot of lust amongst other things. I pointed at him

"Your getting nothing else Mister.  Every room in this house is sound soundproof my ass. I just dealt with a sleep deprived Matteo because of last night." A cocky smile spread across his face. Oh how I wanted to slap the smirk off of his face, but I restrained myself.

"You were the one who was screaming my name Miele." Arggg. Damn it, my restraint was thrown out of the window as I slapped his face. He laughed at me like an insane man. He gripped my hand and pulled me closer whispering in my ear "Arabella hits harder than that."

"Do you want me to hit you where Arabella hit you?" I threatened and he went pale.

"Fair point." He stated before smashing his lips against mine. I moaned softly raking my hand through his hair. I groaned loudly when there was a gentle knock at the door. I walked over and saw Arabella dressed and ready, I looked at the clock and saw we had 30 minutes to get to the school. I quickly threw on some leggings and one of Adriano's hoodies. Adriano was in the same rush to get ready, he threw on a pair of black trousers and a black crew neck t-shirt. I threw on a pair of trainers and he put on his leather as I called them work shoes and we were out of the door, I picked up a breakfast bar for Bella to eat on the way there. Adriano sped through the traffic even through my protests in the many. We made it there with five minutes to spare. Bella ran off and mingled with her friends. When she was midway there she ran back and hugged me tightly.

"Bye mamma I love you." I smiled and Adriano pouted.

"Do I not get a hug?" He questioned. Bella hugged him tightly and said

"Bye daddy, see you later." He smiled broadly, from ear to ear.

"See you later gattino." {Kitten}. She smiled at us and ran into the school. I had noticed a couple of men and women patrolling the school. Adriano placed his hand on mine and gave it a squeeze. "They are my men, just in case anything happens they will protect Bella with their lives and get her to a safe house or back home." I smiled and we watched her until her class was allowed inside the building. She waved at us and we waved at her. Adriano and I made our way back to the car with our hands intertwined. Once we were in the car he kissed my forehead lovingly. 

"I'll drop you off at home and then I am heading to the warehouse okay." I smiled softly. We were back to the same old daily grind.

"I'll meet you back at the house before she gets out and then we can pick up Bella and take her out for Gelato."

"Okay." I responded.

We were going back to normal. Our own special kind of normality, but it was normality to us.

