Chapter 4- Having a New Set of Ears

After a few weeks of getting used to my blindness, my hearing and smelling have gotten sharper. Thanks to Todo and Sho's training methods I've been able to do a lot of things I originally couldn't do when I was able to see. Like beat them several times in a video game we played.

"Izumi, I have good news. The doctor just called, he said he found someone who can help with your other senses." Mom said, interrupting our study session.

"Alright!" The three boys said.

They accompanied us to the hospital and waited in the hallway after the doctor gave me a thorough examination.

"Your eyes have healed nicely, so has your throat." He said.

"She's always been able to heal quickly." Mom said.

"Well, the person I told you about will come in now. He will tell you all about his quirk and how it will help you." He said.

Someone opened the door and walked in, the doctor bid us a farewell, then left us with the stranger. He introduced himself, saying his name was Koda, the animal hero Anima.

"Well, um, I have this friend that can give you ears of an animal, to help you hear better. He says that he can, uh, do that for you if you want." Koda said.

"Yes, Koda, that would be nice, thank you." Mom said.

"I'll, uh, give him a call." Koda said, pulling out his phone.

After a few minutes of hearing him chatter, he finally said that his friend was on his way. We waited for a good hour or so, then he was here. Mom explained what had happened, and he was very intuitive.

"I see. Let's get on with it but, you may need to hold her down. I'll have to insert a lot of animal DNA in order for my quirk to work." He said.

I laid back on the bed, I could heard a cart rattling as it made it's way into the room.

"Alright, I'm going to insert the DNA now, it will hurt, a lot." The man said.

"Okay." Mom said.

Koda and Mom held down my arms as the man inserted a needled into my neck. As the liquid spread throughout my body, immense pain spread as well. My body began reacting to it, struggling against their holds on me. After an hour or so, I felt a weird sensation on my head. Suddenly, two ears popped out of my head, in turn surprising my mother.

"Oh my, two ears came out of her head." Mom said

"It should be easier for her to live now." Koda said.

"Thank you Koda." Mom said.

"Your welcome, Uraraka." Koda said.

Mom brought me outside, where the three were waiting anxiously.

"Holy crap, Izu! You've got animal ears!" Todo said.

"Yep, be quieter now. My hearing is a bit sensitive right now." I said, holding down my ears.

"Right, sorry about that." Todo said.

"We better get going home, she needs her rest after all, you boys can stay if you want." Mom said.

"Alright, thanks mom!" The three of them said.

"I still can't get used to them saying mom." I said.

"Oh come on, it's nice to have three kind sons to look after my daughter." She said.

"Right." I said, smiling.

"Hey Izumi, do you have a hero costume and name picked out?" Todo asked, as we were in my room playing games.

"Yes, I'll get them out." I said.

Since I knew where they were, it wasn't that hard to find them.

(I have three outfits that I can't choose between, so you can choose which one she wears. I won't put the pictures in the other chapters so it will be your imagination.)

"What about your hero name?" Sho asked.

"Hm... I was going to go with Floating Dragon, but I can't now that my floating quirk was removed." I said.

"I know!" Sho said, writing down things on a notebook.

"What are you thinking Sho?" Todo asked.

"Maybe, how about the Blind Fox Hero: Flair." Sho asked.

"Yeah, that sounds great!" I said.

"Great job Sho." Todo said.

"Yeah, you're really smart. Unlike your brother." Katsu said.

"Hey!" Todo said, punching his arm.

--Third Person--

Katsu tackled Todo to the ground, pulling his arms behind his back and ruffling his hair. Sho sat with Izu on her bed, talking about how she was going to become a hero after this. Katsu and Todo decided to sleep downstairs for a change, Izu's room was getting to cramped for three boys. Sho slept on the floor next to Izu's bed, and Izu would listen to him sleep.

"So, Katsu, what do you think about our relationship?" Todo asked, turning down the television.

"What relationship? I thought were were best friends." Katsu said, looking at Todo.

Todo was right next to him, giving him a sideways glance.

"I want to know whether or not you're thinking about dating anyone." He said, grabbing a hold of Katsu's hair.

"Get off of me, Todo!" Katsu shouted, he ended up falling off the couch.

Todo covered Katsu's mouth, and sat on his stomach.

"Shh, Katsu, Izu and Sho are upstairs sleeping. So is mom, you don't want them seeing our little situation do you?" Todo asked, smiling maniacally.

Katsu shook his head.

"My, you've become so obedient." Todo said.
