Chapter 1- Izumi Midoriya

~Playing in the living room with their mom, Izumi and Uren were playing hero with their parents hero dolls. Izuku Midoriya (Dad) is the Number 1 Hero, Katsuki Bakugou (Uncle Kaachan) is the Number 2 Hero, and Shoto Todoroki is the Number 3 Hero (in my opinion no judging). Izumi was playing with her mom's doll (Ochaco Uraraka) when Uren asked something unnecessary, making Izumi mad.~

"So, Izumi, don't you think that Dad should retire? I mean, he has children to take care of." He said.

"No, I don't. He still comes home to us." I said.

"Yeah but, if a hero has a child, they should retire, like mom did." Uren said.

"NO! If they don't have a job then we'll have to leave! I don't want to leave!" I shouted.

~They started to argue their mom was currently in the other room making juice. When she heard the commotion she went into the living room to calm the two down. It was that moment when Izumi unlocked her quirk, she screamed and fire came out her mouth. Izuku ran down the hall to see why she was screaming and when he saw that she could breathe fire, he wondered where she got it from.~

"Daddy!" I said, jumping into his arms crying.

"What happened?" Dad asked.

"Uren said something mean, like how you should retire. Don't retire daddy!" I cried.

"Uren, is that true?" Dad asked.

"Yes. I just feel like you should be home more." He said.

"He's the Number 1 Hero, he's going to be busy. You don't need to say things like that to an 8 year old." Mom said.

No one talked for a while, it wasn't until Mom broke the silence.

"So, Deku, where'd she get that quirk?" She asked.

"My dad had it, it must've just skipped a Generation." He said.

~That's when our generations quirks began to change. Every child instead of having one quirk from their parents, they end up merging together creating new and unidentified quirks. There are still some quirkless ones in the world. But Dad is figuring out a way to give them some protection from people who would hurt them. He told us that he was once quirkless too, for a time, then his quirk came through when he transferred to UA. That's where I decided I was going to go to school. My big brother already graduated a few years ago, so he's a hero now. He comes by sometimes to visit, and he says he'll be helping one of the teachers at UA. I studied hard, trained hard, and did everything I possibly could to get into UA, and I did.~

I walked towards the campus, it was bigger than I expected. I saw several students making their way towards it too, two of them were my childhood friends. Sho Todoroki and Katsudon Bakugou, obviously the two never got along, but they had one thing in common. Being friends with me, which sometimes they don't like. But one of them was definitly missing from our group.

"Hey Sho! Katsu!" I shouted, running up to them.

"Great, it's the pyro floater!" Katsu said.

"Aw, Katsu, you joker!" I said, slapping his back multiple times.

"How've you been Izu?" Sho asked.

"I've been excellent. About burned down our house during the summer." I said.

"Another argument with your brother?" Katsu asked.

"Yeah, he's been rather strange lately, like he's acting different than usual." I said.

"How so?" Sho asked.

"Well, when he's in his room alone, I can hear him mumbling through the walls. The heroes will pay, the heroes will feel my wrath. Something like that." I said.

"That is strange." Katsu said.

"I-ZU-MI!" Todo said, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

I quickly grabbed his wrist and flipped him over my shoulder onto the ground. Then I started floating, Sho and Katsu grabbed onto my hands to keep me from floating into the sky.

"Oh, look, Izu took out the trash." Katsu said, laughing to himself.

"Oh Todo! I'm sorry!" I said.

Todo Todoroki, the twin of Sho Todoroki, they're complete opposites of each other. Todo has white hair but fire powers and Sho has red hair but ice powers, so everyone gets their quirks confused. Todo is a ball of energy while Sho is more reserved and calm.

"Geez, how strong are you?" Todo said, bending over, out of breath.

"It was reflexive. Dad's been teaching me self-defense, and some fighting techniques." I said, scratching my head.

"You were already scary enough with your Quirk, now you have offensive hand to hand combat." Todo exaggerated.

"You should really learn to not flirt with everything you say." Katsu said, his hands popping.

"Yeah, you can't flirt with Izumi." Sho said, putting his fist into his palm.

The both of them let go of me and started chasing after Todo. I stopped floating, landed on my two feet, and ran after them.

"Hey guys wait for me!" I shouted.

We all chased each other to the Entrance Ceremony, or whatever, and ended up bumping into Sho and Todo's older sister.

"Watch where your going, twerp." She said, pushing past me.

"Ouch, sorry." I said.

"She's been in a bad mood for a while." Sho said.

"Same as my brother?" I asked.

"Yeah." He said.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Don't know what you two lovebirds are talking about, but we need to go." Katsu said, smacking our backs.

"Shut up Katsu!" I said, my face red.

Sho's face was red as well, Sho and I have always been the closest of our squad which we call the Katsu Squad. The leader is Katsu, the second in command is Todo, Sho and I are their followers. Since him and I were more docile, we didn't care that they chose each other for the top spots. Good thing is nobody likes to mess with us four, we have gotten nicknames that are known everywhere in Musutafu, Japan. Katsu is Emperor B, Todo is Fire-sword, Sho's is Ice-sword, and I'm Floating Dragon.

"Look, it's those crazy 1st years, you know, the ones that blew up the hotel because of a fight." A student whispered.

And there are tons of rumors going around about us, yes, a building blew up because me and Katsu had a fight about... what was it again? I don't remember, but it was about something that made me mad and the Pro Heroes had to contain us in Quirk Stopping Cells until our parents came to get us.

"Uh oh, looks like the Trouble Four is back." Reiji said.

"Oh hey Reiji." I said.

"What up, Izu!" He said, high fiving me.

"Where's your girlfriend?" I asked.

"Eh, we're taking a break." He said.

"Again, seriously, is this about your Quirk again?" I asked.

"Yes, she complains everyday about it." He said, rubbing his neck.

"Well, if she hurts you, tell me." I said, my aura darkening.

"Calm down Izu or your going to fly away again." Todo said, in a teasing town.

I elbowed him hard in the side, still smiling at Reiji. We all walked together towards the hall, where all the students were gathered, and there were a lot.

"Hello everyone, I'm Present Mic! With me today is Number 1 Hero Deku!" He sounded punkish for being old.

"Dad?" I questioned.

Everyone cheered when my dad came in and sat next to Present Mic.

"Now then, hello everyone, I'm Deku, as Present Mic said." He said, laughing nervously.

Everyone in the hall started to giggle.

"The Entrance exam changes every year, so this year, oh, I guess that it's the robots this year." Dad said.

"Yes, I believe that's what you went up against when you were a UA Student." Present Mic said.

"Yeah, but I ended up shattering the bones in my body." Dad said.

Everyone gasped at that.

"The test will have differently scored robots. 1 P, 2 P, 3 P, and 0 P. The student who destroys the most will pass." Present Mic explained.

"Nice." I said.

~After all the students were transported to the battle simulation grounds, the heroes let the robots roam the city. The students were let inside the city, without any barring rules against how to use their quirks. Izu and Sho stuck together, destroying robots, and helping other students who were trapped under rubble. Katsu was apparently destroying robots left and right, causing students to get trapped, just like his father did. Everyone was avoiding the 0 point bot, but the number of robots were going down fast.~

"Izu watch out!" Sho shouted, holding his left arm.

Another student jumped onto me, both of us crashing to the ground. It was a blonde crazy looking boy who had just destroyed a robot. He hit me in the head with a rock, then jumped to attack Sho. He created an ice spear and warded him off. I stood up and held my hand out, concentrated my energy, making the boy float up and throwing him far away. My body felt light, I'm guessing I was floating now.

"Izu!" Sho said, running towards me.

He grabbed onto my hand and made a ice anchor, which kept us attached to the ground. I was really tired, my mouth and throat hurt, I just wanted the test to end.
