Chapter 2- Class 1-A 2.0

~All the future generation got into UA and Class 1A. Aizawa is still a teacher there and will also teach Class 1A. (In this fan fiction, not sure if it happens in the anime, the League of Villains was destroyed/captured) There's trouble brewing for the UA students, for a new League of Villains is being formed by- narrator gets cut off.~

"Izumi! Wake up and eat your breakfast." Mom shouted.

"Yes!" I shouted back, getting dressed.

Mom had to place bandages on the corners of my mouth because I had burned them badly yesterday. I ran downstairs, getting run over by dad in the process. We both collapsed on the ground, him frantically apologizing to me.

"Whose that boy that you keep inviting over?" I asked, seeing the boy leave.

"He's my student, I'm training him." He said.

"You never take in students." I said.

"He has a lot in common with me, he'll be a great hero." He said.

I looked at him with an envious look.

"I-I mean, you'll be a good hero too, Izumi!" He stuttered.

"Dad, it's fine." I said, laughing.

"Oh dear, did we have a crash landing?" Mom asked, holding her belly.

It was getting bigger every month, I'm guessing she's pregnant. Dad kissed her on the cheek, ate his toast and ran out the door.

"He's always in a rush." She said, staring after him.

"So am I going to have a baby brother or sister?" I asked.

"I don't know, we'll see." She said, playing sly.

"If you need help, call me from school right away." I stated.

"Yes, ma'am." She said, kissing my forehead.

I also ate a piece of toast, along with eggs, and a sausage. I ran out of the house, half the sausage was hanging out my mouth. Sho was up front waiting for me, looking through his phone. He looked up when he heard the door close, he smiled at me.

"Good Morning, Izu." He said.

"Goof morphing." I said, still eating my sausage.

He grabbed the sausage, it split because I bit into it, then he ate the other half. I smacked his shoulder, normally he wouldn't be that bold to take my food.

"You took the rest of my breakfast." I said.

"I was hungry." He said.

"Get your own breakfast." I stated, seeing my dad running ahead of us.

"Whatever, anyway, are you excited?" He asked.

"For what?" I asked.

"Today we get to be put in groups. We choose teammates that will suit us." He said, smiling towards me.

"So you want to be partners with me?" I asked.

"Well, all four of us!" He said.

"Four?" I said.

Suddenly, Katsu and Todo popped out of the bushes next to us, scaring me. They found it so funny, when we got to the school, I saw dad talking with a mummy man. He had some wrappings around his neck and black hair.

"That's Eraserhead!" I squealed.

"You know, it's really annoying that you do research on your favorite heroes." Katsu said.

"Shut up Katsu. Your father is also an amazing hero." I said.

"Your dad's Ground Zero, right Katsu?" Sho asked.

"Yeah..." Katsu said.

"Izu, what's with the bandages?" Todo asked.

"I overused my Fire Breath and burnt my lips. Luckily I have fast healing powers." I said.

"Which is called plenty of rest after you broke you leg because you fell on it wrong." Sho said.

"What's with you? Are you still ticked after that boy attacked me?" I asked.

"No." He stated.

"Uh huh. He was seeping with anger when you were in the medical ward. When that boy walked past him, he was bragging about how he beat the Floating Dragon. Sho about lost it." Todo snickered.

"Shut up, Todo!" He said, throwing a punch at him.

"Oh, did I hit a nerve." He said, smirking.

"You guys are so funny." I said, an evil aura leaving my body.

The both of them stopped fighting, then walked ahead with sweat beads forming on their faces. I sighed, then saw the same blonde boy who attacked me coming towards us fast. He somehow walked right through Sho and Todo, who were slowly stopping. It's like everything slowed down until the boy wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"Well, hello, little dragon." He said.

Katsu jumped at the sudden voice, but started to unlock his Quirk Stopping bracelets. The boy clicked his tongue pulling me away from them.

"I wouldn't if I were you." He said, holding his finger to my neck.

"What's your finger going to do?" Todo asked.

He pulled my arm up and poked it, a something shot through it, causing a bullet looking hole to form in my arm. It did hurt, a lot might I add, but I bit my lip to not scream.

"What the hell dude? What's your deal?" Katsu said.

"I want her to drop from the Hero course, she's not made for a hero. No woman is." He stated.

"Hah?! What was that? Come again." I glowered.

"Dude, did you just seriously say that in front of Izu?" Todo said, leaning against Katsu's side.

"Yeah, no woman should be a hero, that's what men are for." He stated.

Fire started to drip from my mouth, the fire then attached itself to my body, causing it all to catch on fire. The boy had to let go of me, and he fell back with a burnt arm.

"Did you say that women shouldn't be heroes because men are stronger?"I asked.

"Yes." He stated.

"The hell they can't! That's your opinion, I'll beat some sense into you!" I shouted, picking him up by the collar of his school uniform.

I was about to punch him when someone grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the boy. I recognized the scarred hands, they were my dads.

"Izumi, calm down, he didn't mean anything by it." Dad said, dumping water onto me.

The water didn't soak my clothes, just put out the fire. I glared at the boy, who was looking at me confused. Dad lifted my arm and started to patch the bullet wound, he turned to the boy after he was done. He helped him up, but didn't let go of his arm.

"Are you the one who harmed her?" He asked, with 'that' kind of smile.

"Yeah, what's it to you, Deku." The boy said.

He squeezed the boy's arm, still smiling.

"Well, it just so happens that it was my daughter that you hurt. Now, if you don't behave, I will take you out of the program, is that understood?" Dad asked, lifting the boy up.

"Y-Yes, sir!" The boy squeaked.

"Now, get lost." He said, throwing the boy.

Katsu, Sho, and Todo stood frozen, sweating bullets. Dad looked towards them with the same smile, he walked up to them, standing right in front of them.

"Now, if you three hurt my daughter, you know what will happen right?" He said.

"Yes, sir! We would never dream of hurting her." They said.

"Good, have a good day sweetie." He said, hugging me.

"Yeah, yeah." I said, hugging him back.

He left. Katsu, Sho, and Todo both let their breaths go.

"Your dad, is scary as hell." Katsu said.

"I'm scary as hell." I said.

"Yes, you are." Sho said.

"I'm to afraid to find out what happens if I were to play mean to Izu." Todo said, rubbing his head.

"You'd probably die." I stated.

"Yeah, let's hurry to class." Sho said, grabbing my hand and pulling me along.

I was having a hard time keeping my running pace with him pulling me. Katsu and Todo were constantly teasing us while we slowed down, but Sho didn't let go of my hand. When we entered the class room, Kyo came running up to me, hugging and tackling me.

"What's wrong?!" I shouted.

"Nothing, I just haven't seen you since the summer. You were about to burn your house down right?" Kyo said.

"Yeah." I said, standing up.

That's when I felt it, an arm snaked it's way onto my waist. A tick mark appeared on my forehead, the three boys backed away with Kyo as I grabbed his  arm. I picked him up, then threw him right into the back wall. (The Pervert Mineta had a son, but I didn't feel like putting him on the good people page of the next generation. Also, he's in the picture above.)

"Ah, I see, it's Minrou Mineta's son, Ash." I stated.

"Yep, you guessed it." Ash said, sitting in a crisscross (applesauce) position.

"What makes you think you can do that to Izu?" Jin asked, his fingers showed lightning coming from his fingers (fingies).

"Yeah, don't touch Izu like that!" Katsu said.

Everyone ganged up on him, but he sat there smiling. (I'm thinking of making him Mineta and Toga's son, what do you think?)

"But her blood smells good, I wanted to taste it." He stated.

"That's creepy." Jin said.

"Well, it's how I roll." He said, doing a weird Acrobatic flip next to me.

"How about it, darling, can I have some of your blood?" He asked.

"Hell no!" I said, throwing a punch.

Suddenly, some weird scraps of cloth wrapped around my wrist and Ash's mouth. I turned to see Eraserhead standing in the doorway.

"You guys are just as annoying as your parents." He stated.

Everyone had a dumbfounded look on their faces.

"Alright let's get started, I'm Aizawa. First, your groups, please fill out the forms with your group mates." He said.

The four of us filled out our forms and handed it to them. Aizawa patted my head, causing me to smile, then in came my brother.

"Uren, what are you doing here?" I asked.

He grabbed my wrist, hit me in the gut, causing me to pass out, and he took me away from UA.
