Chapter 7

~Izu's friends were constantly finding ways to help her with her training. They were trying to prepare her for the UA Sports Festival. Some of the teachers were worried that she wouldn't be able to participate because of her blindness, but Mr Aizawa told them to let her participate. He said that she was finding a way to use sound to navigate around.~

--Katsu's POV--

"I see, so you want me to use echolocation?" Izu asked.

"Yes, you use the sound to bounce off of objects to find your way around." I said.

"Wow, Katsu, you did a lot of research didn't you?" Sho said.

"Yes, and the ears you have, Izu, belong to a bat. So it should be a lot easier for you to use echolocation." I said, flicking her ear.

"Ow, that hurt!" She said, rubbing her ear.

"Well, how does she use it?" Todo asked.

"By using echoes. For humans, we use whistling or hitting the ground. For her, she can just listen in on our heart beats, breathing, or any movement we make in order to find her way around." I said.

"It's amazing that you even thought of that Katsu. I didn't know you were that smart." Todo remarked.

I grabbed his head and shoved him to the ground. I then helped Izu up and began her echolocation training. I set her in the middle of the room, then sat on the bed next to Sho and Todo. Her ears started flicking around listening to everything around her. She then started towards the bed, I'm guessing she's listening to the sounds of our bodies. She stopped in front of me.

"I'm guessing that this one is Katsu. Your heart beat is always irregular. This one is Sho, his heart is almost always calm. And this one is Todo, he has a strong heart beat." She said.

"Good job, now, we'll test this theory outside." I said.

We helped her downstairs and then showed her outside. She did horrible the first few tries, but then she was able to finally do it. Although, the looks we got from the passersby were a little unsettling but that's to be expected.

"It's been a few hours, we should probably head home." Sho said, out of breath his hands were tipped with frost.

Izu was bent over, trying to catch her breath, so was Todo. His hands had really bad burns, some of them appeared on his arms. My hands hurt a lot to, I overused my quirk.

"Yeah, our parents are probably worried." Izu said, wiping her mouth.

Todo fell onto his knees, then fully onto the ground, passing out. I ran over to him, Sho and Izu made their way over as well. I lifted him up carefully, his face was red and was burning hot. Wait a second, does that mean? I started. As expected, Sho fell over with the same symptoms.

"I guess that they if they over use their quirks then they get sick." Izu said.

"Yeah, we better get them to a hospital or something." I said, picking the two twins up.

We walked for almost two hours before we were able to get them into a hospital, and their condition worsened. Luckily, along the way, I found dad fighting a villain.

"What the hell are you doing here, Katsu?!" Dad yelled.

"I need to find a hospital for these two." I said.

"That doesn't mean you come out into the middle of a villain attack just to find me." He said.

"Are you going to help or not?" Izu asked.

"Geh..." He said.

He knows he can't deny Izu, after all, she's been his number one fan her whole life.

"Fine, follow me." He said.

"Thanks, dad." I said.

"Shut your trap kid." Dad said.

When we got them into a nearby hospital, they separated the two of them. They said that, twins with the opposite quirks are dangerous when they get sick. So Izu stayed with Sho while he was being examined and I stayed with Todo. Dad had gone back to work after he had escorted us, and threatened the doctors. I had to call all of our parents, since Izu was overreacting, thinking that Sho and Todo were going to die.

"Yes, don't worry Mrs. Todoroki, he's fine. They're giving him treatment now." I said.

"Thank you for always taking care of him Katsu. You know, he always talks about you when I'm in his room." She said.

"What? I'm nothing special." I said.

"I'm not lying, he always talks about how cool headed you are when you fight. How smart you are, also how good looking you are. *she giggles*"

"I see." I said.

I watched as Todo slept, his mom kept chattering on about how many times Todo talked about me. I sat in a chair next to his bed, my hand covered my mouth as I listened. I ended the call with her saying to take care of him, I wonder when she'll be here.

"Mhm, Katsu, where am I?" Todo asked, rubbing his head.

"In the hospital, you and your brother." I said.

"Oh, I guess that'll happen." He said.

I looked at his hands and arms, they were bandaged up until his elbows. I could feel my eyebrows furrowing.

"You don't need to look so worried, Katsu. This just happens sometimes." He said.

"You need to find a way to use your fire quirk without hurting yourself." I said.

He looked surprised at that.

"You know, I like it when you're quiet like this. You flirting with girls and pretending to be cool isn't really your style." I said, leaning on my hand.

"Yeah well, it's my reputation. Mom always said I was a flirt." He said, scratching his head.

I frowned at him.

"I don't want you doing it anymore. Just try being natural with everyone." I said.

I stood up and sat on the edge of his bed, I then patted his head.

"Aw, Katsu and Todo sitting in the tree~" Izu started singing.

"Shut up, you green haired freak!" I said, jumping up.

Todo hid underneath the blankets as Izu made her way into the room, singing that stupid childish song.

"Come on Izu, Katsu. Quiet. We're in a hospital." Sho said.

Our fight ceased also when a nurse came in and had to drag Izu and Sho back to his room. Which was good for us, since we needed to be left alone.

"Those two, are good for each other." Todo said.

"Are you feeling insecure?" I asked.

"What? No way!" Todo said

"Whatever. I need to get home. I have to bring you guys some fresh clothes since I'm the only responsible one of our group." I said.

"Okay." Todo said.

"Don't look like it's the end of the world just because I'm leaving for a few minutes." I said, a sweat bead dropping.

"I know." He said, laying down and covering himself with his blanket.

I sighed and went over to him, and hugged him through the blanket.

"I'm leaving now." I said.

"Bye, stupid." He murmured.

I laughed to myself and left the room. I saw Mr. and Mrs. Todoroki coming out of the elevator.

"You leaving so soon?" She asked.

"I'm getting some fresh clothes. You guys can relax about them, I'm taking good care of all of them." I said, leaving the hospital.

After gathering their clothes, I started to head back to the hospital. I saw their sister and Izu's brother walking away from the hospital. Their sister looked really worried, but Izu's brother was trying to make her feel better. I bit the inside of my lip, I really wanted to kick Uren's ass for what he did to Izu, but I can't do that right now.

"Hey you, you're getting to close to my brother." Their sister said.

How did she? I felt pressure on my back.

"You might want to back off, boy." She said, completely disappearing from sight.

I went into the hospital, I was still freaked out about what she did.

"Katsu, what's wrong with you? You look a little pale." Todo asked.

"N-Nothing. Just had a run in with an acquaintance." I said.

"I see. Well, mom just brought some movies, want to watch some?" He asked, looking all bright and shiny.

Honestly, how can I stay away from this dork? I thought to myself.

"Sure." I said.
