Chapter 6- That Night

--Todo's POV--

"Can you get off of me now?" Katsu asked.

"Hm, no, I don't want to." I said.

He tried to push me off, but I used the little bit of ice that I had in me to freeze his hands to the ground. Since his quirk stopping bracelets were on, he couldn't use anything but brute strength to try and break the ice.

"I thought your quirk was fire." Katsu said.

"I have a little bit of my father's ice quirk. Of course, it's not as strong as Sho's ice quirk." I said.

"Not as strong huh." Katsu said, his arms began to lift up.

It took a while, but he eventually broke the ice I had laid down. He grabbed both my hands and pushed me to the ground. He was on top of me now, and his grip on my hands was strong, I couldn't even break free.

"You acting all dominate, that annoys me." Katsu said.

"Well, doesn't hurt to try." I said, smiling.

"Why are you acting like that?" He asked.

"Like what?" I asked.

"You're acting all play boyish to every girl you see. But when you get caught by me, you go recluse." He said.

"I do not go recluse." I said, once again trying to wriggle out of his hold.

We heard someone walking around upstairs, they were headed towards the stairs. Katsu shut off the television, then got on the ground beside me and covered us with a blanket. I saw Sho walk into the kitchen to grab a glass of water, I was about to call to him, to make Katsu feel embarrassed. But Katsu covered my mouth so that I couldn't call out to him. He put his cup back into the sink and went back upstairs, bringing another cup of water upstairs, probably for Izu. After everything was clear, Katsu sat up, setting me in front of him.

"Why did you try to call out to Sho? Are you trying to get us caught?" Katsu asked.

"I was trying to free myself. I want you to let go of my wrists, it hurts." I said.

He looked surprised when I said that, but he still didn't let go of my wrists.

"You should've thought of that before you decided to tackle me. You know how I get." He said.

My eyes widened as he moved closer to me.

--The Next Day--

"Hey Sho, Katsu and Todo seem to be acting weird today." Izu said.

"How so?" He asked.

"Well, they aren't close to each other right now are they?" She asked.

"No, Todo's up ahead and Katsu's behind us." He said.

"Well, whenever they are near each other, they get nervous and awkward." She said.

"That's just how their relationship is I guess. Todo the Playboy and Katsu the intelligent one." Sho said.

"I know that, but I feel like something happened while we were sleeping last night." Izu said.

"Why don't we ask them?" Sho asked.

"Oh yes, let's ask." She said.

They waited a while before actually asking though, it was hard to keep them in the same room together without the air feeling awkward. It was a few weeks later, actually, when the two finally asked them. They were hanging out in our hideout when Sho cut the silence with the question.

"So, what happened when you two slept downstairs?" Sho asked.

"Ever heard of timing!" Izu said, smacking his head.

"Huh? I have no idea what you're talking about." I said, lifting a book to cover my face.

Katsu was trying to pretend to be asleep.

"Katsu, we know you aren't asleep." Sho said.

I could feel blood rushing to my face, I quickly tried to calm myself before Izu could hear.

"You can't hide it forever. I can hear when you're embarrassed or nervous." I said.

"Well, the thing is..." I started.

"I was prying into his love life." Katsu said.

"Hah?!" Sho, Izu, and I said.

"That's right, I wanted to know who Todo was going to hit on next. I had to use some extreme measures to get him to talk." Katsu said.

"Oh okay, so you think that my love life is some kind of joke, don't you?" I asked.

"Yes, especially when the one you're going to hit on is-" Katsu started.

I jumped up and covered his mouth before he said anything. I hope he isn't thinking about telling them what happened a few weeks ago.

"Who is it, come on, tell us!" Izu whined.

Katsu grabbed my hand and pulled it away. My face burned a bright red.

"It's Kyo." Katsu said.

I looked at him, with a clearly surprised face.

"Yeah, good luck with that Todo. Kyo would kick your butt before you even started." Izu said, laughing.

"Ah. Yeah." I said.

After we finished our homework and talked for hours, we all decided to walk home at different times. Since Izu was having trouble with her homework, Sho said he would stay back and help her with it. I had to walk home by myself, well, that was originally the plan. Until Katsu decided to walk with me.

"Were you worried that I would tell them?" Katsu said.

My hands gripped my bag tight, fire lit up my face.

"I knew it, you weren't hiding it very well. If you want to keep what happened a secret, you need to hid it better." He said.

"Yeah, whatever. I could care less if you told them." I said, looking away from him.

"Fine then, I'll just call Izu and tell her all about what happened that night." He said, pulling out his phone.

"Please don't." I said, trying to grab his phone.

"I thought you said you didn't care." Katsu said.

"Your right okay! I didn't want them to find out, you don't have to be so mean about it." I said, walking ahead.

"Wait up Todo. I was just joking around." He said.

"Don't joke around with things like that." I told him.

"But you do that all the time with the girls. Why do you think I'm teasing you like this?" He asked me.

"With the girls it's different, they know I'm just joking around. With you, you take things seriously and I can never figure you out." I said.

He put a hand on my head and ruffled my white hair. He put his forehead to mine and looked me dead in the eye.

"You don't need to worry about figuring me out. I just need to watch what you do more closely." He said.

He left me in front of my house and began walking back to his. He didn't live to far from us, and he didn't need anyone to protect him.

"Was that your friend Todo?" Mom asked, as I entered the house.

"Yes. A very good one." I said.

"Make sure you keep him around, good friends are hard to find." Dad said, patting my shoulder.

"Yes dad, I know." I said, heading to my room.

I set my bag on the ground and laid on my bed. The picture of my friends fell off when my sister slammed her door shut. I picked up the picture and looked at it, it was the most recent one we took together with Izu. Her white eyes glowed brightly in the picture, and Katsu wasn't even smiling. Sho was in the middle of laughing at my pose and face in the picture. I didn't even notice that he and Izu were holding hands until I looked more closely. Not everything is as it seems. My grandma told me. What's that supposed to mean right now? I thought to myself as I set the picture back on my desk.

"Mom, I'm skipping dinner right now. I'm not hungry." I said.

"Okay, just come down whenever you're hungry." She said.

I pulled out my phone, I had two messages. One from my brother, telling me to tell mom that he was going to be late. And the other from Katsu.
