Black Widow x GP Kryptoian Reader

Oc/Reader Is An Intersex Woman.

She Is an alien From The Planet Krypton. She was A baby when she landed on earth

She is the only Survivor. (No one else survives)

She Lands in Texas. (You can choose different

She gets found by A Woman. Who takes her and raises her as her own child.

Her ma (as she calls her) Gets the shock of her life when she changes her diper for the first time and finds out the child she found in a pod and had taken was intersex.

A couple of years later Ma (you choose her name) is Replacing a Light bolb when the ladder she is on Tips.

She braces for impact but when it doesn't come she opened her eyes and was in disbelief her Daughter was holding the ladder stopping her from falling.

As the years go by Reader/Oc Continues to Gain powers.

Her ma decided is was best to Homeschool her so she wouldn't accidently Reveal Her powers.

The first time her heat vision activated she Burned a Hole in the wall.

When her hearing first activated was when a Store in the city was being Demolished.

And more.

She had her powers since she was about 5 Years old.

She knew that it wasn't normal to have powers and was always told she could never Tell anyone about them.

She had to train hard to have complete control as she had learned from an early age if she wasn't careful she could kill someone. As when she 8 She found a baby bird injured and accidentally Killed it with her bare hands as she Lost control of her strength.

When she is a teenager she starts Sneaking out after hearing people in trouble to go and help.

She would use her speed, Hearing and Vision.

Her speed was incredible and The person she was helping Had no idea what was going on as one second they are in trouble and the next they are safe.

She would use her hearing to know if anyone was in trouble.

She would use her vision to check for cameras and if their were some she would disable them save the person then Fix them.

She Does all she can to help without being spotted.

Her ma Shows her the pod she landed in And tells her how she was found and that she is an alien,and she Learns all about her Birth family, Planet And more.

She travels to Antarctica and finds a hidden Ice cave where a device she found in her pop builds a Building out of ice.

She gets the AI of her dad to Make sure That no one else beside her will be able to get in, And to make use of krytons tech to hide the Building. (sort of like a smaller version of the fortress of solitude.)

When she is in her 20s when she Gets her Dad to make a kryptonian Battle suit That includes a Mask. .

Battle suit (You can choose different if you want)

The mask is like the one that shows Her mouth and eyes. But in Blue and red (You can choose different if you want)

She starts Flying all Over the world Helping people.

S.H.I.E.L.D are trying to figure out who she is but Their Tech can't trace her Flight patterns as she is to fast For their technology.

And for some reason When ever an agent gets close to her she just flies away in a second.

They try to gather information about her and her powers. But all the Information they can get Is all the Information The news shows, And videos posted on social media of her using her powers and saving people.

They See that bullets don't work on her, she can walk through fire, stop a car crash with her bare hands, fly, and is extremely fast.

Natasha is assigned her case but even with her skills in stealth she isn't able to get close enough as a few meters away before she disappears.
