Prince Percy commoner Annabeth

Percy Jackson is the prince Of the kingdoms of Atlas and Atlantis ( or you can choose a different kingdom)

He is the son of King posiden of Atlantis and Queen Jackson of Atlas, and the stepson of Paul after his Father died in a assination. (or you can choose different)

He is from 2 long lines of royals His farther and mother Had been In a arranged marriage since birth to unite the kingdoms of Atlantis and Atlas, they weren't in love but they cared for each other.

When his father died His mother fell in love with a visting noble man and married him and not wanting her son to be in a arranged marriage when he could have the love he deserves she changed the laws so when Percy came of age he could marry Who he wanted to.

Annabeth Chase is the commoner who works in the library.

And since she was hired at 15 prince Percy has been visting the Library constantly.
