Harry Lives on the streets

Harry runs away from the Dursleys and lives on the streets.

He Finds out that if he focuses enough he can make weird things happen, Like make people Ignore him, Make Money Float, Heat up food and more.

He pickpockets people That wear expensive Clothing and accessories, Getting maybe 20pounds From every person, he uses his powers by focusing on people not noticing him so that helps him pickpocket.

He Dosent like pickpocketing but he only does it so he can survive and he never takes from people who Look like they have no money. And he never takes more than he needs from a single person He takes at least 20 pounds a person and normally steals from 5 to 10 people a day.

Harry Always goes go every library He can to read all the books he can get his hands on.

Harry Also becomes quite athletic as he sometimes has to run from people he stole from Or other kids living on the streets, Sometimes he has even gotten into fist fights With Teenagers who try to steal from him.
