Chapter 6: Johnny

I get off of Robert and I grab my phone, before I could even say hello Johnny starts to speak.

"Babe, I need you. I'm sorry, I want you back. I can't live without you! I love you. Please Aly-"

"So you have the nerve to call me after not talking for almost 3 months but not only that, you say you want me back?" I say yelling into the phone. I look at Robert and he is looking with a confused/ angry look on his face.

"Babe, I'm so sor-"

"No don't call me babe and don't appoligize. I know your not sorry so don't even dare. Why. Are you calling me any ways? You know I dont love you any more and I made it clear that I didnt want to see or hear from you ever again! Just leave me alone okay?"

"Okay, but Alyssa... I need to talk to you."

"O-Okay, What is it?"

"I want to tell you in person."

"Why, why cant you just tell me now?"

"Because, I just cant. Plus, Its not just me that needs to talk to you."

"Fine but im not coming alone."

"Okay... come to my house around 6?"

"Fine. whatever."

"Okay, bye Bab- I mean Alyssa."

I just hang up after that. He sickens me! Why the fuck would he call me begging to get back together and then say he did something that I wont like and he needs to talk to me about it?

While im staring off into space deep in thought I forget Robert is still in the room. He leans over and touches my arm.

"Babe, who was that? Are you okay?"

"Um, that was... Johnny."

"Okay, whos Johnny?" Crap I didnt tell him about Johnny!

"Well Johnny is my ex. We broke up about three months ago because he reped my best friend Carmin and got her pregnant while we were still dating. Not only that be he told her to give up the baby and blamed the problems that started to develope with our relationship on her. I stood up for her and he didnt like it. Carmin also refused to give up the baby, a- and Johnny ki-killed her" I am sobbing now. Just the thought of Johnny and a gun, killing anyone let alone my best friend, brings tears to my eyes.

Robert envelopes me in a hug and says, " Ohh babe, Im so sorry. Im sorry that happened, Im sorry that you went through that, Im sorry I wasn't there to help you through this. Im so sorry."

I look at him and he has a tear running down his cheek. 'He really cares, a tragic event that I've gone through brings tears to his eyes. No one has ever taken the time to... well to care like this. It means so much.' I think . Even more tears have formed and have have fallen and the next thing I know Robert gets up from his spot next to me and walks away, Into one of his back rooms. When he comes back he has a sheet of music and he walks over to his piano. He sits down and starts to play a piece named 'Broken Heart'

In love with a broken heart

You fell in love with a broken heart

Love in these modern times

There'll be someone new every night

With some other love yarn

To wrap my harms around

No one else can understand

(Hold me) I can't hear you

(Trust me) not about you

In love with a broken heart

(Think I leave today, I cover it all this way)

You fell in love with a broken heart

(Every earthly breath, a lifeless testimony)

In love with a broken heart

(Don't you know)

Love in these modern times

I'll become what your first class said

I'm no light weight, I'll find time to throw us down

You'd feel my medicine's side effect

Think I'll grab some magazine

(I know you) never seen me

(promised you) you believed me?

In love with a broken heart

(think I leave today, I cover it all this way)

You fell in love with a broken heart

(every earthly breath, a lifeless testimony)

You fell in love with a broken heart

(another lifeless testimony)

(and it shows)

Oh please machine, let's keep this terminal clean

I'll see your face in every cloud

Down a Dewar's laugh out loud

Fly girl shouts to keep it down

Paddy's wagon draws a crowd

(Save your days) I don't save days

(Any way) I think...leave days

God grant me the strength to accept the things I can change

And change them

(just for the last time)

(Show me) I cant miss you

In love with a broken heart

(Face in every cloud, makes me laugh out loud)

You fell in love with a broken heart

(Shouts to keep it down, wagon draws a crowd)

In love with a broken heart

(Don't you know)

Lifeless testimony

You fell in love with a broken heart

(And it shows)

Lifeless testimony

In love with a broken heart

In these modern times, what your first class said,

Time to throw us down, medicine's side affects.

"Oh... Babe that was amazing. I love you so much."

"I love you to." said Robert.

" Hey babe, you don't have anything going on tonight right?"

"No why?"

"Well when Johnny called he said he 'needed' to talk to me. I agreed because I don't want to make a bug deal and see what he's really capable of doing. He told me to meet him at his house at 6 and I said I will come but I'm not coming without someone. That someone being you."

"Yes babe, I will go with you."



Hey sorry I haven't updated in a few days and this chapter sucks in my opinion, but at least you heard what happened between Johnny and Alyssa to make them brake up. That would have been hard. COMMENT AND VOTE!! BUT MOSTLY COMMENT PLEASE. I COULD USE SOME IDEAS. JUST SAYING.(:
