Chapter 20: Christmas

I wake up to Robert jumping on the bed yelling.
'Its Christmas, it's Christmas, it's Christmas!'
"Ugh! Robert I get it!" I say and I throw a pillow at him.
Next thing I know I hear a thud and Robert cursing under his breath.
All I can do is laugh.
"Baby? Are you okay?"
"No I'm not okay! You knocked me I the bed with a fucking pillow!"
"I'm sorry Robert"
I crawl over to him and kiss up his neck and all the way to his lips.

We walk do stairs to the tree and the rest of my family is there too. Including my Nonny (grandma) and Papa (grandpa).
"What took you two so long?" Asked shay.
"Well Robert here was jumping in the bed and he 'fell' off"
"Yeah if my fell you mean you hit me with a pillow and I fell on my face." Says Robert.
All I can do is laugh.

We pass out the presents and it's finally my turn to open them. My mom got me gift cards and a green iPhone 5c, Jeff got me Uggs, Shay got me a sweater and a scarf, and Nonny and Papa got me only you, Chaplin, and the new veggie tales with Uncle Si in it. (Don't judge me I love veggie tales!)
The thing I thought was funny was Roberts face when I opened only you and Caplin. He was trying to hold in his smile and laugh.

The last presents I have to open are the ones from Robert.
I open the first one and it's a pair of aviators just like my favorite pair of his.
The second is an envelope. I open it and it has two plane tickets to Florida!!
"What?! No way I LOVE Florida!"
"I know and I talked to your parents about it and were leaving on the twenty-eighth and coming back on the second of January."

I get back to opening my presents.
Robert got me some new Nikes and a duck dynasty blanket and some other stuff. Next thing you know I'm down to the last one. I open it and it's a beautiful gold necklace with an infinity sign in the front of it. The infinity sign had little diamonds on it.
Robert comes over to me and puts is on me. He leans over and whispers in my ear, "this infinity sign represents my love for you. Never ending and strong."
"Thank you, I love you."
I lean in to kiss him but before our lips even brush against each other my dad 'clears his throat' to signal that now is not the time for that.
Robert opens his gifts from me and surprisingly my mom gets up and grabs the last box under the tree and gives it to him.
"What is on thin box is a symbol of our appreciation for you. We all really like you and even my husband and Jeff have said multiple times that your a keeper. We hope that one day you will be our son in-law"
Robert has a huge smile on his face as he opens the box. It's two picture frames, one for me and one for Robert, and the picture inside is one from September. The picture is of Robert and I kissing when we went to Sandy Beach to have a picnic with my family.
"Thank you Caroline, I love it."
"I'm glad." Says my mom.
"And Robert? Even though I get pissy sometimes, it's only because I need to make sure that you will stick with her no mater what her family is like or under any condition." Say Jeff.
"Don't worry, I never plan on leaving Alyssa."
"Better not be planning on it." I say.
Robert just looks at me and sticks his tongue out at me and I do the same to him.
"Y'all are so cute!" Says Nonny.
My cheeks start to get red and Robert chuckles.
"Hey honey? Take your gifts upstairs and put them away please." Says my mom.
"Okay mom."
I take my stuff upstairs and drag Robert with me.
"Why must I come with you everywhere you go?" Robert asks dramatically.
"Because darling, I love you." I say. Even though there is a better reason for me dragging him around. I think I've been having separation anxiety from Robert and it's been hitting me the hardest the last few weeks. Every time I'm not near Robert I can't take it, I get all fidgety and I feel out of place. I feel unprotected, like someone laying in there bed snuggled up had there blanket yanked away from them. I feel like I need Robert and if he was ever to disappear or be gone I could never live.

"Lyssa, are you okay baby?" He must have seen the worry and confusion on my face.
"Um yeah, I'm fine."
"Are you sure because you look like something is bothering you?"
Should I tell him about the anxiety or not. I don't want him to be weirded out by it or anything.
"Come on baby you can tell me anything."
"Well there is something. Robert? Every time I'm away from you I can't bear it. I feel like I want to lay in the corner and cry myself to sleep because your not by my side. I feel empty and unprotected. My life is a piece of shit without you. I love you more than any other person on this earth and I can't stand us being apart."
It's quiet. I'm trying to read Robert but I can't find anything. He is showing absolutely no sign of any emotion.
Finally he speeks.
"Lyssa, I've been feeling the same way but I can tell you one thing, we can get through this together. Just know that I will never leave you and you will always have me no mater what happens. I love you."
"I know you do."
"WRONG!! That was not the wright thing for you to say. I am expecting four words to be said back to me.."
"Fine. Your an old man." I say with a smirk on my face.
"Nope, I am not old and that is not the words I wanted."
"I'm just kidding baby and love you too"
I kiss his nose and start to get up.
He pulls me back down and lays his head on my shoulder.
"Did you need something because I need to pee."
"Well I do have a question. Can you please come with me to my house later? I have someone I really want you to meet."
"Yeah sure, who is it?"
"A person..." He says with a smirk.
"Obviously." I say while rolling my eyes.
I go over the list of people in my head that I have met.
His mom, dad, sister, niece, ants, uncles, son. Wait, please tell me he doesn't have another kid. I mean I love Indio and all but two kids that I am not the parent of? That's just a little over my head.

"Hey Rob I think I'm going to take a nap. I love you."
"Okay, love you too and I think I'm going to take a nap with you."
Before I doze of I feel Robert climb into bed with me, softly and quietly singing lullabies.

___________________________A/N so, hope you liked the chapter. What do you think about the whole separation anxiety thing? And about the person Robert wants her to meet, who do you think it is?

QOTD: if Robert was to walk into your house right at this moment what would you do?
