Chapter 13: Meet the family - part 1

Once I get in the car I grab my phone to text Robert.

A. Hey baby, I'm just about to leave my house to come an see you <3
R. Okay, I can't wait for you to get here so I can kiss your beautiful face! Hurry!
A. Okay okay, I will calm down.

I start laughing all of the sudden because the though of Robert trying to text with his left hand because of his sprained wrist popped into my head. 'Thats probably agervating the shit out of him right now..' I think. Haha oh well.
-at the hospital-

When I walked into the room I see that Robert has changed his cloths, has a black boot on his foot, and a dark blue cast on his arm. He also has no shirt on so I can the the bandage on his chest from the sergery. He's sitting on his bed talking to Indio and some girl I don't know. I continue to walk right over to the unmoved chair that I have sat in for the last three days. Robert grabs my hand and kisses it and gives me a loving smile. I smile back and mouth 'I love you'. He mouths 'I love you too'.
"Alyssa, I have someone here I would like you to meet. This is my sister Allison. Allison this is amazing girlfriend Alyssa."
"Hi Alyssa, in the past two hours Robert has told me so much about you."
"All good things I hope?"
"Yes all good things. Well besides the whole Johnny thing. I'm sorry you had to go through that."
"It's okay, your brother here has been very supportive through this whole thing. I really hope that he understands that stress and my low self esteem are the only things that ever made me doubt him." I look at Robert hopefully and he smiles and pulls out his phone.
For the next hour or so Allison and I talk and every once in a while I look over and laugh in amusement at Roberts effort to text whoever he has been texting.
-30 min later-
I am cuddled up against Roberts arm almost asleep when my phone goes off. The funny thing is that Robert just put away his phone so maybe it was me he was texting. I pull out my phone to see who texted me and not to my surprise, it was Robert. What did surprise me though is the fact that he texted me somewhere around an entire paragraph. The text read..

Alyssa, let me just start off my saying that it's not nice to laugh at people who are hurt and having trouble with the task at hand ;). But that's not what I wrote this to tell you. I wrote this to tell you that you are the love of my life. I realize that we have only been together for five days but these last five days have been the best days of my entire life. I'm not sure how I lived without you! When you told me it was over I felt as if my whole world was falling apart. I know now that I need you and want to be with you for the rest of my life and I never want to loose you. Don't freak out this is not me proposing or anything but I just wanted you to know that I love you and I will never let you go. <3ILOVEYOUBABY!<3

I look up at my phone with tears I. My eyes. Did I really hurt him that bad when I said it was over?

"Yes beautiful?"
I blush. "That is probably the sweetest text I have ever gotten in my entire life. Jut one question though.."
"And that question would be?"
"Did I just you that bad when I said it was over?"
"I know it sounds crazy, especially since we had only been going out for one day but when it set in that you really meant it was over I went into complete panic mode. I just driving around practically in circles trying to get my head straight and I started to cry. I have never cried over any other girl in my life. This is what you do to me." He points to my eyes, they have years welled up in them.
"Awh baby don't cry." He smiles and wipes his eyes. He scoots over and tells me to sit down. I do and I give him a kiss in the cheek.
"So, I was wondering if you would like to meet my family?" Said Robert.
"Wow, okay when?"
"Well while you were gone the doctor came in and told me that I get to go home tomorrow an I get to start back to work after this weeks break is over. Anyways, my family is already in town because of the whole accident thing and they will all be at my house tomorrow for when I come home."
"Yeah absolutely!" I say, trying to sound like I'm not extremely nervous but I guess it didn't work.
"Baby, don't be nervous. It's my family. They are super relaxed about pretty much everything."
"Good" I say relieved. I learn over to kiss him but we don't get very far with it because Allison and Indio both cough to let us know that they're still in the room and Indio says "Ewwww! Dad come on that's gross. Get a room!"
"Indio, I hate to break it to you son, but you're in my room right now."
"True" said Indio " but you're going to have to get used to it because I don't trust you and your sexy little girlfriend over there alone."
"INDIO!" Robert says. He looks pissed. And when I say pissed I mean PISSED! He looks like he could just kill Indio right now.
"Dad calm down. I was just kidding!"
"Still." Said Robert

After Robert calms down I decide to tell him about the talk I had with my mom.
"Do we have to tell your dad?" He says with his cute little pouty face and puppy dog eyes.
"Yes Robbie we have to tell my dad." I say mocking him.
"Fine, I just don't want anything to get I the way of us"
"I know and I don't really want to go home unless I absolutely have to since I don't know how he will react so I just brought my stuff with me so I could sleep here and go home with you to meet your family tomorrow."
"Good because I need someone to drive me to my house tomorrow because Allison will be at work and there is no way in hell that I am letting my son drive me. Even if he does have his permit!"
"Well thanks dad." Said Indio.
"No problem son."


This chapter took me two days to write and it's only part of the chapter :/ I will try my best and update part 2 of this chapter tomorrow but I don't know of that will happen... Vote and comment what you think!
