Chapter 38: Grandma Downey

Today's the day that I decided to meet up with my mom. I decided that I'm taking Robert, Jude, and Roberts mom Elsie with me just to be safe. Bringing Elsie was Roberts idea. He said that of she does decide to freak out, it would be good to have another 'grandma' there to convince her to calm down for the babies.
All four of us are in the car and Jude is driving us to Panda Express because that's what I have been craving for the past few days. I talked to my mom and she agreed to meet us there. I didn't want to but Robert insisted we pay for the plane ticket and hotel room so I made sure she payed for everything else. I probably sound really rude by saying that but that woman needs to earn my respect again before I can even look at her the same way.
Robert nudges me in the side to get my attention and I turn to him and smile.
"You're so beautiful." He says.
"You're so amazing, and sexy..." he smirks.
"I love you."
"I love you too." we lean in to kiss and we see the flash of a camera.
"Mom!" Robert yells.
"Sorry son but I need some pictures of the lovely couple and that was way to adorable not to capture."
The laugh Jude was trying to hold in escapes and we all burst into laughter as we pull up to the restaurant. Robert grasps my hand and pecks me on the cheek as we walk in. After a minute I spot my mom. She really hasn't changed much besides a new haircut and color. She smiles bright but the brightness fades as Robert rounds the corner just seconds after me. We reach the table that she is at.
"Why did you bring them?" she asks through gritted teeth.
"Do you seriously think I would let my fiancé go and meet up with you alone, Caroline? I didn't think so."
"What makes you think you can speak to me that way? This is my daughter we're tal-"
"I am NOT your daughter. Haven't been since you tried to kill me!" She whisper yells to attract less attention. "But this is my fiancé and he has every right to wish for my protection. I hope you realize that we wouldn't be here and I wouldn't be giving the slightest effort to not snap your neck right now." I say. She takes a moment to comprehend what I've just said.
"... I hope you're using the term fiancé loosely because you will never last. The love isn't real." I snap as she says that.
"This love isn't real?! What do you call this?!" I say pointing to my stomach.
"Alyssa, you don't have to truly love someone to create a child." She's right. You don't, but Robert and my love is way beyond true. Robert's arm tightens around my my waist and he whispers into my ear to calm down. That's definitely not something you say to an emotional pregnant woman but I try my hardest to hold back my comments so we can get through this thing without falsely proving Caroline's point.
"Can I speak with you?" asks Elsie to Caroline.
They quietly walk away, Jude at there side.
Robert turns to me and smiles. He inches his face towards mine, shifting his eyes from my lips to my eyes and finally closing them. If you can't tell Robert has no problem with PDA. His warm, plump lips caress mine before we kiss. He leans in all the way to fully connect our lips and I carefully bite down on his lip and I earn a stifled moan. We pull apart and all I can do is smile. He's mine and I love him more than anything in this world.
My mom walks back in with tears in her eyes. She comes over to the table and whispers and I'm sorry and squeezes my shoulder. I'm guessing that Elsie talked a bit of sense into her. I just wonder what she said.


This book is literally consuming my life.
That is all.
