Chapter 11: Robert

- the nightmare -

Im sitting in class as usual listening to Robert teach when the fire alarm goes off. We all run outside and when we get out there I see that Robert didn't make it out with us. I get all worried and I start to cry. When the firemen get there I tell them that Robert disappeared and they all run in to save him. When they come out they are carrying a body. When they set it down I realize that it's Robert. He looks a limp and lifeless and after a few minutes of CPR that call it and he is dead. I scream his name and start to cry.

I wake up screaming his name and crying and Indio runs over to my side to comfort me.

"Hey, calm down. Do you remember what I told you? He's going to be okay. He's going to wake up and you are going to be able to talk things out like you wanted. It's all going to be okay."

" you know what fuck the conversation and making things right! I've made my decision and that decision would be Robert. I want him in my arms and I never want this to happen again!"

"Well I do have some good news for you. Robert hasn't woken up yet but they did say that we could go to his room and see him."

"Well then what are we waiting for.. Let's go!"

On our way to Roberts room I can't help but think about how much Indio resembles Robert. His looks, his laugh, is personality, the way he took care of me when I was crying. It's all Robert

When we reach Roberts room and we walk in I see Roberts left leg in a cast, his right arm in a sling, and his face a scraped up. I run straight up to his bed and grab his hand. Indio pulls a chair up for me to sit in and I thank him but I never let go of Roberts hand. I'm afraid if I let it go I will never get ahold of it again.

- two hours later -

Indio and Mckenzie both left to take a shower, get changed, and grab some lunch. I am happy to be alone for a while. I look over at Robert and he twitches. I get up hoping that he's waking up but he's not. I start to talk to him

" Robert, I know you can't hear me right now but I still want to say this. I was such a dumb ass for what I did. How could I have ever thought that Johnny was the right choice. I know now especially since your niece talked some sense into me, that you were the best choice all along. I love you so much and I have know idea what I would do with out you."

I get up and kiss him. It's feels different kissing motionless lips but I do it anyways. All of the sudden the lips that I'm kissing are not motionless anymore. He's awake and kissing me back! Suddenly I can't get enough and we kiss and kiss until the doctor walks in the door.

"Um excuse me? Sorry to uh.. Ruin the moment but I came to check on the patient."

"Oh uh sorry" I say while my face turns ten different shades of red.

Robert just sits back with this big smile on his face while the doctor examines him. Once the doctor leaves I talk to Robert.

"How long were you awake?"

" well I woke up when I twitched but then I realized I had no idea who was beside me and I didn't really want to wake up to a face unless it was you. Then you started talking and right when I was going to open my eyes you kissed me. It was really hard not to kiss you back at first by the way."

"You're such an ass.. Big at least your by ass."

Robert starts cracking up and I have no idea why.

"Why are you laughing?!"

"Well I'm laughing because you said that I was your ass. And I am obviously not your ass other wise I would be stuck under you right now."

"Wow Robert, wow"

"I love you baby." Said Robert

"I love you too. I never, ever, ever want to let you go ever again."



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