Chapter 40: Unexpected Visitors

-Roberts POV-

"Alyssa, baby you need to wake up." I whisper. Normally I would just carry her to our room but I'm afraid to even try because that's putting not only her, but our two children at risk if I drop her. She finally wakes up and I smile. She, in return, crookedly smiles back still half asleep.

"Are you ready to go upstairs?" she nods.

We begin our climb upstairs but shortly after the fifth step were slowed to a halt by a contraction. After a minute or two were upstairs and in bed.

Two or three hours later, my alarm sounds and I climb out of bed groggily. I stumble down the stairs on my way to the coffee machine where I dump in the grounds and a large amount of water, later pressing the start button and smelling the glorious smell of fresh brewed coffee. Coffee is an extremely close second to my family when it comes to the most important things in my life. Without it I couldn't function and be productive at the same time.

My coffee finishes brewing and just as I'm about to gulp it down, the door bell rings. I slowly walk to the door, amazed that someone would have the nerve to come to my house at six o'clock in the morning, risking the chance of waking up my pregnant fiancé.

I just sigh and open the door. To my surprise it is a young man who looks to be around the same age as Alyssa and a small child who looks to be around three or four holding his hand.

"Um, may I help you?" I ask.

"Robert, I came to apologize. I'm so sorry that I've tried to mess things up with your relationship. I'm really sorry that I acted the way I was, and I'm ultimately sorry for the man I was back then. I promise you that I've changed and I am a better man today than I ever was back then. I'm trying my hardest to move on from my old life but something was telling me that I just couldn't do that without apologizing to the ones I hurt the most. I guess I should be apologizing to Alyssa but I'm guessing that she must not be here."

"She's here but she's sleeping. You do realize what time it is don't you?"

"Yeah, but Alyssa was always a fairly early riser when she was younger."

"Well being pregnant changes a lot of things." I sigh, still trying to figure out who the fuck this guy is.

"She's pregnant? That's great! Congrats Robert."

"That's beside the point. Who are yo-"

"Johnny?" asks Alyssa, who must have just arrived at my side, obviously still half asleep. Hearing that name makes something click in my mind and all of my self control disappears. I want so desperately to punch him directly in the face and Alyssa senses that. She tightens her grip on my arm and looks me in the eye, pleading me without words to fight that urge. Against my better judgment I back off.

"He says he came to apologize for all of the shit that he pulled over the years. Apparently he's a changed man now and he just cant move on without our forgiveness." I say and she sighs.

"Johnny, what gives you the right to just show up at my house and disrupt the lives of my fiancé and I just to ask for forgiveness when you don't even have the proof that what you're saying is even true?" Alyssa asks.

"That's the thing, I can prove it now. I have the Hospital release papers stating that she was in fact at the hospital and they have the death records too. I also have the blood test proving that Marley is Carmin and my child. Yes, I admit I did rape her but I ended up developing feelings for her and in the weirdest way, the same thing happened to her. We both really did want the Marley and after she died, that first night, I literally cried myself to sleep thinking of all of the things I should have done differently. I never wanted her gone. After the fight that we had the same night I raped her, I thought we were really over. I got angry and ended up taking my anger out on her. I'm so sorry it happened and I know it shouldn't have happened that way. I'm not asking to be accepted back into your life, I'm just asking for forgives and I will be on my way if that's what you want. I really didn't mean to hurt you." He finishes and we all sit in silence. Marley is the first one to say something.

"Daddy woved Momma." He says. Alyssa grabs her stomach and starts to cry.

"I'm sure he did Marley. I'm sure he did." She says.

"I'm sorry this is so hard for me. I just have a lot on my plate right now and Im having to welcome my mom back into my life and its taking all of the life out of me. Then you add on the twins and I turns unhealthy. I shouldn't be put in these circumstances at this stage but its not like that matters. Im sorry I have to say this, but for me to believe you, I need the proof." He nods and pulls the papers out of his bag. From the look on her face and the amount of tears flowing from her eyes, it proved all that he was saying. She quickly gets up and runs to the Kitchen and the crying gets louder. I excuse my self from the room to check on her.

"Baby are you okay?"

"No, I'm not okay. I've been holding this grudge for a very long time and it wasn't even necessary."

"You had every right to hold a grudge. He raped your best friend!"

"I guess that is true. I just think it's time to let the grudge go. I'm still keeping my guard up but I think I should at least forgive him." I nod and she turns and grabs a wedding invitation from the counter.

"You don't mind do you?" she asks, gesturing towards the card.

"No, go ahead." She smilies and pecks me on the lips. It takes all of my strength to let her go, but I do. She walks into the living room and sits by Marley.

"It will take time for you to earn Robert and my trust back, but were forgiving you for the wrongs you have committed. Also, I wanted to give you this. Save the date." He smiles when he opens the card and and laughs a little.

"Thanks, I will."

"Wissa, You my auntie?" asks Marley.

"Sorry I hope it doesn't bother you that I told him that. I didn't know what else to tell him."

She just smiles and answers Marley with a yes. After a while I go down stairs and dig out a few of Indio's old toys that we have saved for Tobias. I bring them up and Marley smiles.

"Uncle Wobbie!" he yells.

"I hope you don't mind but I said you were his uncle also." Says Johnny.

After a while, Marley gets tired and he comes and curls up in a ball in my lap. I stand with him in my arms and sit on the sofa with Alyssa. After a while I feel eyes on me and when I turn around both Alyssa and Johnny are staring at me and Marley.

"What? You've never seen a man care for a child before?" I ask.

"Not like you do." Says Alyssa, "You are going to be an amazing father. In fact, you already are."

Around 7:30, Johnny and Marley leave and head home and they happen to live just down the street from us in the near by apartments. I honestly cannot wait until my children are here and I'm married to the most gorgeous woman in the world.


A/N : So.. this was a long ass chapter in my opinion. I loved righting and revising this chapter. I'm sorry if I missed any spelling or grammar mistakes I'm sad to have to say that this story will be coming to an end in the max. amount of five chapters. One thing I did want to know was if any of you would be interested in a sequel. I think it would be fun to wright one and I don't really want to let my characters go but if I need to, I will let it go. Its entirely up to you.

No mater what I will always love you guys.
