Chapter 35:Whatever Happened To Robbie Bear?

"Robert get your ass down here! We need to go!" I yell from the downstairs of the guest house were staying in. Today is the day we go house hunting and with my mood swings and already slightly swollen feet, I know today will not be fun or easy. Robert has already pissed me off a few times this morning and I've cried three times for reasons that I don't even understand. Carrying a child is extremely hard work and I'm only on my fourth month. Robert finally worked up the courage to make me text my mom and tell her about the twins yesterday but she hasn't texted back. If she still has her old phone, its a piece of crap so I'm really hoping the only reason she hasn't texted back is because the message hasn't shown up yet. To be honest, I do really want her in my children's life.

Robert finally leaps down the stairs like a five year old and carefully picks me up and places his soft, warm lips onto mine. Sparks seem to ignite as I get this warm feeling in the pit of my stomach. Every time since the very first time our lips ever touched, this sensation occurs. He quickly slips his tongue into my mouth essentially heating the kiss and our tongues swirl between our sealed lips. He breaks the kiss and smiles whispering, "I love you honey. I never will stop loving you and unlike the others, you and I are meant to be. Never, ever forget that baby." A simple tear slides down my check as I answer, "I won't Robbie." He smiles a cheeky smile.

"What ever happened to Robbie bear?"

"Huh?" I say, clearly confused.

"You used to call me that all the time. Secretly I loved the name but I didn't dare tell you that."

"Fine then. You know I really do love you, Robert John Downey Jr."

"I really do love you too" he says and gives my one last peck on the cheek. Right then a knock occurs in the living room. The 'driver' (aka Jude) has arrived!

Shit I'm starting to sound like Robert. I'm not supposed to be cocky.


Short sweet and simple because I'm tired. I have state wide testing this week so I may or may it be on. Goodnight fellow ducklings. Love you all!!!! <3
