Swollen Ankles

So, chapter 7 finally included a full flashback of what happened to her. What did you think?

Chapter 8

"Hold him still!" Clarke ordered as she used a heated knife to cut away the infected flesh in Jasper's chest.

"Stop it! You're killing him!" Octavia yelled as she came to the table.

"She's trying to save his life," Finn quickly explained.

"She can't," Bellamy suddenly told us.

Real optimistic, Bellamy.

"Back off," Wells said, intimidating Bellamy slightly.

"We didn't drag him through miles of woods to give up," Clarke said.

"Kids a goner. If you can't see that you're deluded. He's making people crazy," Bellamy stated.

"Sorry if Jasper's an inconvenience for you, but this isn't the Ark. Down here, every life matters".

"Take a look at him," Bellamy paused. "He's a lost cause".

Octavia had begun to look extremely worried, causing Clarke to comfort her with a confidence boost.

"Octavia, I spent my whole life watching my mother heal people. If I say there's hope, there's hope".

"This isn't about hope, it's about guts. You don't have the guts to make the hard choices, I do. He's been like this for three days. If he's not better by tomorrow, I'll kill him myself," Bellamy said, once again proving he was a huge ass. "Octavia, let's go".

"I'm staying here," she informed him.

"Power-hungry, self-serving jackass. He doesn't care about anyone but himself. No offense," Monty said, giving Octavia a 'sorry' look.

Go, Monty!

"Yeah. Bellamy is all that. But he also happens to be right," Finn said as he looked upon Jasper's body.

Bellamy's right? First time I've heard that.


Some time later, everyone was gone. Clarke, Finn and Wells had decided to go find some sort of medicine to help Jasper. Bellamy had taken a whole group out hunting in the woods. And I was stuck in the dropship with Monty, Octavia and Jasper.

"How's your ankles?" Monty asked.

"Still swollen," I answered simply.

I had stayed behind because my ankles were so swollen that I could barely walk. Lucky me.

"God, I hate being pregnant".

"Then why'd you let it happen?" Octavia suddenly asked, talking to me for the very first time. "I mean, there's protection for a reason".

I felt like I should've yelled at her for this comment. Maybe even given her a couple of bruises. But hell, at this point, my ankles hurt so much that I could care less what anyone thought or said about me.

"Guess I was stupid and naive," I paused. "I don't really know why I let it happen, it just happened".

"So, that's why they locked you up? Just because you got pregnant?"

I nodded. "Dear 'mommy', did it herself".

"I'm sorry".

"It doesn't matter now. That's all in the past".

"Well, at least you get a baby in the end," Monty said. "I mean, you've got to be looking forward to that, right?"

"Actually... no. I'm not at all".

"Why?" Octavia asked quickly. "I mean, how cute would it be to have a little kid running about?"

"If you want the kid, you can have it. After all, the kid isn't even mine".

"I don't follow," Monty said, sounding extremely confused.

"When I first found out I was pregnant, I wanted an abortion. I didn't want it... but something changed my mind. Well, someone did, anyways. My best friend, Rory," I explained, feeling a sudden lump in the back of my throat as I said her name. "She was going to adopt the baby as her own. She even picked out names," I smiled at the thought of this before my mind switched to sadness. "But, she didn't make it".

"What happened to her?" Octavia asked curiously.

"She was floated".

"I'm so sorry. My mother was floated. I know that it isn't easy".

I felt tears forming in my eyes uncontrollably before I immediately shook my head and dried my eyes.

"That's enough of story time," I quickly said before getting myself comfortable and closing my eyes.

I didn't sleep right away, but I had to make it look like I did. I couldn't handle anymore questions. I couldn't let myself think about Rory. It was my fault. Her death was my fault.

I ended up falling asleep for barely ten seconds before sound of panic, alerted me. Everyone begun running in the dropship. What's going on? I heard the words 'fog' and 'burning', circulating about. Oh shit. This is serious.


"Murphy's going to kill Jasper!" Monty yelled, causing me to wake immediately.

"What are you talking about?" I asked whilst I rubbed my eyes.

I got no response from Monty nor Octavia. Instead I watched as the pair of them panicked like the world was going to end. I mean, it's Murphy, for God's sake. What harm could he really do?

"Okay, okay. I'm up," I said before helping the two close the hatch.

Murphy began banging on the hatch to try and get it open whilst he threw his bad language at us. Wow. He's really angry. I mean, I didn't blame him. Jasper's moans had annoyed the whole camp so it's no wonder that Murphy decided to kill him. Hell, the noise bothered me. But that didn't mean I wanted to kill Jasper. I guess some people have other ways of controlling their anger.


"They're back!" I heard a voice shout from outside the dropship.

Thank god. I quickly climbed down the ladder as fast as my swollen ankles could go before heading outside.

My eyes suddenly spotted Murphy, causing my rush to the others to be slightly delayed.

"You were gonna kill Jasper, just like that? What the hell gives you the right to decide who lives and who dies?"

I wasn't holding back. What almost happened to Jasper was huge, and Murphy needed to know that.

"Since when do you care, Brady?"

"I've always cared, and you should care too," I paused. "You're not in charge here, John. So stop acting like it".

I walked off until I finally witnessed a tragic loss. It was Atom, Octavia's boyfriend... or something like that.

"There was nothing I could do," Bellamy said, trying to plead for Octavia's forgiveness.

However, the upset was written all over her. There was nothing he could do to change that.

"Don't," Octavia snapped as she continued to mourn Atom.

Bellamy had tried to talk to her, but she wouldn't let him. Understable. We all watched her storm back into the dropship before Bellamy handed over the body to a couple of his boys.

"We lose anyone here?" Bellamy asked Murphy.

"No," Murphy simply answered.


"Still breathing. Barely. I tried to take him out but your psycho little sister-"

Now he's done it.

"My what? My what?" Bellamy yelled in his face whilst he grabbed Murphy's shirt.

Damn, Bellamy. You sure know how to put the fear of God in someone.

"Your little sister," Murphy corrected.

"Yeah, that's right. My little sister. Got anything else you wanna say about her?"

"Nothing. Sorry".

Bellamy glanced at the hundred, and then at me before walking away. Shortly after he left, I watched Murphy angrily throw his knife at a tree, hitting the centre perfectly.

Damn. Nice shot.
