Not Alone

Chapter 4

We then all stood there waiting for her to pop back up. It seemed like hours of suspense. We were all worried about what that thing was doing to her. Would she survive this? Seems a bit of a quick way to die since we landed on earth.

Luckily, she finally popped up, despite her endless screaming. We all acted quick, and shoved a rock off the cliff to distract it so it would let go of her. And as soon as the rock fell, he let go of her. Stupid creature.

The creature headed straight for the rock whilst we all started sprinting to save Octavia... well, they did. Being eight months pregnant meant that I couldn't physically sprint. Instead, I did my version of a quick walk.

"Octavia, get to the shore now!" Jasper yelled to her.

Jasper jumped in and begun to help her up and out of the water. We all did our part to help pull them both out of the water before Clarke began to aid to Octavia's wound on her leg, which the creature had kindly left her as a souvenir.

"Thank you," Octavia said to Jasper before giving him a hug.

"Note to self, next time, save the girl," Monty said.



"No mom! No, please! No! I'm your daughter! Did you hear me? I'm your daughter!" I cried.

All of a sudden, I awoke, startled and sweating. The same nightmare every night. My heart was beating so fast and my hands were shaking all over. I looked around to see if I had woken anyone, but luckily, they were all asleep. I felt my feet beginning to stand whilst I used a tree to lift the rest of my body up. Water. I need water.

I thought for a moment before finally deciding to head to the river. All I needed to do was make sure that I didn't get eaten by the creature that attacked Octavia.

On the way down, my head still spun with images of the nightmare. The moment when they grabbed me, the moment when I said goodbye to my mother, and the moment grey became my life. Quinn, it's all in the past. You're okay now.

I tried to tell myself this things but I don't think anything changed the way I felt. It was almost like that moment of my life was on replay and I couldn't change it. Just keep going. You're almost there.


Water. Water consumed my face as I splashed it upon myself to try and feel refreshed after the nightmare I just had. I cupped my hands together before taking a sip of water from the river. The feeling of the cold water roll down my throat was incredible. I slowly moved myself closer to the water before I suddenly felt a pair of hands grab my shoulders. The hands pulled me back onto the stranger. I looked up and saw it was Finn.

"What the hell, asshat?"

"If you had went any closer, your fingers could have been bitten off," Finn said.

"Thanks, but I don't need your protection," I said before getting up.

"Look, I was just trying to make sure you weren't dinner. I'm sorry that I was trying to be a kind friend," Finn said arising to his feet.

"We are in no way friends".


"We're not. I don't have any friends".

"What about you and Clarke? You two sure seem like friends".

"Clarke is different".

"Why? Because she's blonde?"

"Because she-"

"I'm waiting".

"She understands me. She seems me as more than a pregnant teen".

"Who says I don't?"

"Well, your constant comments about my stomach says you don't".

"I apologized for that".

"Good for you".

"What is your problem?"

"My problem? My problem is that you are a total ass. You comment on something that is clearly a personal issue for me. You make me feel bigger than I already know I am. And you're... you're an ass".

"You already said that".

"I know, I'm just frustrated," I sighed before sitting down on a nearby rock.

Finn quickly joined me.

"Look, I'm sorry, Finn. You're not the one I'm mad at".

"Then who are you mad at?"


"I'm confused".

"My whole life I've been made to feel like a disappointment. I was disowned by my own mother for God's sake. And now I've got this stomach. This stupidly huge stomach".

"I'm sorry," Finn said. "You know, you don't look that big".

"Says the guy who called me a whale".

"I was wrong before. You don't look like a whale".

I begun to snigger a little at this comment.

"I'm serious. You're glowing".


Finn nodded. "Absolutely".


I then moved my head onto his shoulder just as my eyes begun to close.

"You know, you never told me who got you pregnant".

"I don't know. Just some nobody who's name I can't even remember".

This was an obvious lie, but the paternity of my child had to remain a secret. It just had to.


It was funny to see Finn attempting to grip onto the vine. He had been hesitating for a while to get on, despite the fact that he was the one who suggested this was a good idea.

"How long has it been now?" I asked.

"Too long," Monty answered.

"You wanted to go first. Now quit stalling!" Clarke called up to him. "Mount Weather awaits".

He continued to hesitate before finally getting ready to go.

"The apogee like the Indians, right?" Finn joked to Jasper.

"Apogee, not apache," Jasper informed.

"He knows. Today, Finn," Clarke complained.

"Aye, aye, captain. See you on the other side," he saluted.

However, just as it seemed like he was going to go, Jasper stopped him.

"Wait," Jasper begun. "Let me. I can do it".

Octavia clearly had something to do with his sudden confidence as hr continued to give her a couple of glances. Finn's hand touched his shoulder before handing him the vine.

Jasper begun to look at little nervous, causing Finn to step in and give him a little advice.

"It's okay to be afraid, Jasper. The trick is not fighting it".

He suddenly jumped and before we knew it, he reached the other side... well, tumbled onto the other side. We all awaited anxiously to see if he was okay. And sure enough, he was.

"Whooo! We are apogee!" Jasper excitedly yelled.

We all begun to cheer him on as he successfully reached the other side just before he picked up a dirty old sign.

"Hey, we did it! Mount Weather!"

We done it. We offically done it.

"Okay, now, who's ready to give me a foot rub?" I asked, causing the others to all laugh.

Even Jasper was laughing. In this moment, we had succeed on our quest to find Mount Weather. We were offically the heroes who saved the hundred... well, at least we felt like that before a horrendous act had occurred.

Just as we got ready to go on the other side, a spear was thrown at Jasper, piercing him through the chest.


"Come on! Get down!" Finn yelled before we all hid behind a large rock.

We were not alone.
