A Close One

Chapter 2

I was careful exiting the dropship past Bellamy. I made sure I kept my head down and stayed with the crowd. No way did I want him seeing me just yet.

Eventually, my feet couldn't take it anymore. The speed was too hard for me to keep up with so I immediately began to rest up by the dropship. I focused on my breath. Just breathe in and out, Quinn. Breathe in and out.

"Hey, are you okay?" I heard a familiar voice ask before turning to see it was blondie.

"I'm fine".

"Are you sure because-"

"Go give your pity to somebody else, blondie!" I snapped. "I already get enough of that".

"I wasn't giving you my pity, I just thought I'd ask you if you're okay. Sorry for being nice".

"Wait," I said before grabbing her arm. "I'm sorry, okay? I get a lot of pity for this... thing and I just- I just don't need another person to look at me like that".

"I get it. It can't be easy for you in your situation".

"It's okay, blondie, you can say it. I'm pregnant. It's okay, I'm a big girl. I know you've heard the rumours about me".

Blondie didn't say a word.

"So what rumours have you heard? Am I 'the girl who couldn't keep her legs closed'?"

She nodded slowly.

"Thought as much. People gossip, blondie. I've heard what they've called me. You don't have to try to protect me. Guess nobody actually told you my name".

She shook her head.

"It's Quinn".

"Hi Quinn, I'm Clarke".

"Wait, does this mean we're friends now?"

"I guess so," Clarke said with a smile.

"Well, you should know that I can be a real bitch".

"Seems we have that in common".

I grinned. "Well Clarke, I think we're gonna be the best of friends".

We linked arms for a moment before heading off to admire earth. However, the sound of my name being called stopped me... well, a common nickname anyway.

"Hey, look everyone it's preggo Brady," some idiot said to the rest of his group.

He had brown hair that hung just above his ears, dark blue eyes and a prominent nose. His height was average for a guy but he was still taller than me.

"So, tell me," he begun as he stepped forward, "was it that hard to keep your legs closed? Or are we all just so irresistible?"

"Quinn, we should go-" Clarke begun before I cut her off.

"No, it's okay, Clarke. They deserve to know".

I turned my attention back to the guys. "I guess you could say the temptation got the best of me".

All the guys were amused by this, acting like bigger assholes than we already knew they were.

"So, what's your name anyways?" I asked the guy.

"Murphy. John Murphy".

"Oh my god! John Murphy! You're the guy that- wait, I don't know who you are. Guess you're just a nobody".

That was enough to rile him up. I focused on his movement as he threw his first punch. Duck. I remained unharmed. Next punch he threw I dodged before I somehow managed to make him fall to the ground. I watched over him and noticed mud that consumed his face, causing me to grin slightly.

"Didn't anybody ever tell you not to piss off a pregnant lady? I may be the size of a whale but I can still defend myself. See you around, John Murphy".

I then walked off with Clarke.


Some time later, I found myself sitting on the ramp of the dropship, watching Clarke draw lines on the map. We had figured out that the idiots of the Ark had dropped us off on the wrong island, meaning that we had a long way to go in order to get to Mount Weather. The only thing that was left now was to figure out how far the journey was.

"We got a problem," Wells said, walking over to us. "The communication system is dead. I went to the roof, a dozen panels are missing, heat fried the wires".

"Well, all that matters now is getting to Mount Weather. See look, this is us and this is where we need to get if we want to survive," Clarke explained, showing Wells her map work.

"Where did you learn to do that?"

Clarke went quiet.

"Your father".

All of a sudden, some random guy from the dropship appeared behind them.

"Cool, a map. Can I get a bar in this town? I'll buy you a beer," he said.

"Do you mind?" Wells asked him with a push.

"Hey, hey, hey," John Murphy suddenly said. "Hands off of him. He's with us".

I rolled my eyes. Wow. Being an asshole is in his nature.

"Relax. We're just trying to figure out where we are".

"We're on the ground. Isn't that good enough for you?"

We all turned our heads and saw who was speaking. It was Bellamy Blake. Damn it. If I don't hide now, he'll see me. I quickly moved my body closer to a random criminal and begun to blend in with the crowd.

"We need to find Mount Weather. You heard my father's message, that has to be our main priority," Wells said.

"Screw your father. What you think you're in charge around here? You and your little princess?" Octavia spoke.

"Do you think we care about who's in charge? We need to get to Mount Weather not because The Chancellor said so but the longer we wait the hungrier and the harder this will be. How long do you think we'll last without those supplies? We're looking at a twenty mile track, okay? So if we want to get there before dark we need to leave. Now," Clarke explained.

"I got a better idea. You two go. Find it for us. Let the privileged do the hard work for a change," Bellamy said.

"Yeah!" everyone cheered.

"You're not listening, we all need to go," Wells said.

"Look at this everybody. The chancellor of Earth," Murphy said, trying to start a fight.

"Do you think that's funny?" Wells asked him.

I then watched Murphy shove him to the ground.

"Wells," Clarke said just as someone held her back.

I wanted to help Wells. I really did. Nobody was holding me back. I could easily try and step in. Maybe I wouldn't do a lot, but I could at least try.

However, this wasn't my fight. And with Bellamy standing only a couple of metres away, I couldn't risk it. So I didn't. Instead I continued to watch the fight through the crowd.

Wells got up and got prepared to fight, despite the fact that he clearly wasn't fit to do this with his limping leg.

However, just as I thought Wells was going to get his ass kicked, Finn jumped in to save the day.

"Kid's got one leg. How about you wait until it's a fair fight".

We all watched Murphy slowly back off.

"Hey Spacewalker," Octavia called.

Finn immediately turned to see her walking towards him.

"Rescue me next".

Her comment amused everyone before we all walked off in opposite directions.

Phew. That was a close one.
