
Chapter 32

Our happy moment isn't long lived, which you can thank John for when he abruptly grabs Bellamy's arm and throws him across the room.

"John!" I yell, bringing my newborn close to my chest.

"Shut up!" John yells back. "He's had his moment. Now... he's mine."

I watch them helplessly, knowing I can do nothing with a baby in my arms.

"Tie those two ends together," John commands.

Bellamy does what he's told.

"Right, now get up and toss it over."

Looking up to where John points, I figure it out. He's trying to hang Bellamy like he was hanged.

"No, Bellamy, no!"

I should've kept my mouth shut.

The next thing I know, John is pointing the gun at my daughter and I.

"Keep your mouth shut!"

"Don't hurt them," Bellamy says quickly, standing up and tossing the rope over. "Just don't hurt them."

John looks over at us before back at Bellamy like he's contemplating his request.

"What do you want me to say? Do you want me to apologise?" Bellamy asks. "I'm-"

He tries to step forward, but the gun moves quicker than lightning, moving in his face to stop him from stepping closer.

"I'm sorry," he breathes out.

"You got it all wrong, Bellamy," John tells him. "I don't want you to say anything... I want you to feel what I felt and then... then I want you to die."


Looking around, I find a safe and suitable place to keep my baby girl from harms way before rushing over to attack John.

"John, no!" I try and attempt to take the gun from him, but I'm too weak.

Instead, he takes that moment to hold the gun against my head.

Bellamy steps forward.

"Move and I'll blow!" His threat, stops Bellamy from moving a muscle.

I wrestle under John's grip, but remain stuck.

Fuck you, John.

"Stand on the crate," he orders.

Bellamy hesitates at first, though does decide to climb on.

"Put the rope over your head."

"This is insane. The grounders could-"

Bellamy is interrupted by a bullet being fired.

Is he insane? That could've gone anywhere.

And then it hits me.

My baby girl!

Kneeing John where it hurts, I rush over and bring my child into my arms.

No scratches. She's fine.

"That hurt, Quinn!" John shouts, grabbing me by the arm before throwing me forward.

I have a newborn for gods sake!

"Do what I say, Bellamy, or they both get it!"

I look at Bellamy with tears in my eyes, and he throws it over immediately.

"You happy now?"

John tightens it in response.

"You're so brave, aren't you? I mean, you came in here thinking you were just going to turn this whole thing around. That you were stronger than me and you maybe one of your friends will come and help you," he explains. "But what are you thinking now, Bellamy? Hmm?"

He keeps tightening.

"John, please," I beg. "Stop."

"This is between him and I, Brady," he states. "You and your kid don't need to get involved."

"But we are," I tell him. "You're hurting my daughter's father."

"Trust me, Quinn. She's better off without him."

"No," I shake my head. "No, she's not."

Turning to face him, I plead. "Please, John. Just let him go."

His voice becomes lower. "You know I can't do that."

I then watch him kill the crate from under his feet.

"No!" I scream, trying to help Bellamy, however, John holds me back.

"Watch the king die!"

Tears begin to flood down.

"No!" I cry. "Stop... please!"

The sound of the doors opening alerts us, causing John to push me and run up the ladder.

Seeing who's more important, I rush over and cut down the rope, just as everyone hurries in.

I drop to the floor, calling his name.

"Bellamy!" I cry. "Bellamy, breathe!"

He looks at me and sits up straight away.

"Is she okay?" He starts checking her.

"Yeah, she's fine."

Smiling, he kisses both of our heads, hugs Octavia and jumps up to get John.

"Murphy!" Bellamy yells. "Murphy, it's over!"

I watch him climb the ladder in rage, just as we hear an explosion upstairs.


I allow Jasper and Bellamy to check on the situation whilst Octavia sits by my side.

"You... you gave birth?"

Her smile is hard to deny.

"Yeah... yeah I did."

She offers her finger to my daughter, who seems to take it no problem.

"Hey, little one," she softly says. "I'm your auntie O."

"Do you want to hold her?" I ask, and she nods.

I place my newborn gently into Octavia's arms, just as I hear chaos outside.

"Do you mind if I-"

"Go, I'll take care of her."


I run out of the drop ship and find a large crowd surrounding the gate.

They're back. Clarke and Finn are back.

I take no time when I tackle them, relieved to see them here.

"You're alive," I smile before hitting Clarke's arm.

"Ow, why?" She begins rubbing her arm.

"I just gave birth, and you weren't there."

"You has your baby?"

The shock is noticeable.

"Have you been checked?"

I shake my head. "No."

"Clarke, we need to leave, now," Finn says, interrupting our conversation. "All of us do. There's an army of grounders. Unlike anything we've ever seen coming for us right now. We need to pack what we can and run."

"Like hell we do, we knew this was coming," Bellamy stands his ground.

"Bellamy, we're not prepared," I tell him.

"And they're not her yet, we still have time to get ready. Besides, where will we go? Where will we be safer than behind these walls?" Bellamy asks us all.

"There's an ocean to the east, people there will help us," Finn explains.

"You saw Lincoln?" Octavia questions, carrying my daughter in her arms.

"Yeah," Finn admits.

"You expect us to trust a grounder?" Bellamy questions. "This is our home now! We built this from nothing with our bare hands! Our dead are buried behind that wall in this ground! Our ground!" He explains. "The grounders think they can take that away, they think that because we came from the sky, we don't belong here. But they're yet to realise one very important fact; we're on the ground now, and that means we are grounders!"

Everyone begins to cheer.

"I say, let them come!"

"Bellamy's right," Clarke agrees. "If we leave, we may never find a place as safe as this. And god knows, in this world, we could be faced with something even worse tomorrow. But that doesn't change the simple fact that if we stay here, we will die tonight. So pack your things. Just take what you can carry. Now."

Guess the princess said it.

I watch everyone start to move when a limp Raven re-enters the camp.

The gunshot. He shot her. John shot Raven.

I watch everyone rush to help her whilst I take my daughter from Octavia and head into my tent to pack.

"Quinn!" I hear Kai call after me.

I turn and get the ultimate hug from him.

"I heard you were stuck in the drop ship and that you were in labour..." he pauses when he sees her.

My little girl.

"She's... she's here?"

I smile, watching his expression go from shock to pure joy.

"Yeah, she's here."

I watch him take her all in, looking at her deeply as he held her in his arms.

"She's the most beautiful little girl I've ever seen."

I may be bias, but I think so, too.

"And she's a she."

Just like me, Kai thought I'd have a boy. I'm pretty sure most of us did.

"Yeah, no Bellamy junior," I laugh.

He doesn't say anything for a while, and then I realise why. Tears are falling from his cheeks.

She has that effect.

"I can't believe she's here, Quinn," he continues to tell me.

"Me neither."

It's very overwhelming.

"Dad's going to be so excited to meet her."

I stop and stare, confused by his statement. He's all held up on the baby, he's not even looking at me.

First the mother, and now the father?

Why would Marcus Kane want to meet my child?

"Kai, what are you talking about?"

And then it hits him. His eyes go wide, realising what he's just said. It's almost like he knows he's said something he shouldn't have.


But nothing comes. He can't say a thing to explain himself. Instead, Kai just stands there, open mouth, probably wondering what the fuck he just did.

Beats me. I have no clue.
