Baby Names

This chapter is short and I'm sorry! I just wanted to get onto the next episode! Still, enjoy :)

Chapter 22

Unity day. Unity day. Unity day. If I never hear those words again, it'll be all too soon. Everyone's getting drunk and guess who can't do that? Me! That's fucking who. And because I also can't be walking around, I'm stuck in my chair, watching everyone else have fun, but me.

Why did I choose to get pregnant again? Oh wait! I didn't.

Stupid Bellamy and his stupid sperm!

So yeah, I'm the moron sitting around, watching everyone else drink and have fun, feeling like the girl waiting to be asked to dance by a stupid boy.

Oh no. Here he comes.

"Hey, you having fun?" Bellamy asks.

"Yeah. Lots. I've got my imaginary drink here, and I'm having a ball."

He laughs a little, which is odd. We never have laughs together.

Unity day, you can go suck my balls!

Being nice to him of all people makes me sick. I don't like it. I'm used to telling him to fuck off. But why am I not doing it?

"Well, if not drink means our baby is out of harms way, then count me in."

I roll my eyes. Finally! I feel like my old self again.

"I bloody wish you were carrying it. Then you'd see how I'm feeling right now."

Or maybe I could just crush his balls.

Yeah. That works, too.

"Trust me, our child is in better hands with you than me."

I don't know if I'd agree with you there.

"I can't wait to meet him. I'm so excited!"

I may have already met him.

"He certainly will be a new face around here," I agree.

"I've already been thinking of names. I have a few I'd like to suggest if you're interested."

Now, my thought process here is if he suggests it now and I hate them, I can say no. But he doesn't, he may try and spring it upon me last minute when I'm all emotional and shit, meaning I would've agreed to a name that repulses me in a moment of weakness.

"Go on then." I roll my eyes. "Let's here them."

"Okay, so the first one is Artemis. Artemis Blake."

I'm speechless.

"We can call him, Artie, for short."

Artie? Dah fuck was he thinking?

"I think it sounds rather cool-"

"Now, let me just stop you there," I say instantly. "First of, we will be hyphenating his name. And second of, I will not call my son, Artie."

He in no way, looked like an 'Artie' to me.

"The name is unisex, so it can work for a girl, too."

"Still no." I'm putting my foot down on that one. "Next one."

"Okay, so this is a girl name, even though I'm like 99% sure it's going to be boy. It was in my head before."

Don't say something stupid. Don't say something stupid.

"Aurora. In honour of my mother."

Now, I understand why he may want this name. I get it, I really do. But I hate having juniors, or using the same name over and over again. Middle name is fine. If he wants Aurora to be her middle name, then that's fine. But personally, I don't want her to have the same name and be an another 'Aurora Blake', even though she'll be, Brady-Blake. I don't want to seem cruel or anything, but I just can't picture myself having a daughter called, Aurora.

"Bellamy I-"

"It was just a suggestion, Quinn. We're having a boy, anyways. I just wanted to throw it out there."

I nod understandingly.

"Was there another name?" I ask him.

He nods. "Balthazar. I like the idea of having a son with a 'b' like me."

"That's not too bad..."

I'm lying. It's awful.

"Have you thought of any names?" He asks me.

"Not really, no."

Rory's names worked for her. But they won't work for me.

"I feel like when I see him, I'll know," I tell him, knowing that isn't the truth.

I met him. I met our son. And yet, I still don't know his name.

"Well, it shouldn't be long now."

"Don't remind me. I'm petrified of the damage he'll do to my body."

He laughs again.

"I'm serious, Bellamy! If he's a ten pounder, he'll kill me down there!"

"Yeah. I'm going to apologise in advance, just in case."

"Wait a minute. Were you-"

"See ya later, Quinn," he waves me off.

"Get back here, Bellamy Blake! I mean it!"

As he continues to walk on, I hold myself tightly, knowing the worst is yet to come.
