Raven... and Kai

Chapter 11

Bellamy begun pounding Murphy's face just as Finn lifted me up by his side. My legs were shaky, just like my hands, but in this moment, my concentration wasn't on how shaky I was. Instead, it was on the fight.

"Bellany, stop! You'll kill him!" Clarke yelled, just as Finn reached him.

He quickly pulled Bellamy off of Murphy.

"Get off me!" Bellamy yelled. "He deserves to die!"

"No! We don't decode who lives and who dies, not down here!" Clarke yelled.

"So help me god, if you say the people have a right to decide, I will-"

"No! I was wrong before, okay? You were right! Sometimes it's dangerous to tell people the truth. But if we're gonna survive down here, we can't just live by whatever the hell we want!" Clarke explained. "We need rules".

"And who makes those rules, huh? You?"

"For now, we make the rules, okay?"

"So what, then? We just take him back and pretend like it never happened?"

"No!" Clarke said, looking back at Murphy before turning back to Bellamy. "We banish him".

Silence lingered for a while as looks were exchanged between Bellamy, Finn and Clarke before Bellamy grabbed Murphy by his jacket.

"Get up," he hissed.

Murphy was held over the edge of the cliff whilst Bellamy begun threatening him.

"If I ever catch you near camp, we'll be back here. Understand?"

Murphy nodded slowly before he was thrown to the ground.

"As for the four of you," Bellamy begun, looking at Murphy's allies, "you can come back and follow me, or go off with him to die. Your choice".

He then walked off with the other four following, leaving Clarke, Finn, and I with Murphy.

"Let's get you cleaned up," Clarke said to me.

I nodded before looking back at Murphy.

"Brady, please don't leave me".

I looked back at Clarke before I took her hand, walking off, and leaving Murphy all alone.


"This may sting a little," Clarke warned as she begun to clean my knuckles.

She had already patched up my stomach, and my neck. Now, it was time for my knuckles.

"Does that hurt?"

I shook my head. "No".

It was true. The pain of my injuries didn't hurt. My heart, on the other hand, did.

"Quinn, there's someone here to see you," Finn said from the doorway.

"If it's Bellamy, tell him to go away. I don't wanna see him".

"Please, Quinn," I heard Bellamy say. "I just need to know the baby's okay".

"The baby's fine," Clarke said for me.

The sound of footsteps disappeared, which made me know that Bellamy was gone.

"You gonna have to talk to him eventually," Finn said.

"I know. Just not right now. I can't handle him at the moment".


The light hit my eyes first. They were blinded by the sunrise, which lurked between the small gap of my tent. I lifted my body up slowly before resting my hand over my stomach, and feeling the baby kick. I smiled as I knew he was telling me that he was okay and well. Relief struck my body, causing the worry to disappear. He was okay. My child was alive.

"Quinn!" Clarke alerted me from outside the tent.

I quickly jumped up and dashed out.

"What's going on?" I asked her.

"There was a pod that fell from the sky last night. It could contain, food, water, sanctuary products, and a radio. But Bellamy's gone, which means-"

"He went after it".

Clarke nodded. "We need to get to it before he does".

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go".

Clarke, Finn and I all headed out of find the pod. We were all extremely eager to see what it contained. I mean, the thought of shampoo, made me want to cry. My hair had been a complete mess since we reached earth. I missed the smell of clean hair. And don't even get me started on conditioner. I craved a clean shower. I wanted to smell nice once again.

"Should we split up?" Clarke asked.

"Yeah. You two go that way. I'll meet you guys at the bottom," Finn explained before we all headed off.


"So, when were you going to tell me about you and Bellamy?" Clarke asked.

"I wasn't".

"Well, why not? I wouldn't have told anyone".

"I know, but you weren't the reason why I said nothing".

"Who was?"

"Me. I was so ashamed about what happened that I couldn't let myself tell anyone. I didn't want the child to have to grow up, knowing that his mom was a slut".

"You're not a slut, Quinn. Don't you ever think that".

I paused for a moment. "We should keep moving".


We were smart for going our way because in a short amount of time, Clarke and I had reached the pod.

"Hi," a girl said within the pod. "I made it?"

We both nodded before helping her unbuckle from her seat. She had blood on her head, but by the time she touched the ground, she didn't even care.

"I dreamed it would smell like this," she said as she took in her surroundings. "Is this rain?"

Clarke nodded. "Welcome home".

"Raven?" Finn asked as he rushed over to her.

"Finn!" she yelled in happiness before running towards him. "I knew you couldn't be dead".

They both wrapped their arms around each other, demonstrating their close bond... or was it something else?

"You're bleeding".

"I don't care".

Once their lips touched, they were unbreakable, causing my eyes to turn to a hurt Clarke. That must sting. Clearly, their relationship had developed since before I started calling them 'Flarke'.

"How did you get here?" Finn asked.

"You know that big scrap hold, the one on K deck?"

"You built that from scrap?"

Damn, that's impressive. Can she make me a rocket?

"I kind of rebuilt it. Please, like that's hard? I just need some couple parts and some love".

"You're insane".

"I'd do more for you and worse. Just like you would for me".

Raven suddenly looked like she was going to faint, causing Finn to quickly sit her down before he headed over to get something to help with his girlfriend's head. An awkward moment between 'Flarke' hit as soon as he came over, but that moment disappeared fast once Clarke decided she didn't want to talk about their situation.

"Thanks," Raven smiled at her boyfriend before she begun putting pressure on her wound.

"This is Quinn and Clarke. They were on the dropship too".

"Hi," I smiled.

"Clarke?" Raven questioned as she arose to her feet.

Wow. I got pied big time.

"This was all because of your mom".

"My mom?"

"This was all her plan. We were trying to come down here together. If we waited- oh, my god. We couldn't wait because the council was voting whether to kill three hundred people to save air," she explained.

"When?" I asked.

"Today. We have to tell them you're alive!" Raven said before dashing over to her pod. "The radio's gone. It must've gotten loose during reentry. I should've strapped it to the A-strut. Stupid!" Raven yelled out in annoyance.

"What's all the commotion about?" a voice suddenly asked.

Our heads turned to see a young male approaching us. He had dark brown hair, blue-gray eyes, and looked to be around the same age as us.

Seeing him, Finn immediately jumped in front, trying to be 'the alpha male', and protect us.

"Listen, whoever you are, you need to back up," Finn said in a slightly threatening tone.

"Easy buddy," the guy said. "I was just getting a drink of water.

"Finn, it's okay. He's with me," Raven told him.

"He is?" I questioned.

"Yeah. Everyone, meet Kai".

Finn backed up before Kai headed towards me.

"I'm Malachai Parker, and you must be, Quinzel Rae Brady, correct?"

"How did you guess?"

"I believe the pregnant stomach gave you away".

"Of course it did".

"Oh, don't be offended. You are glowing".

"Really? Thanks," I said with a large smile.

"Hey, love birds," Raven called. "Stop flirting".

"We weren't flirting," I quickly said.

"Yeah, okay," she said before turning to Kai. "The radio's gone".

"What?" he questioned quickly before rushing over to check. "Where'd it go?"

"It must've gotten loose during reentry".

"Damn it!" Kai yelled before kicking the pod.

"No, no, this is my fault. Someone got here before us. We have to find him," Clarke said before running off, causing all of us to immediately follow.

Bellamy Blake, where are you?

So, I introduced a new character. Kai Parker. Yes, he will play Chris Wood. I love Kai from TVD so much! He's literally my favourite villain!
