| Match day

The sun was shining bright, its light hitting every corner and blinding everyones sight. It was rarely that we had a bright sunny day in Bloom Woods and for the very first time I was liking the feeling. I was a sucker for cloudy weather. I was hoping the day turned out good - just like the bright sunny sky. I closed my eyes and smiled at the sky. Taking a long deep breath I started walking towards the entrance of the hospital.

Today is the day - the day that has kept me nervous, the day that I've been waiting for. Today my sister gets discharged and I play my final match against the Wild Cats. When my sister gets discharged, it would be the end of that monster - 'cancer' dreading our lives, no more pain and worries. "Just a new beginning" thats what Yussa said. I was pretty nervous for my match, so many questions filled my head, "Will I embarrass them?" Or "Am I gonna get a red card?" or "Would I miss the goal ?". I groaned and shook my head - I was over thinking again.

I opened the door to Room 102 and closing the door softly behind me. All the equipment and medicines were taken away. All of Yussa's belongings were packed and sent back home except the teddy bear, "Mr Cuddles". There was a surprise welcome back home party which was arranged for Yussa by Yousi. Everybody would be there - friends, family and relatives. My match starts at six in the evening and Yussa will leave the hospital at seven and it would be half time by that.

"I'm gonna miss this room" Yussa said, coming out from the bathroom. I scoffed at her words and said sarcastically,

"Yup. How many beautiful memories this room beholds" she chuckled and I recalled those days when she would come home after long tiring tests and sleep for a long time. How many stitches has she gotten, how many injections, how many disgusting medicines has she swallowed, on how many nights has she awoken in pain and how much blood has she spilled and lost. I felt a chill go down my spine and I shuddered.

"Well, its over now and I'm going back to my room. Ha! I missed my princess room"

While Yussa's room was a pink castle filled with dolls, dressing table filled with cosmetics and wardrobe with so many dresses neatly folded - my room was exactly the opposite. My room had pure white walls except for one, it was filled with posters of my favourite football stars. In the corner, I had a small shelf for my books and my wardrobe consisted of long T-shirts, cardigans and sweats. My room was much simpler than hers.

"Ready for the game ?" she asked sitting on the couch and stretching her legs. Whenever someone asks me this question I would reply with a bold face, 'Always' but this time I couldn't bring myself to say it. This is the second time Bloom Woods was getting to finals and I had a slight feeling that I was gonna mess it up.

"Come here"

Yussa motioned me to sit next to her when she noticed that I was zoning out so I slowly dragged my legs and sat on the couch. I sighed and she took hold of my hand, kissing it. I turned my head towards her as she smiled at me. Her face was glowing today, maybe it was a sign that her health was returning to her.

"Who is the strongest girl ?"she asked me the same question dad asks me when I'm out of hope. It's been so long since dad had asked me this because he was completely stressed over Yussa's health. A small smile crept upon my lips and I was speaking.

"Your barbie doll". Yussa was smiling too and that made my insides burn with sudden excitement. I wanted to see that smile when I returned home with the trophy. I promised myself that I was gonna bring home the trophy.

"Who is my barbie doll ?"

"Izza. Izza Khalid".

"Again who is the strongest girl ?"

"Izza Khalid" I hugged her and it was enough for me to regain confidence in myself. I was determined to bring a trophy back home. It's all for Yussa, my Yussa. Someone cleared their throat and we broke from the hug and looked at the intruders. Yousi stood wearing a white Bloom Woods jersey and Ahsan, right behind him, was holding a Bloom Woods flag.

They were both coming to watch my match since it's the last match of the year. By half time Yussa would have gotten home and found her surprise and we would come back home with the trophy. I had asked Yousi how he could be so sure that I'd win but all he did was pat my forehead and say 'I'm always right'.

"It's time"

Yousi said and I smiled at both of them looking at the clock on the wall. I had to reach the school stadium an hour early so we could all refresh. I only got a break for thirty minutes this whole day, I was practicing for most of the day. The coach gave us a break just now. I nodded my head at him and turned to Yussa who was smiling widely at me.

"Come back home in flying colours" she said keeping her forehead on mine and I nodded slowly.

"I'll be home waiting for you" she whispered and it was stupid but I held my pinky towards her, waiting for her to promise me that she would be home. She giggled but she didn't swat my finger away. Instead, she held on to it and said,

"I can't promise but I'll try"

I smiled looking at her eyes and getting lost in it. My sister was so beautiful and no matter what happens I'd always stand by her side. We stood up and I turned to walk away from her but something in my heart told me to turn back and I did. I smiled at her and she looked at me confused, wondering why I was smiling so much today.

"I love you Yussa. I'm lucky to call you my big sister"

It was the very first time I told her how much I loved her. She was surprised and blinked back tears. She held my hand tightly and willed herself not to fall down.

"I love you too Izzy. It's an honour to be your elder sister" she chuckled and I grinned at her.

"Can you guys stop pretending you're in an oscar movie? I've reserved my seats and I don't want some rich guy to take them" Yousi said, breaking us from our peaceful moment. We scowled at him. When he saw us glaring at him, he quickly lifted his hands in surrender and walked out of the room, leading Ahsan into fit of giggles.

"Bye" I said, hugging her one last time.

"See you later and all the best for your game"

That was Yussa, she never liked saying goodbyes. She always said something along the lines of, 'See you later'. Ahsan stayed back and started talking with her. Standing in the doorway, I turned to look at her and noticing my restless gaze, she turned from Ahsan's rant and mouthed the words,

"I'll be home"

I nodded my head and started walking towards the parking lot. Suddenly Yousi held me by my collar. I snarled at him, he always did that like I'm some sort of dude. He rolled his eyes and said,

"Give me five minutes. Wait by the car - me and Ahsan will come in a bit".

He wanted to talk to Yussa, I know. He was so busy today getting Yussa's party ready . I nodded my head and continued walking. The bright sunlight hit my face again. I got into the car and buckled up my seat belts. As I sat there, I said a silent Dua (prayer) to Allah.

'Dearest Allah.

You've given me everything I wanted. I know you are there and I believe in you and no matter what happens I'll never let you go. You test the people you love, so whatever hardships you give - I'll take them as a test and will never step backwards. Because it's you, it was always you. Help me Allah in giving me patience and strength to face any obstacles.

I had strayed from Your path, but You did not let me go. You found me and You guided me, just as you said you would in your Holy Book,

"And He found you lost and guided [you]" [93:7]

I give thanks for your guidance. I give thanks for your kindness and for your mercy. I give thanks for being given this second chance at life and in Deen. I thank you for everything.'

I blinked back my tears and willed them away. I put on a smile when I saw both of my brothers getting in the car.

"Okay barbie doll, let's get you ready for the game !"


I stretched my legs as I did my exercise. Wherever I turned - each and every one of them was doing something for the game, everyone was determined to win it. Not even Justin was sitting simply. Wild cats had arrived already and they had taken half of the stadium for practice. I was avoiding the looks Christian was giving me since he saw me here. I know what he's doing - he wants me to get all stressed up but he ain't going to have that.

Zee hadn't reached yet and coach was blowing his up phone but he wouldn't pick up. I know if I tried too, he wouldn't pick up. I thought he would come and there was no need to worry about anything. Then it happened. I saw something flash before my eyes - a memory- the way he sat at the swing, the way he stood in front of the painted wall - his eyes looked lost and his face was clouded with sadness.


The name left my lips as realisation dawned. Was it today ? The day his Zery got raped. I swallowed the lump in my throat. Is that why he's late ? Is he not going to make it just like the last time ?

"Please Allah let him be okay"

I prayed for him for the very first time and I did it sincerely. The cold wind hit my face and I frowned. Last time I checked, it was sunny and I looked up at the sky as it was getting darker.


I rolled my eyes. Not again! I groaned and huffed in annoyance. Clenching my teeth and smacking my lips in a straight line, I turned around to meet the dumb egg captain of Wild Cats.

"Shouldnt you be practising over there ?" I asked pointing my finger at his other mates.

"What ? Got scared already ?" He was smirking and I scoffed at his words.

"Oh I'm scared" I faked a frightened face at him and his expression hardened at that. He let his eyes roam from my face to my team. A smirk crept upon his face and he turned his head to me - his sky blue glinted mischievously and he flipped his silver blonde hair away from his eyes. His looks were devilish and the scar under his lip was scary.

"What ?" I snapped at him, trying to sound bold and not squirm under his gaze. He's a player with girls and Justin had said that he had a new girl clinging on his arm everyday. But Christian Edwards is not gonna get me for that.

"Your Cap isn't here yet ?" I gulped and looked away.

"He'll come. He has some errands to run". But that just made him smirk more.

"Your coach said the same thing last year but he never came" I shut my mouth and glared at him.

"And he's not gonna come this time either" he said and I snarled at him. I so wanna get my hands on his neck and choke him to death.

"Good luck loosing the game" he said smirking and flipping his hair. I wanted to splash mud on his hair so that he'll never ever get his hair back to the way he wants.

"Get lost" I whisper-yelled at him and he inched closer towards me. I did'nt budge and I held my chin high.

"Every girl wants to be with Christian Edwards. It's only you, terrorist, that's resisting my charm. Why ?" I scoffed at his words and said,

"Why don't you take a look in the mirror and find out for yourself?" That made him sharpen his gaze and take one step closer towards me. He grabbed my arms and dug his nails deep into my skin. It did hurt but I didn't show it on my face and neither did I flinch.

"Bloom Woods is never going to win, I'll make sure of it" he hissed in anger.

"Is that a threat ?" I asked, glaring at him.

"That, my darling terrorist, is not a threat but something thats gonna happen for sure".

I gritted my teeth and pushed him away. He stumbled backwards but he quickly regained his posture. He was seething in anger and was gonna come back at me but something behind my shoulders caught his attention and he gulped. He quickly smiled at me nodding his head and jogged away to his team mates.

Warmth spread behind me from a presence. A smile tugged at the corner of my lips and I swiftly turned around to be met with the emerald eyes that were glaring at the dumb egg captain across the field.

He was here. He was finally here and I sighed in relief.

"Sapphire ?". I looked at him, his face was angry but when he saw me, he narrowed his eyes and asked,

"Why are you grinning like an idiot ?" I would have snapped at him or even punched him, but I didn't - all I did was grin more widely at him. He gave me a weird look and turned his head to where Christian was and then back at me asking,

"Did he say something? If he did I swear -"

He cuts himself as he sees I am still grinning at him. He shakes his head and slings the duffel bag around his shoulder.

"Forget it. You're weird" he said and walked away.

Only for you Zee, only for you.

After sometime every one were gathered in a circle as coach was prepping us the last minute. Minutes away from the big match. My eyes scanned the gallery and met my siblings Ahsan and Yousi, my best friend Mehara along with my other friends Ally, Marissa and Fathima. Confused, I squinted my eyes at the next person. It was Lara! I quickly turned my head to Seth who was gazing at the same person. I shrugged my shoulders, guess that's a story for another day.

"Guys..." coach was speaking and I looked at the almost thirty eight year old coach. He was smiling at us as he spoke.

"I don't care whether you people win or lose. I'm glad that we made it to the finals. I want you guys to enjoy the match, after all that's what Zedd taught us - what matters is how beautifully you play the game".

At the mention of his name, Zee glances at me, a small smile creeping up on his lips. I grinned back at him and he shook his chuckling. Whenever he looks at me, I don't know why, but I have the sudden urge to grin.

"So I just want you to have fun and enjoy as much as you can. And I hope you forgive me if I have done or said something wrong to you". Coach stopped and we all looked at him confused.

"Guys this my last day as a coach. I'm going to retire and go back to my family, they need me now"

Feeling sad at the thought of coach leaving - everybody went to hug him one last time. My coach was gonna retire and I would be lying if I said he was the worst coach I had. He was, in fact, the best coach and I was determined to get a trophy for him. He likes Zee a lot, I know from the way he looks at him sometimes, with a proud feeling that says, 'Yup, I am his coach'.

But would we get a trophy ? What if I get a red card and what if I miss the goal ? What if -

"Stop over thinking".

A soft voice spoke next to me and my eyes met the kind sky blue eyes.

"How did you know ?" I asked, squirming under his gaze. He laughed like never before, a 'free from stress' laugh. It had been so long since I heard him laugh.

"Your eyes look lost and you gulp too many times. And you clench your fist in frustration. That says - that you are over thinking".

My eyes widened at his revealing but Daniel only laughed and walked away leaving me speechless. We were back together as friends, I know it's happening.


I wiped the sweat from my forehead and quickly scanned my eyes for a person near the goal post and found Luke, my team mate. He nodded his head and I quickly threw the ball at him which before had landed corner. He kicks the ball under his feet and runs towards the goal. He passes the ball to Alex, another player of our team and Alex hits the ball towards the goal post. I prayed a silent prayer "please let it be a goal". But I groaned in annoyance when it flew away from the goal.

The crowd too, groaned and the stadium shook with a loud sound. I let my eyes wander to Yousi sitting on the bleacher, he noticed me and gave me a thumbs up. Ahsan quickly stood up and showed me his poster which had written on it in big letters "IZZY! SCORE A GOAL FOR ME !". I smiled at him and nodded. Christian smirked at me and went over to his mate to whisper something. I narrowed my eyes but then I shrugged my shoulders.

The match had begun, it's almost half an hour and we haven't scored a goal yet. Not even Wild Cats had scored a goal. So it's a tight match with two strong teams. The referee blew the whistle and I saw the ball passing on between legs. I tried to get near the ball and saw that the ball was now at Seth's feet.

Seth quickly dodged the midfielders and moved on. But then I saw it - one of the Wild Cats player, who was moving in the same pace with Seth, quickly put his ankle between the ball and Seth's leg and got his own leg twisted . The Wild Cats player clutching his leg fell on to the ground and groaned in pain. I rolled my eyes, that doesn't hurt that much, I've felt it many times.

The referee came blowing his whistle along with the other players. Seth was angry but he didn't show it. Zee had told us "Whatever wrong they do us, we will always do it the right way". Everybody in our team knows this, that we don't do anything unfair. I knew this was Christian's plan. I saw him smiling devilishly and when I narrowed my eyes at him, he quickly covered it with a fake innocent face.

And then it happened, before we could think of a way out, the referee pulled a red card on us and Wild Cats fans cheered as they got a free kick. Seth cast his eyes down, his hands clenched in a fist and started walking towards the tunnel. Daniel jogged towards him, whispering something in his ears and patting his back. Christian was staring at Dan and I knew who his second prey was. Referee blew the whistle and a member of Wild Cats came forward with the ball. He skipped up and down flexing his muscles, getting ready for his kick.

"Show off" Justin muttered under his breath as he stood next to me in front of the goal post to defend the ball. And then the next minute the ref whistled. I made a silent prayer to Allah, the player came running forward and kicked the ball. Together we all jumped to dodge the ball. Justin due to his perks of being the tallest, hit the ball with his head and the ball flew away to the side.

"Thats payback for what did you did to Seth !" Justin shouted at the player who lost his free kick and the player in return showed his middle finger. Christian was furious, I could see it within a mile away from him, his plan had gone downhill.

His eyes met mine and he smirked pointing his finger, when my eyes followed the direction to where he pointed and it landed on my three friends - in fact Bloom Wood's mighty players. Zee or Justin or Daniel - anyone among the three. I glared at him in return, I wanted to see how he'd take them down. He'll have to go through me first.

The announcement came for half time and we all returned back into the tunnel to regroup and plan for the second half. We definitely need a plan now.


"No wonder they are winning every championship" Dan said as we all were gathered in a circle and waited for Zee.

"I want to burn that blonde's head !" Justin growled.

"I just - I just started playing the match and got a red card. This is - this is my first time getting a red card" Seth said as he sat on the bean bag, his face held a hurt expression. I knew he felt this, I knew he wanted to show Lara how much of a great player he was. They say the first impression is the best impression. I know he must be embarrassed to go in front of her again. He must be feeling broken right now.

Everyone was discussing the same thing - about how Wild Cats were playing dirty tricks. If we wanted to, we could show everyone the tapes and prove Seth's innocence. But thats when Zee said, "If we accuse them and they still win the match then nobody would care for the tapes. Let's try and clear our heads, we can still win this match, we just gotta steer clear of their tricks". Zee was a role model for us. Everybody on the team loved and worshiped him. Whenever he gives the team a pep talk, he leaves us speechless. And this guy doesn't even want to become a football player.

"Guys !". Zee's voice roared across the room and everyone went into pin drop silence. I looked up to see Zee getting to the centre of the circle and focusing everyone with a piercing gaze.

"Calm down. The game is not over yet" he said, turning his head to everyone. When his eyes met Seth, who had his face in his hands, he sighed.

"Seth you did well and you followed my direction. I'm proud of you Seth. Maybe next year you can show how strong a captain and how good a player you can be".

Seth looked up, his face brightened. A small smile played on his lips and he shook his head saying,

"I would never be as good as you, Cap" Zee sighs, and turns to look at us again.

"It's my last year as a captain and I want to leave on good terms with you all. Trust me, I know they are gonna play more tricks. So I'm warning you all, don't - I say don't you dare fall for it".

We all nod our heads and leave to grab refreshments. When I was past Zee, he called me and I turned to look at him. His eyes were blank as he looked at me, devoid of emotion. He sighed as he asked,

"I really suck at being a captain, don't I ?"

"Yeah you're right" I joked with a serious face, my arms crossed on my chest. But he took it as a fact and sighed looking down.

"Aren't you gonna ask me why ?". He glanced at me as I continued,

"First, you have to let go of this insecurity you're holding on to. Second, you have to have some faith, courage and hope inside you. Third, trust yourself because I trust you and you're the best Cap I have ever seen"

He smiled at me and I got goosebumps all over me. His green eyes shone brightly and God! I'm gonna miss them the most after he goes away.

I left him and went towards my locker room to get my phone. Just as I switched it on a call came. I chuckled seeing Yussa's name as the ID. 'Drama queen' I had saved her.

"Assalamu alaikum !" I heard her chirpy voice when I picked up the phone.

"Wa alaikumussalam"

"So how's the match ?" I sighed and spoke in a low voice.

"Not good". I guess Yussa was still in the hospital, if not she would have known what's happening through the television at home.

"I called Yousi. He said they were playing dirty ?". I sighed, even the people of Bloom Woods know the truth.

"Izzy. Don't worry, my sixth sense says you're gonna score a goal today" I laughed at that and she giggled in return.

"Gosh ! Why is mum taking so long. I want to go home !" She whined and I chuckled covering my mouth with my palm. Mom was probably tied up with last minute arrangements since Yousi had left her with more work. Poor mom.

"Don't worry. You'll be home soon" I said assuring her.

"Princess its time !" Justin called from outside the locker room.

"Coming" I yelled back covering the speakers of my phone.

"Is that Zeeshan ?" She asked and I knew she would have that a smug smile on her face. I rolled my eyes and said,

"Nope that's Justin"

"Okay so how many Boy friends do you have ?!"

I smirked as I said "Plenty"

"Seriously Izza, you should stop this ! It's haraam (forbidden)"

"Woah woah calm down. I was joking"

"I know you have your eyes only on Zee. Don't do anything haraam. Stay halaal (what's not forbidden)."

"Shut up Yussa. I don't love him".

"Whatever. After this I personally want to meet this guy who has stolen my sister's heart without her even knowing it."

"Ok bye. I have to go. Assalamu alaikum !" She was giggling at the other end.

"Ok ok Wa alaikumussalam. Go get a goal for me !"

"Anything for you".


Fifteen minutes left and we still haven't scored. Neither had the Wild Cats. They had tried to get rid of many players but we didn't let it effect us. We wouldn't fall for it. After this game Christian and his team will never try to play dirty tricks.

The ball was now at Dan's feet and he was running with it swiftly. I kept my eyes trained on the ball to see Dan dribbling it up and over a player's head, controlling it smoothly. He notices me going for the run and was almost going to shoot it up. But Dan was pushed to the ground and his head hit the grass. Dan should have stayed on the ground and let Ref give a foul or yellow card or red card to that player of wildcats and get us a free kick. He should have done that, we could have scored a goal.

But he didn't, instead he got up quickly and smashed the player's face with his fist. Christian knew Dan had temper problems but Dan was pretty calm throughout the match. Maybe he couldn't take it anymore since so many players of the Wild Cats had been after him. I knew he had enough. And there goes our free kick. Everyone reached and formed a circle around them. Justin and Luke tried to pry Dan away from him. But Daniel was furious as his eyes blazed with anger. He snarled at them and called them words which in my language roughly translates to 'Fudging Ash-holes'.

Ref came and what we dreaded the most happened. He pulled out a red card and we lost the second precious player of our team. I knew the other team's player wasn't that much of a player and even if he got a red card they weren't going to lose anything.

"Sapphire, you are up next." Zee said and I turned my head to him, he was standing next to me. I took a deep breath as I realised Christian's next target was me, I can't let that happen. Because Justin had already got a yellow card. Dan was gone and Ref blew the whistle startling the players and starting the game once again. Ten minutes left.

Everybody was watching me as I dribbled the ball with my feet. Dark clouds hid the sky, the sun had set and cold wind hit my face as I ran. My heart was pounding, I was nervous. Anytime now I will also be whisked away by these devils. I controlled my breathing as I ran with the ball, jumping up quickly as a member of the other team tried to slide tackle me. Seeing no one to pass, I continued running with the ball and kept my eyes up trying to find Zee. I caught Zee's eyes and passed the ball swiftly to him. His face remained blank as he smoothly moved closer to our goal.

Getting risky between two mid fielders of the other team, he passed the ball to me. I dribbled the ball and it went through the legs of a member of the Wild Cats. He groaned looking down and I had the guts to laugh at this time. Adrenaline pumped through me as I ran with the ball, almost there. I was almost near the goal post but out of nowhere a Wild Cat skids down in front of me and the ball left my feet. I stumbled down hitting my ankles due to his leg. I turned around my butt to find the guy clutching his feet and groaning in pain. I looked around to find - we were in penalty box.

I slumped down realising that they would get a penalty shoot out. I groaned, they were gonna win for sure. Only minutes away for the game to end. This was gonna happen. I didn't get a goal for Yussa, and there won't be any Welcome Back gift trophy for her when she's home. They are winning because they cheated. But we played a beautiful game.

I was still on the grass, my eyes closed and reminiscing the last few minutes when a soft voice called me.

"Princess, are you okay ?"

I shook my head and I heard a chuckle. Still with my eyes closed, I asked him from where I lay on the grass,

"I lost it, didn't I ? It's my fault" and then I opened my eyes to find Justin with an amused smile. Confused I asked him,

"Why are you even smiling right now ?". His grin just widened as he slowly turned his head. In order to follow his eyes, I sat up, rubbing the dirt off my hands and focused on the commotion happening. Christian stood, blazing in fury, with a red card in front of his face.

"Ref called out penalty for us, guess he finally saw the foul play. And Christian couldn't take it and he spewed so much profanity at the ref. Bad mistake, he got himself a red card" Justin chuckled and continued.

"We are gonna win this time".

"Looks like fate is with us" I whispered and got up. Zee came with the ball.

"Sapphire" he called out and kicked the ball to me. I swiftly tossed the ball under my feet and looked at him.

"Go get a goal for me and for everyone out there".

My eyes widened with surprise, the captain just gave me the ball even though it's his last game. I genuinely smiled at him and Yussa's words hung in the air.

'My sixth sense says that you're gonna score a goal'.

I took a deep breath and put the ball under my feet. Everything blurred around me as the goalie and the post sharpened in my vision. I took a few step back and slowly came running forwards. This is it, we are gonna win because of this goal.

I kicked the ball with all my might and it flew past the goalies hand and straight to the net.

Loud cheers erupted the stadium. I could hear them and then only did I believe that we actually won and I saved my team. For the very first time, Bloom Woods had won a football championship. We took the Wild Cats' victory title away from them.

Whenever I score a goal my eyes automatically go to my siblings. Smiling, I scanned the rows for them. The smile on my face dropped when I realised that both their seats were empty. I frowned and turned to meet my best friend. My heart started beating fast when I saw Mehara had her face covered with one hand and the other tightly clutching on to her phone.

Feeling my eyes burning her, she looked up, her eyes were shot red and her face was tear stained. Her lips trembled when her eyes met mine and a fresh batch of tears rolled down from her face. The cold wind blew around me, and a drop of water fell on my face. I looked up, as the rain started shyly falling down, drop by drop. Just like the day I found out my Yussa had cancer, it was raining.

My feet automatically dragged me away. I could hear shouts behind me calling for a celebration. But they were muted, I wanted to reach hospital as quickly as I could. I ran faster with all my might. I had to reach her as soon as I can. This is all a prank, I told myself. Surely Yussa loves to prank me. She'll be at home and she'd shout 'Surprise!'. It was all a prank, Yousi and Ahsan might be helping her, that's why they weren't there - I assured myself.

"Izza wait !".

I stopped near the parking lot realising I had come with Yousi and I had no one to drive me back home. I turned around to see Zee, panicking, I told him.

"Zee ! You have to get me to the hospital! Please please ! I need to reach there. Yussa -"

"Sh-sh calm down Izza, take deep breaths" He told me but I couldn't follow.

"Zeeshan ! Stop playing around. Yussa needs me, I have to get to the hospital for heavens sake !"

He shook his head and went away to get his car. I was fidgeting with my fingers and was frightened. Thunder broke down on the earth and I jumped in fear. The rain was still pouring down slowly. The honk of a car pulled me out of my thoughts and without wasting a minute I quickly climbed into his car.

I was silent through out the drive and biting my lips, stomping my foot whenever we were stuck in a traffic jam. Frustrated, I turned to him,

"Zee faster ! Drive faster !" I panicked, he sighed and said, "Izza calm down. Yussa is fine"

I told myself that my sister was fine.

'I can't promise you. But I'll try'.

But you held my pinky today.

'I'll be home'.

You are pulling a prank on me Yussa, I know you are. You have recovered, Hadi told us you were fine. Maybe it's a head ache or something. Just relax, I'll get there.


Zee was behind me, running hot on his heels. I was pushing every person away from my way and he was the one apologising. When the elevator door opened, I dashed out ignoring the weird looks they were giving me. All the time, Zee was telling me in his soft voice, 'She's fine Izza, calm down'. But I couldn't, how can I when I saw Mehara crying ? She cries so rarely. Maybe. She was playing a part for Yussa ? Yussa could definitely pull that out.

I thought about the day Adam had died, he actually hadn't and I was sure that Yussa could not leave. She had survived and a month was already over. She's fine, she's a strong woman. I turned a left and finally reached the hallway where Room 102 was and time slowed down for me.

Mom was sitting on the floor and with her head in her hands- she was crying her heart out. Dad stood frozen in place, his eyes were lost. Ahsan sat next to mom, hugging her, trying to calm her down - he was crying too as tears kept falling from his eyes. Yousi was nowhere in sight. Maybe they were together in the room and when I enter the room they will all shout and mom, dad and Ahsan will say, 'Fooled ya !'.

The door to Room 102 was open - there, in the middle of the room, on a stretcher lay a beautiful young woman - My Yussa. Her eyes were closed, a small smile on her lips - she was sleeping peacefully. Except for the paleness of her skin, she looked as perfect as ever. Hilma, Hadi and some nurses stood around the stretcher. When they saw me entering the room with a shocked expression, they just cried harder. Hadi sighed placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Report Hilma, it's your duty".

She was still looking at me and sobbing. She shook her head and wept, her tears soaked her hijab. She bit her lips and hiccuped.

"Report Hilma"

I hardened my gaze at to her, daring her to say it. She cried again and shook her head, clutching her board tightly to her chest. My eyes widened, I slowly turn my head to where Yussa was lying.

Come'on Yussa, I'm here now, wake up. Say it to my face, 'You got fooled'. Hug me hard and say, 'You scored a goal for me? I'm proud of you !'.

Zee is here. Don't you wanna meet him ? Yussa, I got a trophy for you, we need to celebrate.

But she still laid there, not moving even a little bit.

Wake up Yussa. I fell for your prank, now wake up, let's go home.

"Hilma" Hadi was softly calling her, begging her to say it. Hilma just stood there, hopeless and looking at me all the time.

"You are a doctor Hilma, you have sworn on your life that you will not falter in your duties, no matter how personal it gets. So be a doctor and say the words" Hadi was in pain but the words dimmed in my brains. Leaving my gaze from Yussa I turned to Hilma who stood there frozen because of the words. She swallowed and sucked in breath of air, along with her tears.

Then slowly in her hoarse voice, she said the words which made me turn around and run away as fast as I could.

"Yusra Khalid, time of death - 7:30 pm"


Greeting ladies,

Sorry I killed Yussa.

Now there's no more cheerful, kind and caring Yusra khalid.

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