|Barbie doll

It was dark.

Even the moon and the stars were hidden behind the clouds, not sending down the light. I was walking bare foot and I don't know for how long I've been walking. There wasn't even a single living being except me on the streets. As alley way passes, my heart beat would rise rapidly. Street lights were dimming, making creaking noise as the dragon flies gets attract with the light. I could here howls now.

Then suddenly everything slowed down.

When I looked at myself, I came to realise that I was in the same foot ball jersey and my hair was all tangled. Then I heard the foot steps, loud beats of the boots and drenching sound when it walks through the water. No voice could be heard now, only the sound of my heart beats. When I turned it was the same hooded figure.

My legs automatically lead me the way. I ran, I ran as fast as I could. I know what is happening and I don't want it to happen again. I turned to an alley way and stopped running, kept one hand on the walls and bent down breathing in heavily. I was panting and was tired already but I can't stop running because he'll be here soon.

When I was about to run again, I was abruptly pulled into a hard body. The same filthy strong hands comes across my mouth and starts dragging me towards a dark narrow walk way. My blood runs cold and my heart beats so hard that it started physically hurting me. I'm rendered paralysed for a moment. I started thrashing my body and kicking my legs out as I attempt to scream. It was happening again and I'm angry, as I can't do anything this time also. I always wanted to be that girl who will fight when in life or death situation. But here I am hopeless and surrendering once again.

He twisted my hands and pulled me closer and I had the wits to kick his groin. Thats what I only did, a groan left his mouth and he left me. No longer had I taken three steps, his hands came up from behind and shoved me hard. I fell on my face on the gravel, and the impact knocked the breath out of me. It hurts, every part of my body hurts. Darkness swam in my vision. I shifted my weight on my butt to look back at him, my heart pummelling against my ribs.

I couldn't see his face, he was like a black silhouette. He removed his jacket, I started to scream and move away. But couldn't because I was caged inside his arms. Then he slowly started to bent down and that's when I spat on his face. He wiped it away, grabbed my skin and slapped me hard across my face. He captured both my wrists and again slapped on my face.

I was falling into a grave, tears streaming down and I was loosing it again.

"No !" I sat up straight on my bed, panting and breathing heavily. The dream catcher on my window sill jingles. Frantically looks around and realises I was still in my room and not under the clutches of a hooded figure. I touched my face, and note that I was crying in my sleep as I could feel the wetness. The night was too cold and silent. I always let my window door open as I wanted to breathe in fresh and cool breeze, it always calmed me after the nightmare.

I am alright.

I have nightmares and its been so long that I actually had a dream. And nightmares seems so real that you can never forget about it, you'll remember every detail. Unlike dreams, you don't remember everything about it. Nightmares are created by your own mind, a situation where you've already been. It scares you, it reminds you of what you went through and of what you're desperately trying to forget.

And after you wake up from a nightmare your breath will feel heavy, you'll suffocate as if the room's atmosphere is tightening. You recall all the therapy videos you've seen and try to follow but its of no use. You'll almost wish you could just die so that you'll be free from this misery. I would've done that, but every time I'm saved.

Like every time, she senses it and comes to my rescue.

My breath automatically slows down as I hear the sound of her cotton slippers padding on the wooden floor. As I turned my head towards the door, it opens and there she stood in her pajamas, looking all glory. She rubs her eyes with one hand and yawns. Then slowly opens them and meeting my dark blue orbs, she smiles.

I wouldn't deny that the smile she gave me comforted me in every possible way.

"Izza ?" She closes the door and quickly climbed on to the bed, I gave her space as I moved away a little. She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me on to her chest and slowly lay me down. The smell of almonds and peaches was too relaxing, she let her fingers go through my hair and tightly hugged her.

"Was it bad ?" I nodded my head, still not looking at her. She took my hand in hers and started to sing the familiar song in her beautiful voice making me feel comfortable all over again.

"I'm not a princess, you can be the the prince.

The gallant prince all you want and thats fine.

But get the saving me part out of your head".

She rubs her hand on my knuckles as she gestures me to sing. And I did, in my hoarse voice struggling.

"I am not damsel in distress, I am not a trapped girl.

If I am anything at all-

I coughed as my throat was still soar from the crying when I was in the nightmare. Thanks to darkness she wasn't able to see my tears, she've never seen my tears, nobody has. She was comforting me and then I sang the rest with all of my heart.

"If I am anything at all, I am a dragon

if you get too close, I'll burn everything, everything".

And then, it was silent. I felt better, strong and bold. She always comes, whenever she hears my slient scream and sometimes when I don't get sleep. At times she just senses it and comes to my room and I don't say anything cause I need her, I need her warmth. But when I ask her how she finds out she would smile and say,

"My door is next to yours Izza".

Yussa is the charming bracelet I wear. Sometimes I think she does it out of pity. But when I started having night mares, she comes and helps me. She never asked why it is happening and I'm relieved for that. Then we would sing this song cause this song makes me feel better and it wakes the dragon inside me. Giving me hope and comfort. Nobody knows, even Mom and Dad, that their daughter is having night mares for the past three years.

The dream catcher sill jingles as the wind howls and the moon light hits it making it sparkle. We lay there, in each other's arm and me feeling secure. I know Yussa will only close her eyes until she makes sure that I'm sleep. She would be here till she hears the sparrows chirping on my window door.


"Yousuf and Ahsan go set the table in the garden".

"Yusra ! Get the plates and the glasses".

"Khalid ? Oh Khalid, what are you doing ? You can eat it lots when the guest arrive. Now go and help your kids".

"I was just checking if there is enough salt in it Humaira".

"Really ?, last time I checked my taste buds were working".

Then she swatted his hands away from the hummus and pushed him towards the doors. But he caught her wrist and turned her around, now she was in front of him. Then checking if no one was seeing he kissed her cheeks, taking her by surprise. Then took the one of the dish and started walking outside whistling.

"Ahem ahem" I cleared my throat as I have seen everything. I was taking the barbecue rack from the shed and stopped when I saw Dad stealing todays hummus. He saw me smirking and asked innocently,

"How long have you been here ?"

"From the part where Mom started commanding you and my other siblings".

"Oh I just have to bribe her you know, for stealing them".

"Yeah yeah". I played it cool as he thinks I am a little kid and do not understand the romance thing. He kept the dish on the table. I steadied the rack and kept the grills on to it.

"So Izza how is your school these days ?"

"Its okay". I just sighed after remembering all Jennifer and Zee things and of course Dad noticed it.

"What is it Izza ?"

"Nothing Dad, I think my foot ball career is at stake". I said about this, Because Dad always asks if there is a problem and he wouldn't leave until he gets an answer. So what I have to say - I'll change and make it to problem like, so that he is convinced.

"Why do you think like that ?"

"The team is full of boys Dad, and they are more stronger than me. They'll all get good scholarships and I'll be standing at the last. And now everything have changed, more responsibilities Dad".

I was talking to him with my back turned, as I was arranging the grills and the charcoal. His warm hands were kept on my shoulders as he turned me around. This problem was also a serious one because I know I'll never get into where I want. He kept a finger under my chin, and raised it. He smiled at me, but I shook my head, his finger leaving my chin and again looked down.

"Look at me Izza" He said in a stern voice and I quickly looked up. My dad was bit taller than me with Salt and pepper hair. Those blue eyes were looking at the younger blue ones with a strong determination

"Who is the strongest girl ?" And there he comes with the same conversation.

"Your barbie doll." I said looking down.

"Who is my barbie doll ?"

"Izza, Izza Khalid".

"Again, who is the strongest girl ?"

"Izza Khalid" I smiled and hugged him hard. Whenever he senses that I am losing hope he would question me like this and I swear it helps me alot. He hugged me back then.

"We want hug too !".

The other three khalid siblings rushed towards us and started hugging Dad. At that moment, in that hug circle, I thanked Allah for my family as Mehara's words came into my mind.

'Just think of all those people who doesn't have gifts like you have'.


Greetings ladies,

Vote and comment. Mysteries coming soon. What happened to Izza to have nightmare ? Stay tuned. Love u all.
