|Long day

••Hop on to the time machine ladies, cause we are heading to the past. When Izza was 16 years old. Flash back••

I love snow.

Now I just love it more since it's going to save me from going to a disastrous place. Through my window glass I can see that our front porch is completely covered in snow. So there's no way we can get out of here, unless Dad cleans it up. I threw myself on the bed and sighed, enjoying my short moment victory just before I heard her chirpy voice.

"Izzy where are you ? Come out, come out wherever you are !"

Here comes the drama queen.

Looks like she is more happier than I am. I'm hating her so much now that I am beginning to boil with rage. To add more fuel to the fire, she starts banging on my door. And I hate banging on my white wooden door.

"Stop banging the door ! it's not closed". I growled at the person behind the door. After hearing her snicker, the door opens and enters Yusra Khalid with a creepy smile which also features her pearly white teeth. I hate that smug smile.

"Oh ! But someone said, 'Knock before you enter' " She said smirking at me.

"I said knock, not bang !" I shouted back.

"Whatever" Shrugging her shoulders, she plops on to the couch in my room and starts eating chewing gum.

"So..." I said looking at her, confused.

"So what ?" She retorts, looking at me from the couch. Did she just come into my room without a reason ?

"Idiot ! What are you doing in my room ?"

"Oh forgot, mom asked you to get ready. We are leaving" she said chewing her gum very slowly as if anticipating my movements.

She was wearing a blue long skirt and a white shirt with its Chinese collar tucked in. Her front was quite revealing, but she had wrapped a scarf around her neck. Her dark brown, straight hair was in a bun. She didn't put on a lot of make-up. But red lipstick and mascara was already too much.

"Where are you going ?" I ask, since she's dressed up so early in the morning.

"Where am I going ? Oh sister, 'We' are going. If you don't remember 'You' are joining high school today. Yousuf and Ahsan have started cleaning up the porch".

"I'm the one joining ! Why are you dressed up ?" I glared at her.

"Am not ! I'm always like this" she said shrugging her shoulders.

"Get lost !"

"Barbie doll" she purred, giving me an evil smile.

"Don't call me that !" I snarled at her.

"Ooh ! Are you getting angry ?" She wiggled her eyebrows showing me her fake sympathy.

"Yussaaaa" I was going to throw myself on her when we heard a shout from downstairs.

"Both of you get down right now !" Mom was literally screaming.

"Oh god, what did I do to get a big sister like you ?" I said shaking my head.

"I know. I'm cool" she smirked.

"Shut up !".

She gestured as is she were zipping her mouth and started to pack my bag. She is helpful sometimes. But the thing is, she is 19 years old and still not mature. I wore my Barcelona T-shirt and jeans and tied my hair up in a pony tail.

"Ewww ! No no."

Yusra starts rummaging my wardrobe. I'm a lit bit of a tomboy. My clothes are mostly jerseys, sweats and T shirts. I am a football player and have played in many tournaments. I had also been the Captain. For the last 12 years, I have been studying in an all girls school and now I'm joining a co-ed high school. That's right, a "mixed" school.

"Here you go".

She showed me a grey T-shirt with full sleeves, a cardigan and dark blue jeans. That was okay, she didn't really mess up. Then we both headed downstairs. Everybody was already seated in the car. I'm going to be embarrassed in front of everyone. Like who brings their whole family, on the first day of school ?

Apparently my family does.

"So, are you ready Barbie doll ?" Dad asked me as I got in the car. Mom was seated beside dad, Ahsan and Yousuf were at the back.

"Nope and don't call me Barbie doll."

"Oh Come on ! Chill Barbie doll. It will be fine. You are going to make new friends". He just called me Barbie doll, again.

"Yeah, Yeah" I huffed in annoyance.

We passed the parks and lanes. The roads were fully covered in snow. Bloomwoods was frozen. As Dad drove on, I was beginning to get nervous. I felt someone touching my hand and I looked to the right to see Yusra smiling at me.

An assuring smile saying its 'Gonna be all right'. I smiled back, Even though her name is Yusra, I call her Yussa. Because when I was just learning to call names I wouldn't get 'ra'. I used to say, 'ka' and 'Yusra' as 'Yuska'. So Yusra asked me to call her Yussa and thats what I call her to this day. Yousuf and Yusra are twins. Both of them look alike with their dark brown, straight hair, black eyes and cute nose. The only difference is that one of them is a girl and other is a boy.

When we are among other people, they understand right way that the twins and Ahsan are my parent's children but when it comes to me, they look twice, as if to make sure but I honestly don't care.

"We've reached" mom said.

My heart was pumping so fast, I could literally feel it. I'm getting tense and I've never felt like this before. Now, I'll have to be introduced in front of everyone because I'm joining late.

"Don't worry Izzy its gonna be all right", Twelve year old Ahsan said from the backseat.

"Yeah, I hope so". I sighed and got out of the car. Everyone followed suit.

"We are going to check out the campus"

Yousi said so Yussa hugged me before going along with them. The campus was so silent, since classes were going on. As I walked with mom and dad, someone ran towards me and hit me. I stumbled backwards but dad got me on time.

"I'm so sorry".

A squeaky voice said and now when I see her, I admit that she looked like a unicorn. Blond hair, glittery dress, pink lipstick and pink nail polish. How can someone have the energy to dress up like this in the morning ?

"Oh I'm running late, bye" She ran with her high heels click-clacking all the way.

Is that the queen bee featured in every high school movie I have seen ?

"Looks like its gonna be a long day" Dad said.

"Yeah". I mumbled and then we started walking towards the Principal's office. He was a middle aged man of about 30 or something. His name was David George and he talked to me very politely. After that was done with, Dad and Mom left and Mr David asked a teacher to come escort me.

Till the teacher came in, he talked to me about my football dreams and asked me whether I would like to join the club . I said yes but I won't be the Captain and I'd be the only girl in the team. I really didn't mind, Because I'm just happy I have my football.

"And thats your class teacher" He said and I turned back to notice there was a lady and she looked so kind and caring. She was smiling, and it wasn't a fake one.

"Come with me, Izza"

"Yes". I stood up and walked along with her to the class. When we reached, she turned back and said,

"Look Izza, you are going to starting off fresh. You will face many challenges . But you have to overcome it with a bold attitude. And remember, I'm not just a teacher, I'm your friend as well." This made me feel so relieved.

All I could say was, "Thank you ma'am." She smiled

"Oh ! And my name is Ann." and she entered the class. I was sweating. I checked myself once again . Steadied my hair and adjusted my glasses closer to my eyes from the tip of my nose.

"Class !" The whole class went silent as she clapped her hands.

"Today I'm going to introduce you to someone who is going to be our new friend. So let's welcome her and make her feel at home." I sighed and did my breathing exercise.

"This is going to be all right", I said to myself and entered the class. I was looking down so the teacher cleared her throat and I swiftly looked up.

"Ha-hel-hello my my..." The class started booing me. Some of them started laughing.

"Come on. You were a captain. You can do this." My brain said.

"Hello everyone, my name is Izza khalid, I'm from Bloomwoods itself and I'm a football player". That was the worst introduction. Every one looked at me as I said "Football player", astonished.

"That's all Izza. You can have a seat with Miss Siddiqie".

All of them laughed when the teacher called 'Siddiqie'. I sat on my seat next to a Muslim girl, who had covered her hair with a hijab. Even though my name is a Muslim one, I don't act like a Muslim. It's not just me, no one in my family. I never offer Namaz (An obligatory prayer performed by a muslim for his Allah five times a day) or read that book what was its name ?

Ah yes. I remember it's called the Quran.

"My name is Mehara Siddiqie"

"Um hi Mehara" I stuttered and avoided her completely but she was still looking at me. So I turned to her and asked her with a bored look,

"What ?"

"Oh ! Nothing. Just what are you like in religion ?".


"Oh ! Wow. That's great "

"Are you mocking me ?"

"No, no. I can understand, the western life has influenced you"

I just smiled and ignored her and listened to Miss Ann's class . But damn Mehara was still looking at me. Without looking at her I asked,

"What do you want ?"

"Oh Nothing. Can I say something ?"


"You haven't taken off the tag from your shirt".

Oh. My. God.

I was so embarrassed. I pulled it off and looked at her. She was smiling but I wasn't.

"Wanna be friends ?"

She stretched out her hand and I shook it. Damn... This is gonna be a long day indeed.


"Did I leave out any place Izza ?"

I was breathing heavily, totally exhausted. I went straight to a bench under a tree and sat on it. The bench was little cold. I was sweating because of the walk so I removed my cardigan and kept it aside. Mehara was walking back and forth trying to recall all the places in the huge campus.

"Oh no. I don't think so. Mehara you should definitely be a tourist guide".

Today, when the bell rang for lunch, she took my hand and started to show me all the places. She didn't even ask me for my permission. She showed me the football ground, the library, the canteen and many things but right now I just remember these three places .

Mehara is like the morning radio, she keeps on talking and never stops. I just nod my head with a bored look. Can't she see I'm not interested in this friendship ? When I used to study in an all girls school I didn't have many friends. My friends would change by the day. But I don't understand why this girl came to me. But I somehow also like her.

"Really ? That would be cool ! But no thanks."

Through that walk I found out everything about Mehara. She has two big sisters. Her father is a software engineer and her mother is a teacher. She lives a few blocks away from my home and she has promised to visit me every weekend. She wants to become a designer of Muslim fashion. Mehara is so innocent, I think I can cope with her.

"Here comes everyone."

I turned to the direction where she was looking. Three girls were coming towards us and among them was the queen bee whom I almost collided with in the morning.

"Hey guys ! Assalamu Alaikum (peace be upon you)" Mehara said over excitedly and hugged them.

"What do you say after that, wakusulam ?" Queen bee pouted trying to remember.

"No no Mari. It's Wa Alaikumussalam"

"Yeah Walaikusalam" she said clapping her hands as if she just won a competition. Then they started to laugh. What is there to laugh about ? That was so lame. Are they also going to be my friends ?

Someone please save me.

After about 15 minutes of their laughter session. One hijabi girl finally noticed me.

"Meehu you forgot someone."

"Oh my bad !" Mehara said. Then she came over and took my hand pulling me up to my feet. The impact left me shocked and I swear my spine might have cracked.

"This is Izza khalid. She is new to our school. She is in my English class and has joined the football club".

"Football ?" Three of them asked together with shocked expression on their face.

"Yes guys"

They were all looking at me as if I had suddenly grown two horns. This is why I hate school life. Everybody thinks girls are supposed to do only what is meant for them. The last few years every one criticised me, they never liked me because I am a football player.

As for them football is meant for boys. Only my family supported me. Even though Yousuf and Ahsan play football they are not as hooked on it as I am. All my relatives complain about my passion to my mom, but mom just ignores them. I know the society will never change and I know what they are going to say.

"Oh my God that is so cool." Three of them said together and I was taken aback.

"Which one is your favourite club ? Who is your man ? Oh Oh ! Do you do that thing ? that"

They started to bombarding me with questions. Wow, I can't believe they like me for who I am. That's interesting. Even queen bee is asking me several questions. Yes. Now I have got myself some new friends.

"Guys come on leave her. We'll get to know more about her soon, don't you worry !"

They stopped and again began to laugh. Are these people some sort of a half human-half hyena hybrid ? Why are they laughing without reason ? I mentally face palmed myself realising that I have to deal with this bunch of stupid idiots.

Someone please save me again.

"Izza meet my friends. This is Fathima, Marissa and Ally"

Mehara introduced me to her friends. Fathima was a Muslim girl, she had a tanned face. She was also wearing a hijab. Marissa was the queen bee and Ally looked very simple with a ginger red hair and an adorable smile. I just smiled back. These people never stop smiling.

"Okay so we are heading to the canteen, since, as you know, the kings and queens will arrive now" Ally said.

"Yeah, yeah. You people carry on. We'll reach there soon, just save us a seat"

"Okay" They left, I turned to Mehara and asked,

"Kings and queens ?"



"Yeah, as you are new let me tell you something. Never ever try to outsmart your seniors okay ? Remember there are bullies, bad boys, jocks, nerds, queen bees. Okay ?"

"Okay, hey is Marrisa an It-girl or something?"

"Oh no no. It's because of her dressing right ? But no. She is just a bubbly girl. But the It-girl is Jenny and that's Jennifer. And do not, I say don't you dare cross her, she can be difficult sometimes".

This is like a horror film. I can't be around girls, I don't like crowds and I am getting super nervous right now. I followed Mehara towards the canteen. After taking the food we sat where the other three sat and thank God these peoples are just like me, Foodies !

"Hey, Did you know that 'The' Jenny and Zedd broke up ?" Marissa asked.

"What ! But they both were like the perfect couple. What happened ?" Fathima asked.

"Don't know, actually Zedd dumped her".

"I hope he is on good terms now" Mehara said and continued drinking her apple juice.

Who was Jenny and Zedd ? I wanted to ask. That's when a group of girls came in making the canteen's noise level drop low. They were wearing short skirts, sleeveless shirts with deep necks, tons of make up and high heels. They stood right in the middle. Every one became quiet and after 5 minutes of looking around they sat down.

"And that's Jennifer, the brunette" Mehara said pointing to someone in the group that just came in. I turned and saw her. Jennifer looked very scary. She looked angry, her eyes were smoky, she had the dark red lips and was wearing very tight clothes. Of the group, she looked like she was the leader. At that very instant Jennifer looked at me and caught me staring. I gulped, she eyed me and then continued talking.

"Jennifer will soon find a new one" Ally said crunching her chips.

"What do we have next Tammy ?" Marissa asked. These guys have nicknames for each other. Fathima is Tammy, Marissa is Mari and Mehara is Meehu. Thank God me and Ally haven't gotten any names.

"Um... I have my arts class. Ally has her drama class. Meehu has fashion designing and you have your musical class"

"Phew, our favourites"

One period for us will be practical training on what we are majoring in. Ally is a good actor, Fathima knows how to do arts and crafts, Marissa has her music and Mehara has her designing.

"So Izza you will be having your football practice right ?" Ally asked.

"Yeah. I guess so" I shrugged.

"Don't worry. The boys in this school are way better than the girls"

I just smiled and then we all stood up to go our separate ways. I went towards the coach's room. He was a middle aged man and looked at me with a stern expression. He had gone through all the papers on my football life.

"So Miss Khalid are you ready ?" Coach Daven Kaith asked. I nodded my head as he stood up from his chair and gave me a firm hand shake. He said,

"Welcome to Bloomwoods School Football Cup team. This is the first time that a girl will be playing on the team. There will be a lot of practice and you have to come whenever I call you. Any lag will get you suspended, get that Miss. Khalid ?"

I nodded my head again. He showed me my dressing area... a small one, just for me, showed me my practice jersey and asked me to be ready in 5 minutes. I was so happy. Up to this point everything has gone by smoothly.

I got out of the dressing room and started walking towards the ground. Many boys were already training there. This will be a risky one. But as they say, 'Fruits of hard work are always sweet'. So I'm gonna bring it on. I was wearing the school's white jersey. My hair was in a bun, My glasses right on the bridge of my nose. When I entered the ground, the coach clapped his hands and shouted,

"Come over here boys !" and they all jogged towards the coach, surrounding me and looking at me.

"This is your new mate. Izza Khalid."


Greetings ladies,

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