|Girls day out

Tough match.

We are now playing against the Enormous Wolves. From the name itself you can tell how enormous they are. They are so huge, every single one in the team, including the girls. We are now tied up and there's a big decision to make : Which players are going for the penalty shoot out. Zee was the first one to go, and I knew I'd never get chosen because coach thinks I'll miss the goal. I was frustrated and angry at the same time. But I can't blame him because during the match I did miss a goal.

The referee blows the whistle and Zee kicks the ball without any hesitation. The ball soars pass goalies leg and hits the net. I couldn't even catch the movement of the ball because it was that quick. There was a huge round of applause, whistles that made me scan the gallery. There was no sign of Ayesha or Zee's brother, but there was his father sitting there with a huge smile on his face, that was a proud smile. He was wearing shades and a cap. I guess he didn't want anyone to notice that he was the great Harris. Then I started to scan my family, but there was no sign of banners or flags with 'Izzy is the best' that Ahsan brings along.

I sighed, maybe something came up. But I was so sad, they always bring me an invisible energy whenever they come to see my match. And today I so was weak. No one was here to support me, not even my idiotic best friends who were planning a girls day out, for which, by the way they will pick me up after the match.

"Oh no" a guy from my team groaned. I looked towards the field, sure enough one of the members who coach was sure would make a goal had missed. It was none other than Daniel Cooper. Poor coach, he deserved that, wasn't he the one who said,

"You are better, but not better than Cooper"

The next time he says that I'll snort at him.

There's just one more goal left, if we win this, we are off to the finals. So once again there was a heated discussion. I wasn't even paying attention. Thats when I heard my name being called. I didn't respond and didn't even turn. I was biting my lips, furious and nervous.

They want me now. Now ?

A light tap on my shoulders and I turned. He was smiling and looked at the field then at me. He gave me a nod, assuring me that I'd make it. My eyebrows were pulled together, looking at him confused.

"You should go. You are our last hope."


Hope is a feeling of expectation and desire for something to happen. It's a feeling of trust.

What if I broke this trust ?

The whole team is relying on me. Coach would never give me another chance if I get this wrong. I took a sharp breath and looked at him. His blonde hair was falling over his forehead, his sky blue eyes barely visible. He was exhausted, I looked away from him shaking my head.

Coach was pacing here and there, grumbling under his breath and shaking his head, furious. I'll totally miss the goal. Dan sat next to me and his arms brushed mine. I looked at him but his eyes were on the field. He sighed and looked at me but I quickly averted my eyes. But he didn't.

"You know when the world says, 'give up'. Hope whispers 'try one more time'."

I got a fuzzy feeling in my heart as he said that. Then he took my hand in his, those warm hands. I nodded my head, saying that I'm going to try. Then he smiled with those blue eyes twinkling, showing his pearly white teeth. I stood up, tied my cleats and fixed my pony tail then ran over to the field. Coach stood beside me and just patted my shoulders giving me a small smile. His face shows that he had accepted defeat.

He doesn't trust me. He has given up. Then why was I even playing ?

I was nervous, totally and completely. I started fidgeting with my fingers. That's when he came and whispered in my ears. A sweet whisper. So melodious.

"You can do this. I trust you even when they say she is gonna lose" I closed my eyes.

Zee trusts me.

I watched as the referee set the ball in the penalty box. I watched the goalie get ready and my teammates standing a small distance behind me. I shrugged off all my nervousness and shook it out of me as I got ready for the ball. I waited for the referee to blow on his whistle. It blew across the field and I ran towards the ball. My foot connected with the ball and it curved and hit the post. My eyes widened as the goalie reached for the corner of the post, but the ball passed away from his hand hitting the back of the net in a fluid motion.

A smile came on my face and I felt myself being lifted in air. I laughed at this and Justin hoisted me higher as we made our way over to coach. Coach gave me a high-five, "Now thats my magical girl"

I beamed at him. He was proud. Justin kept chanting "My princess, the super star". I freed myself from Justin as Seth charged towards me and crushed me in a bear hug.

"Se-seth c-can't b-breath"

He freed me and ruffled my hair. Then once again I searched for my family. But no, they weren't here and I frowned. Ahsan never misses my matches.

Where were they ?

Thats when someone squeezed my hands. I knew who it was, I didn't need to turn around to find out.

"You did an awesome job over there Izzy" Dan was happy and he was proud of me. Dan never once asked about the swimming pool tragedy but I know one day he'll come to me. But I don't want it to come any time now.

Is it true that he loves me ? Well, best friends will also love you like that. Yes, we were just friends, nothing else. And more over he's not from my religion and I'm not at all his type.

I stopped the staring session and smiled at him then started walking towards the tunnel. We have reached the finals. Now all that is left is to work hard and beat up the Wild cats. I saw Zee who was currently at the phone. Thanks for the support, jerk. I ran over to him and he looked up.

"How was that ?" I asked and he nodded, His face blank, his green eyes empty.

"Sapphire, nice shot. You could do better. Next time find your mistakes and fix them"

He walked off, leaving me hanging there wondering what I did wrong.



I groaned and put my hands over my ears. She was literally screaming.


"Ally if you sing again. I swear I'll throw you OUT OF THE CAR !" Fathima said clenching on to the steering wheel. She stopped the music player.

"Hey ! That's my favourite song. Play it again" Ally said pouting.

"Promise you will only listen and not scream like a rooster" Marissa said from the passenger seat while looking at herself in the mirror for the hundredth time. I, Mehara and Ally were seated at the back.

"Humph...you people are so boring" Ally said, annoyed.

Her red hair was pulled into a pony tail. She was wearing a white T-shirt and black Jeans. She doesn't wear makeup like Marissa. Mascara and baby pink lip gloss, that's all. And we were just going out, but Marissa had dressed up as if we were going for a wedding. Fathima and Mehara were in Abayas as usual. I was in a black full sleeve T shirt and track pants.

Yup totally me.

Yes, we were having a girls day out today. I haven't for once had such a thing in my entire life. We were heading towards the city now. Bustling with people in the streets. Departmental stores, small shops and there it is, the one and only mall in Bloom Woods. Well, in the coming years Bloom woods would definitely change, there will be more malls. I leaned my head against the window and sighed.

They didn't come. Is it Yussa issue again ?

I didn't get a chance to call them because I was dragged into the car, right after the match. Mehara squeezed my hands but I didn't look at her. She knew I was upset because they didn't come. I tightened my hand around her assuring that I'm okay. Mehara is someone I'll never forget. She is slowly turning to someone I can't replace. Looks like I'm admitting that, 'Meehu is my best friend'. But I'll never say this to her. That's when a memory played in my head.

We were going to watch Zohair's basketball match. Me, Ahsan and Yousi. Yussa and Zenna went for shopping. I know Yussa wanted to come so badly but because of Lucifer, she couldn't. So we had one extra match ticket and Yousi told me to find someone. Thats when my phone vibrated and a message popped up saving my life. I smiled widely seeing the message

Meharathefmradio : Oy girl, Watcha doing ?

Me: Going for a match. Why ?

Meharathefmradio: You are such a lucky beetle. Okay go have fun. I'll just count the time or maybe watch a movie. Don't worry about me. :-*

Me: psst. I was never going to ;-#

I know she literally wants to punch my face and I was laughing so hard. It's fun annoying her.

Meharathefmradio : you Orangutan !

Ya Allah she was literally listening and learning all of my curse words.

Me: Ok ok, so we have an extra match ticket for the basket ball match of Bloom Woods against Daynes.

Mehara is one die hard fan of Daynes. Even if her state is playing she doesn't care. She is all for her Daynes. I waited for her reply but she didn't send. That was weird. I tried to call her, but she didn't pick up. I sighed and put the phone away to get ready. I headed downstairs . As I reached the last step, the bell rang. Yousi got up from the couch and opened the door.

"Uh..." he said

"Assalamu alaikum" said a chirpy tone.

"Wa alaikumussalam" he was talking as if he had been caught doing a crime.

"Izza...?" he said turning around. He looked like a tomato, blushing and awkwardly standing there. And that's when I saw her. Mehara was here. She was wearing a long black T shirt that has 'Go go daynes' written and a grey cardigan on top of it. She smirked at me.

"I knew you would come" Her smirk drop and glared at me. Yousi took the keys and headed outside while I grabbed her arms, pulling her into the car. We sat behind with Yousi driving and Ahsan at the passenger seat. Mehara wasn't acting all shy and nervous. Well, she is not that type of girl after all. She is a bold girl. But here Yousi was finding it very difficult to keep a straight face.

I've heard from Yussa that there were so many girls behind him, like worshiping him in college. She knows that most of her classmates befriend her just to have contact with her hot twin. He had so many girls asking him out but he would just politely reject them. I was so proud of Yousi. Yussa had said he was waiting for his 'one and only' which he would find eventually.

Yussa has so many guy friends, but she wouldn't date and that's the only thing we follow in our religion. But I guess after seeing so many guy friends around her, nobody would want to be her husband. Because I've seen her with them during parties she has in our house. She would sit in the middle with them. Some of them would snake their arms around her pulling her close. Some would smack her butt when she passed by. Some would just try to feel her arms and all. So definitely it was gross. As you know I'm not like Yussa. I don't allow them to come near me. The most I have is intertwining hands with my guys or just hugging, both of which last no more than a minute.

Yousi started the engine and pulled out from our street. He would occasionally glance at the rear view mirror to see her but she wasn't noticing this at all. Thats the thing with Mehara, she doesn't look at boys that way. She always lowers her gaze whenever a guy passes by. She is beautiful inside and outside. Once she had said, "All of this belongs to my future husband" gesturing to her body. "I want to protect it, so it remains pure till the day he comes into my life"

Ahsan was the first one to break silence. He was wearing a T shirt of "BW" for Zohair's Bloom Woods team and had also made a banner. He turned around and looked at Mehara who was busy with her thoughts. He cleared his throat. She snapped up from her thoughts and looked at him.

"Yes ?"

"I'm Ahsan"

"I know that" she said smiling.

"Oh okay and you are ?" Way to go Ahsan. You don't know your sister's friends ?

"My name is Mehara Siddiqie. You can call me Meehu. By the way I'm your sister's best girlfriend"

I groaned at that and she smiled wickedly. Ahsan looked at her with great interest. Ahsan had just asked her name and she just... if you want she will give you every detail about her life. She just likes rambling so much.

"But why are you supporting Daynes ? When Bloom Woods is playing ?" Ahsan was intrigued.

"Well I hate to say it. But Daynes is much better than Bloom Woods" she said as a matter of fact. I saw Ahsan getting agitated

"But we are all supporting Zoh ! You can't just become another team !"

"Sorry to say this Ahsan, but Daynes is going to win" she said smirking. Ahsan stomped his foot and huffed annoyingly.

Yousi laughed out loud seeing Ahsan's reaction. Slowly Mehara started to laugh too. This time when Yousi looked at the mirror she looked right on time and their eyes met briefly. She looked away blushing and Yousi's neck got a deep red. Finally Mehara blushed.

During the match Mehara sat beside me and Yousi at my other side with Ahsan. Yes Ahsan and Mehara were each others enemies, separated by me and Yousi. When Daynes got a basket Mehara would jump from her seat and shout, at which Ahsan would angry. When Bloom Woods scores Ahsan would jump and shout. But before he sits he will turn to her smirking, at which Mehara would stick out her tongue.

In the middle we both would chuckle at their behaviour. It was more fun with Mehara than with Zenna. Occasionally Yousi would look at her, he had given her popcorn which she gladly accepted and said, 'thank you' her mouth filled with popcorn. When I caught him staring at her I cleared my throat and he snapped away.

"Are you really enjoying the match ?" I had asked him and he groaned looking away. I quietly enjoyed everything. After the match we all waited for Zohair. Of course Daynes won. Ahsan was mad, but when Mehara put her arms around him and gave him an ice cream all Disney land break loose. It's our rule whenever Zohair baskets a ball he should treat us whether his team wins or lose.

Zohair came running to us smiling widely. When I turned to look at Mehara she was finding it very difficult to look at him. Zoh was wearing a button up white shirt with his muscles showing off and a dark blue jeans. His black hair had grown a little bit, falling over his head. And his brown chocolate eyes were twinkling. He was 21 and Captain of Bloom Woods basket ball team. I was proud of him. Zoh finally noticed Mehara and smiled.

"You came to support me Meehu ?" He asked, chuckling

"Oh oh sorry to say. Did you forgot ? Always a proud Daynes fan" She said pointing to her T shirt.

"Ouch that hurts" he said, putting his hand on his chest.

Then he did a fist bump with Yousi and Ahsan. He lead the way to the cafe. All this time, I had noticed Mehara was glancing at one particular person only. She would stare at him for so long that she would forget what was happening around her. But soon she would recover and say, 'Astagfirullah'.

But that person didn't know that a girl was looking at him because he was joking around and laughing with Ahsan. There is another person who is looking at her sometimes but she doesn't know about this. This is a pure love triangle with Zohair, Mehara and Yousi.

The car pulled into a halt and I broke up from the memory. We had reached the mall and everybody got outside. Fathima went to park her car while we all headed inside. I had already made the decision that we would eat first and then do whatever they had planned. We ordered pizzas and cokes as usual.

Then we all went for shopping, excluding me. I don't like to shop, that's one tiresome job . What I like to shop for are sweats, track pants, pajamas and shoes. They all rushed into the store like maniacs. I sat on the couch and looked at each one of them. They were all trying to find the best outfit. It was like a competition in which the winner gets the best dress. That's when the couch dipped and I glanced sideways. Marissa was sitting right next to me with a bored look. One strand of her blonde hair fell right in front of her face and she blew it away.

"Hey aren't you shopping ?" She looks at me as if I had gone nuts.

"Me ? Shopping ? Oh please, that's the last thing I would ever do" she said, leaning back on the couch and shifting one of her legs on to the other one.

"You don't like shopping ?" I asked, disbelievingly.

"I know you probably thought I was that Queen bee girl who likes shopping and boys. But nah nah, I'm Marissa. I hate boys and I hate shopping" she said with a nod. My Marissa is a feminist, I can see it. I was gaping with my mouth hung down, she chuckled seeing my reaction.

"Now your next question is where do I get these super cool clothes ?" She asked and I nodded.

"Well mom and my big sister Maddison likes shopping so much. So when they both go they just buy stuff for me too and I wear whatever they get me. Even makeup" She said smiling.

"Wow thats just..."

"Unbelievable ? Yeah I know right. I hate shopping. It's just so boring. I don't understand why these friends of mine like it so much" She sighed looking at their foolishness.

"Mutual feelings then" I said showing my fist. She smiled and bumped mine with hers.

Then we both watched our friends shopping like it was a reality show. Sometimes we would make jokes, seeing them and laughing so hard. Fathima came to us bringing three shawls - A silver one, a lighter shade of the first and another even lighter one. I groaned at that but Marissa just said, "Come on ! Buy all three".

Fathima understood that we aren't going to be any help and rushed towards the other three. Mehara came to us with a floral printed maxi dress. Marissa looked at it with great interest from top to bottom and then said, "Take it, it's nice". She just wants to get over with it. Each one of them came and we would lie saying, "It's nice". When they left we would just giggle foolishly like little girls.

Then at last Mehara came to me and dragged me away. I asked her what's wrong but she wouldn't even respond, she just dragged me along. She took a couple of clothes and gave them to me. Then she rushed me towards the dressing room. Mehara is such a stubborn girl.

"Wear them" she ordered.


"No ! I want you to wear them. Let me see. This is a girls day out. So try to be a part of it" she begged.

"Fine" I huffed and slammed the door shut. I could hear Marissa's protest from the trial room next to mine and realised she was caught too. I could hear her muttering curse words and I chuckled at that. Mehara had said that I have to choose at least one among the pile of clothes she has told me to wear.

The next fifteen minutes passed with me trying each outfit. But I didn't like any of them. I would huff and stomp my foot when I got mad. But I can't even sneak out, because Mehara was right in front of the room. Then at last I saw a dress. It was an ankle length navy blue coloured gown. It had cream coloured roses on the end of its sleeves and had a Chinese collar. The material was chiffon. Wearing it felt so smooth and comfortable. But it had a zip at the back. I tried to reach and pull it up but I couldn't. Mehara came inside when I called her. She gasped seeing me.

"Oh my girl !" she gushed pulling my cheeks and I groaned. Then she pulled up the zip and squeezed my shoulders.

"Wow, a touch of mascara, blush on your cheeks and some pink lipstick. Voila ! You'll look like a princess" she said smiling at me. We were both facing the mirror and she was looking at me with a twinkle in her eyes.

"Ok I'm going to take it off" I said.

"No no let's take a picture" She took her phone facing it towards the mirror and clicked. I didn't even get time to smile.

"Wait till Zeeshan sees you in this dress during prom. He wouldn't leave you alone"

"Prom ? And Zeeshan ?!"

"Yes prom is coming. We wouldn't get time for shopping because of exams, talent day and your final football match. And I know you and Zedd like each other" she said smirking.

Most of the students call Zeeshan, Zedd as in, the alphabet 'Z'. Maybe because his name was too big to call. I think it's only me who calls him Zee. And he doesn't even like me calling him Zee but now he is used to it.

"But why would juniors have prom ? Have you gone nuts ? I don't even like Zeeshan !" I exclaimed.

"Prom is mostly for seniors, they bring their dates and one couple will be elected as prom king and queen. If we want, we can bring our date. But since we don't have, we are all going together and having fun. Don't lie Izza. I have seen the way he looks at you"

"The disney land ! The way he looks at me ? It's probably full of hate" I was furious now.

"The girls in our school are trying their best to get his number. But you have it already."

"Hey-how do you know that ?" I asked her shocked.

"Well I might have checked your phone and seen the messages" she said slyly looking down. But before I could say anything she cut me off.

"You are being mean to him. Why aren't you replying to his messages ?"

"Because I hate him" I said.

"You both say you don't like each other. You know he had never talked to a girl other than Jennifer in the entire school before you came. But just when you came they broke up. Can't you see ? Fate is playing. You two are meant to be"

"Mehara stop it !" I shouted but she didn't quit.

"Ok then tell me. Have you gone to his mansion ?"


"So you have ?!" She was shocked.

"Now can you see it ? Zeeshan Harris son of the great Harris has never ever brought a single friend to his mansion. But he took you".

"It's because he doesn't have any good friends ?"

"Oh come on... the whole school wants to be his friend. Everybody wants to befriend him. Ok so what about his ex ? When they were dating ? He should have had the proper decency to introduce her to his family. But Astagfirullah (May Allah forgive) he didn't. I think he is moving on to the right path now".

"Mehara you know right, this 'love and romance' is not my thing ?"

"But one day someone is going to come and you will have to do the love and romance thing".

"Its 'one day'. Not today or tomorrow".

"Say whatever you want. I'm shipping you both".

She said, getting out of the room. I sighed and removed the gown. I'm so not going for the prom. But after the shopping, I decided that I'll never ever go with Mehara. We went to the park and relaxed ourselves. Everyone was enjoying the sunset, the green park and the crystal sky. But I wasn't, because my brain was filled with so many questions about Zee and I didn't had any answers for them.


I rung the bell but no one opened. I checked under the carpet and took the spare key. Where were they ? They didn't even come to see my match. I opened the door and got inside. Mom didn't even let the lights on. It was so dark so I walked slowly searching for lights. I hit my baby toe on the sofa and winced with pain. At last I found the switchboard and flicked the lights on.

The house was empty. I went to my bedroom and freshened up. Then I headed to the kitchen, but before I could get a glass of water, the telephone beeped, indicating a voice mail. It must be mom so I rushed towards the sitting room and played it.

"Iz-Izza ?" Her voice was struggling as if she was crying.

"Dear we are all at Bloom Woods hospital. Can you come over ?".

I rushed upstairs to get my Cardigan. I wore my shoes and went outside to hail a cab. During the drive to the hospital I prayed nothing must be wrong with mom or dad. I had something bugging my brain saying, "Bad is going to happen".

It was raining with a little bit of lightning and thunder. There was a huge traffic block. After so many minutes of waiting in the jam I finally reached the hospital. I quickly paid the driver money and got out. I ran because it was raining. Little drops of water were there on my hair and my cardigan.

I went to the reception area and the nurse was typing something on her computer furiously. Before I could ask her, I saw Yousi with a mortified expression walking out of the hospital. I called him, but he didn't even notice me as he just walked away like a robot.

Thats when I saw nurses rushing here and there. Doctors running and screaming "Take her to the ventilator". I stood there motionless. I saw two bodies covered with blood on a stretcher being taken inside. But I didn't even recognise who they were. I was so lost.

"Excuse me ?" I called the nurse and she swiftly turned around.

"Khalid. Do you have any one under this name here ?"

"Oh lemme check" and she continued checking. I was nervous, my face was blank. My sensory cells were not working because I couldn't feel anything. I watched more nurses getting inside that room. I didn't know whether it was my family or not.

"Ma'am, second floor".

I didn't even thank her as I ran to the elevator and pressed the button for the second floor. When I reached there I sighed in relief seeing mom and dad. But mom was crying, she was holding on to dads shoulder and weeping silently. Dad looked so lost, he looked defeated. His fists were clenched as if he was mad at the whole world. Mom turned to look at me but she cried again.

Ahsan was sitting across them with his head in his hands. I sat next to him and slowly took his hands. He looked at me with red eyes, he was crying.

"Whats happening Ahsan ?" I asked though I wasn't ready to hear it at all. He opened his mouth and closed it. But then again he shook his head with tears slipping from his eyes. He didn't had the urge to tell me.

"They said she is dying. She is in her final stage".

He whispered and I looked at him confused. My throat became sour and my tears were starting to build up. But I would never cry in front of my near ones. Only one person had seen me crying. I slowly nodded my head for him to continue. But those tears slipping out from his eyes continued and with a breaking voice he said,

"Yu-yusra has got blood cancer".

I slapped him and screamed.


Greetings ladies,

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