|Broken hearts

It's a good day.

All of us were on the green grass, girls on one side and boys were lying five feet apart from us. We were relaxing after a long time, cause our Exams just finished. We couldn't be more thrilled, these last days we didn't even get to rest like this, we were mostly inside the libraries. Ally was sitting next to me, I think she was dozing off since her eyes were closed and a backstreet boy's song was blaring from her head phones. Marissa and Fathima were discussing questions that came on exam and I seriously hate that. When its over, it should be put away and not discuss about it since past is past.

"Oh please ! I'm always right" Mehara was scowling at me and under her breath muttered,

"Orangutan" I narrowed my eyes, cause I've heard that so I called out loudly.

"Chimpanzee" I smirked at her and then it was on.



"You -" Mehara was cut off by Justin Anderson whistling at us, both of us looked at him with scowl on our face.

"You guys do realise that both of you are calling each other different breeds of monkeys. So why not stick to monkey, instead ?"

We both chuckled at that, Seth and Dan were lying on the grass and talking in hushed whispers. Dan never talks to me now, he's always avoiding me and when we cross path he just gives me a small smile and thats it. I remember the prom day where he said 'I'm sorry', what did he mean by that ?

"Hey guys don't forget about our match !" Seth said sitting up and reminded of our final match coming up within two days.

"Yeah yeah don't forget to put 'Justin is cool' Tshirt" Justin smirked which led Marissa roll her eyes and say,

"Oh why not something like 'Kick Justin out, victory ours', eh ?" Justin's smirk drops and he glared at Marissa huffing annoyingly.

"Izza are you ready for the big match ?" Fathima asks and I smiled at her


"What - what did I miss ?" Ally said rubbing her eyes from the deep slumber she took.

"You are the lucky fan of today ! Backstreet boys would like to have a dinner with you !" Marissa said cheerfully and Ally's eyes widens, maybe the thought of her dream finally coming true. She always dreamt of that handsome guy named Nick carter. Then her eyes were shooting draggers at Marissa when realisation hits.

"Shut up Marissa".

"You fell for it. What ? Had a dream of kissing Nick carter again ?" Marissa said cheekily and Ally blushed hard in embarrassment. She glanced at Dan who was still lying on the grass, his eyes aimed up at the blue sky and she had noticed the small smile playing on his lips.

"Marissa !" Ally screamed standing up then started walking fastly towards Marissa who had already begun to run. Then we all were laughing as we watched Marissa running and shrieking on the way with Ally hot on heels. Ally looked scary.

"Justin is rubbing on her" Mehara said referring to Marissa's annoying behaviour these days.

I smiled then looked at Justin who've got a smirk on his face later earning a punch from Seth. I looked at Daniel who has his eyes closed and taking deep breaths. I hope one day we will be back to friends just like how we were - when we first met and stay like that, as friends. I looked up at the sky, saw the fluffy clouds and tried to imagine them as different things. I wished this day would end happily too.

But that's what Grans said, "When we smile and laugh too much eventually we will have to cry for the coming time".

I hope that Superstitious belief never comes true.


I was walking towards the entrance of the hospital with donuts in my hand. Yussa loves donuts and she can eat as many as she wants without a limit. I was nervous, very nervous as the reminder of my Match day kept nagging my brains. After visiting Yussa I would straight go back home and practice hard during the night. Since I no longer stay with her, for nights she have been missing me badly. When I kiss her goodbye she doesn't smile at me but rather she frowns with a pout on her face. She's being waiting for the day when she'd get discharged and she's so thrilled about finally going back home

She'd get discharged on the same day when my final match happens. So I'm determined in getting a trophy - taking it home as a welcome back gift for my Yussa. And after that day onwards I'm gonna be Yussa's personal body guard, I'll be there whenever she needs me. The surprising thing that happened was - that there were no more nightmares and bullying. It was a magic and I don't know how it happened. But I really wanted to know who my bully was and why they were doing this to me.

I hope there are no more terrifying obstacles in my life again. If there were, I don't know if I have it in me -because there is no more strength left and I'll collapse then slowly fade away.

"Just go away !"

I whipped my head towards the direction from where I heard the familiar sound and found my face clouding with shock expression. She was trembling, her hands clasped as she looked at him with a tear stained face. He stood there lifeless - clenching his fist and sucked in breath then nodding his head walked away.

My feets automatically dragged towards her as she collapsed on to the green grass and looked at the speeding vehicle. When I reached her I took her in my arms and hugged her hard. She cried and cried on to my t-shirt making it damp from wetness.

"Tell me. Let it out"

"There is no use, you can't do anything !"

"Thats true. When you get your heart broken, other people can help you pick the pieces up but only 'you' can glue the pieces back together. Only you. So let me help you pick the pieces up" She sighed, taking a deep breath - her mouth parted then spoke

"Remember the flirty boy I mentioned once when we were playing truth or dare ?" I nodded my head as I recalled the memory.

"Thats him. Ahlan Harris" I took a sharp intake of a breath and she chuckled.

"Funny that was the same expression I had on my face when I saw him after so long" She looked at the kids that were playing around and slowly got up. She motioned me to follow her and I did then we both sat on a stone bench.

"During my high school days I had seen him with so many girls. Flirting with them occasionally and he had even got the guts to flirt with me but I would always ignore him. He was the charming guy that every girl wanted. He would always talk and cheer up anyone he meets in the hallways. He can talk and talk for so long that his throat wouldn't even think of damaging. He annoys the crap out of me. I was so glad when he graduated and got one whole year free of him since he was my senior. I had hated him so much because of that prom incident and have made up my mind that I would never ever cross paths with him in future".

Speaking about Ahlan's character reminded me of Justin. A guy who wants to make you smile and annoy just so you forget about your worries. But seeing Ahlan now, its hard to imagine that he was a guy like that. She rubbed her hands together and blows air to it. She pulled the coat tightly because of the cold that was coming back in Bloom woods.

"After my graduation and finally getting accepted in my dream university I couldn't be happier anymore. But thats what fate does to you - playing tricks with you. I -"

She stopped - her eyes lost as she gazed at the view before her. A mother embracing her kid. Hilma's eyes moistened and one drop of tear fell from her eyes.

"I - I lost my mother. I lost my mother." She couldn't take it anymore as she cried. Thinking about her mother - she sobbed and hiccups. She was still crying as she speaks.

"And he was there. He was there for me. In my university, he was my senior in another department. He knew it was me from the minute he saw me entering the gates on my first day. As usual I ignored him but he kept coming behind me. I was still mourning over my mother and he kept annoying me and I hated him - I wanted to strangle him to death. Every girl in the college hated me because apparently they think I'm sort of a 'stealer' and they where beyond mad that Ahlan had only eyes for me. But I would roll my eyes at that and say "if you really want him, then come on - be my guest. I don't give a damn".

He knew I hadn't got any friends because he always saw me sitting all alone in the cafeteria, in the library, in the lab and everywhere I went. He tried and tried then finally I couldn't take it anymore and yelled at him. He knew I never let my anger out. He saw me getting agitated and furious. He watched me shout and curse him. He was shocked but he knew that I needed this and I was letting my frustrations out. Days after that when my anger calmed down and making me feel sad over the fact that my only sibling was leaving to over seas made my heart broken. Dad was there, but he was just there and was far away from me. Without mom he had lost his way. Mom is the reason why both me and Hadi wanted to become doctors. She said 'Save people. Give them breath to live at least for one day'. Gosh ! I miss my mom so much". Her tears falls from her eyes and she wipes them with the back of her palms.

"And damn that stupid jerk of a guy knew something was wrong. When everybody had difficulty in knowing what I was going through - he knew and he was the only one who could read me like an open book. He started becoming my friend, he helped me in completing my assignments when I didn't have time because back in home I was never able to pull myself over the fact that mom had left me.

He helped me even when he was studying for business administration. He walked with me back home even when he had a lavish car and even when I kept silent through out the walk. He was never a reader and I thought I was able to get rid of him atleast in the library. But hell break loose when he started entering the library even. He started pulling out all commerce related books and sat across me reading them. Everyone had shock expression written over their face but I just rolled my eyes at him. Then from the next day onwards every girl and even boys started throwing questions at me like 'hey are you both dating ?'

I ignored them all but some girls couldn't take my attitude and they just explode. One day when I was going to my class, she grabbed my arms roughly and dragged me away from the building. She pushed me into a middle of a circle of other girls and started questioning me, threatening me and worse even harassing me. Just for a stupid guy. When I felt my cheeks hurt only did I realise that they have thrown something at me. But the next time they threw - it didn't hit, but it hit him. He was mad and furious and they ran away with his glare towards them. He helped me get aid on my cheek. I asked him 'why ?, why are you doing this ?' and as always he kept quiet and walked behind me silenlty. But that day something in me break and I was thanking him for saving me and he was grinning at me foolishly like he had just won a lottery" She sighed and smiled at the memory.

"Then the days were less miserable. He would take me to his friends and I was happy there. He also had some girls in the first year of undergraduates and I befriend them. Because of him I found friends. Once again when the girls came - I understood they weren't just mad at me for Ahlan but rather they wanted to bully me. But I fought them and they never came back. Because of him I was a strong girl. He started becoming a witty person, I don't know when it started because suddenly a day he came up to me and started telling me puns and lame jokes.

First and all I was bored and annoyed at his struggle to become a humourous person. But then one day I laughed at his joke and he smiled like he've seen a shooting star. That's what he wanted - to see me smile. That day when he smiled I knew why I was seeing him in my dreams, why the mere mention of his name led me to frantic beating of my heart. I knew I was falling for him. I'm a very bold girl - you know ? If I like someone I would tell it to him or her because we don't know when it will be the last time we see him or her.

I've learned the lesson after my mom's death. I had a fight with her and when she said 'I love you' through the phone, I didn't reply back and the next minute when a ring came from my phone - it wasn't my mom on her phone but instead another person telling me she got a hit by car. So I wanted Ahlan to know that I liked him. But day by day I would lost him in the sea of people. Beacause whenever I had the chance of getting him all alone he would be swept away from me.

One day at the library he told me about his mom and I told him about mine. He smiled sadly at me and said 'guess thats what is common about us'. The day after that I finally had the guts and was waiting for him at college. But I failed to notice that there was no cheerful smile on his face that day, there was no slapping his friends on the back, there was no flirting and I failed to notice that his eyes were lost, he was emotionless. I didn't care about it and straight went and told him that I like him, I had thought if I confessed he would be happy and all his worries would go away"

She stopped all too suddenly and took deep breaths. She was going back to her past. It was clenching her heart and it was hurting her very badly.

"Looking at my feet I said to him 'Ahlan. I love you. And I really really like you'. When I looked up, he was frozen on his spot, his eyes never leaving mine and then they hardened at my sight as if I was the worst creature he had ever seen. He had laughed then, like I had made a bad joke. Anger creeped up my neck at his behaviour. I asked 'What the hell was that suppose to mean ?!'. And just like the day of prom he shouted on top of his lungs "Guys ! come over here, I have something interesting to share".

All the students turned around and started coming towards us, circling us. I looked at him confused and his next words stunned me and slapped across my face. He looked at me with a smug smile on his face and said 'Hilma over here says she's in deeply in love with me and I know I have certain charm but I didn't know it would end up like this'. He turned to me and tsked. The crowd started bustling with noise and just like the prom day once more Ahlan Harris embarrassed me infront of a huge audience. 'Well Hilma what to say ? I'm so sorry but I'm not available for someone like you' he said and laughed bitterly.

I should have known he was still the jerk, I should have known he was bound to break my heart. I saw him laughing at me and all those girls who had bullied me also joined him and then I realised it was all an act. How can someone belittle someone's feelings ? Clenching my fist and calming my nerves I glared at him and with one last look I walked away from him and never saw him again. From that day onwards I hated him and avoided him the most. And now he's back".

I let her cry on my shoulders. When did this start to happen ? Why was I the one to hear every broken heart's stories ? Is this some sort of warning for me ? Yussa, Mehara and now Hilma. I started taking deep breaths, I cannot longer hear tragical events again. Love was cruel, it was playing with our poor heart. That time I took an oath that I'll never ever say how much I like Zee to him because I don't want to get my heart broken. I'm gonna try all my best to let this crush towards him fade away. I'm gonna stop loving him.

"I - I wasn't that much of a practicing Muslimah during those days. After that incident, I turned to almighty and entered many Islamic classes and after that no longer had I cried until now" she said and we fell into complete silence.

"Whatever this is. But one thing I know is that he've changed. From the way you spoke about his past I know he has changed. He no longer look at girls or even flirt with them. He lowers his gaze.When we accidently bumped into each other he kept saying 'Asthagfirullah' (forgive me Allah). He's a better guy now, so forgive him before its too late" I said to her

"You don't understand -"

I cut her off abruptly and said,

"Yes ! yes I don't understand. But do you know who is the strongest person ? A person who forgives and accepts an apology they haven't received. But Ahlan ? he came to you and apologised. I think there is more to his story, firstly hear him out will you ? Everybody deserves a second chance. If he's still the same you could always let him go. So firstly forgive yourself and don't repeat the same mistake you've done with your mom"

She kept her mouth shut and those eyes dimmed the light out of it. Then something clicked in my brains and I asked her,

"Hey when you said to Ahlan that your mom was dead. He said something like 'guess thats what is common about us'. What did you mean by that ?" She sighed and said,

"Yeah we both didn't have a mother". Confused I spoke to her

"Ahlan has a mother. Ayesha is his mother" She shook her head and said,

"She wasn't there when he needed her the most"I furrowed my eyebrows at her answer and she saw my expression.

"It's not my place to tell"

And just like that she left me with so many unanswered questions.


When I reached Room 102 Yahya walked out of the room and I thanked Allah that I didn't get hit by him on the shoulder. When I looked up, I nearly stumbled because he was smiling at me. The same guy who has being constantly shooting daggers at me and Yussa, was smiling at me ! He nods his head and walks away.

I opened the room to find Yussa staring out of the window from her bed. There was a sad smile on her face. When I closed the door she turns her head towards me, her smile never leaving and said,

"He got into his dream university and he's leaving Bloom woods"

The tears were ready to spill, I knew - so I kept the packet of donuts on the nearby table and rushed towards her. I wrapped my arms around her and rubbed her back in a soothing way. I felt her tears falling on my nearly wet shirt.

"I'm happy for him" she said and I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"I succeed in getting rid of his love for me. He said we'll always be best friends. He no longer loves me Izza".

The wind howled, the cold breeze hit our faces as if they were also mad at the fate playing with Yussa's life. She is crying and wiping her tears. Her favourite donuts long forgotten as she cried over her first love. Now there was no more Yussa and Yahya. Wouldn't her heart break if she see's him with another girl in the future ? Wouldn't her her heart break if she wont be able to see him everyday ? Wouldn't she miss him ? But this is what she wanted, she had let him go - she had sacrificed so that Yahya gets what he wanted. Yussa sobbed with the intensity that can only be brought on by a broken heart.

"I still love him Izza "

Its happening. Grans belief 'when you laugh too much eventually you'll have to cry over by the coming time".

"I'm happy for him" She was saying or at least assuring herself that she was indeed happy for him.

But grans belief wasn't happening to me, but rather to those whom I love.


Greetings ladies.

How many of you are Yussa's fans ?. Tell me why you like her so much.

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